Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3553: Exhale into a sword

It can be said that Hong Tianbu is still very, very able to see the cold, the first time I thought of Ling Han, although there is no evidence.

Hong Tianbu's brows are slightly wrinkled, even if he blends the eyes of a savage beast, but God is calm, and there is no movement.

He is so enchanting, he hasn’t alarmed the world, but Ling Han has done it.

What did the kid do earth-shattering?

Hong Tianbu is full of curiosity, but it is even more taboo. The more chilly the enchanting, the more difficult he wants to kill each other.


Not only Hong Tianbu, but Jin Yulu, who came out of the cage, certainly knew more. They were shocked. Even in the world where the martial arts flourished, there was very little such anger.

As far as Jin Yulu is concerned, there is a big family that has created a horrible instrument that can devour the blood of the people of all generations. When they carry out the massacre with such a device, the earthquake is angered, and a thunder directly smashes it. The pieces of the instrument also smashed the power of the manipulator.

Since then, this big family has become an ordinary ethnic group, and now there is no audio at all.

Here, how can such an evil instrument be born?

In the end what happened?


After the start of the seven changes, Ling Han was multi-purpose, and at the same time inscribed on multiple organs.

His speed is fast, because the first million lines are just copying, and he doesn't need a little brain, even if he is multi-purpose, it's amazing.

300,000, 500,000, 800,000... a million!

Hey, how can you not add any grain?

When Ling Han was shocked, he discovered that the process of the seven lines was over.

Is time getting shorter?

No, Ling Han shook his head, the process of seven changes is still as long as before, but because he wants to mark the lines on multiple organs at the same time, it will naturally affect the speed. Therefore, he only has a mark of about one million, seven changes. It is over.

However, one million roads... are strong enough.

You know, Ling Han is not just laying a million lines on the stomach, but all the remaining organs. If you count, his seven lines are terrifying.

In any case, the seven changes are over, and he has achieved the results he wants, all the organs are inscriptions.

The benefits are too great.

Ling Han spit out, actually turned into a golden sword, shot on the ground, there was a deep hole.

All organs are strengthened, allowing him to exhale into a sword.

This is the ability to break through the seven lines.

Ling Han smiled, suffocating and smashing are extremely powerful auxiliary skills, and now I have an attack, it will not be simple.

Unfortunately, breaking through the seven bones did not get new capabilities.

Is it because there were two when the seven changes, and advance in advance?

Ling Han was thinking about it in a mess, and went out with the baby.

"Auntie, do you really have to break through the seven lines?" Erwa exclaimed, she opened her shackles and saw that there were "one" inscriptions on the organs of Ling Han.

Ling Han nodded, kicked his kick and kicked his fist, and was adapting to his new strength.

Seven-grain is equivalent to stepping into the open, and he is a four-star genius, reversible in a big realm invincible, now he can completely suppress the ninety-nine of the quest for the secret, that is, a star genius is also fearless, whoever has to fight before the deer know.

"Auntie is really amazing!" Big baby is sincere.

"It’s not aunt." Sanwa is proud and authentic.

The color pigs are very shocked. Looking at Ling Han with strange eyes, is there really a monster that can make seven stripes in the world?

After Ling Han was fully familiar with the current strength, he showed a smile and should take revenge.

He turned around in the flower field and looked for people everywhere.

What makes him depressed is that when he doesn't want to meet people before, he always meets one from time to time, but now when he takes the initiative to look for it, one can't meet it.

Forget it.

He rested at night, and the next morning, he took out the ice stone, and this treasure will definitely attract people nearby.

He held the jewels and cultivated them, and the repairs were suddenly promoted. After entering the seven changes, he had a lot of room for improvement.

Suddenly, Ling Han’s heart moved, and the gods recognized it. He “looks” that someone is hiding.

Ling Han is not moving, now every second of the cultivation time is precious, he does not want to waste.

Hey, the man is already covering, slamming his hand, and there is a cold flash in his hand. It is a knife and smashes toward Ling Han.

The blade is almost coming, but the cold is unresponsive, and there seems to be no sense of consciousness.

The man could not help but reveal the color of surprise, as if the treasures such as Wanxingshi and Bingyuanshi were beckoning to him.


The knife was already found, but the man was surprised to find that Ling Han was not split into two.

what happened?

He took a closer look and couldn't help but feel guilty, because the blade smashed on the body of a small fat pig. The skin was pink and tender, and it seemed to be broken when it was pinched. It could be smashed by the blade but it was only a trace of silk. It was completely broken. The meaning of opening.

Rely, what is this pig?

Pigs are also very angry, why do people always cut it?

You are all awkward, even people and pig uncles can not tell?

After the man slammed, he quickly pulled back the knife, and then swayed again, slamming, he knew it was wrong, because the touch did not seem to open the human body.

At first glance, it was still the color pig that blocked the knife.

The color pig is a bitter and hateful look at the person, what is your point of view, but also cut the pig uncle?

It hurts!

"Ah!" The man screamed and screamed.

Hey, but his knife is just squatting on the color pig. This pig is very magical and can absorb all the attacks. It does not affect the cultivation of Ling Han at all. In fact, Ling Han is both attentive and cultivated. One hand is holding the pig to move back and forth, blocking the attack.

The man had dozens of knives, but he was blocked by the color pig, which made him depressed and shocked.

What happened to this pig?

But he is also very excited. If he can take this pig, isn't there a super shield?

"Give me!" He reached out and stopped taking the knife.

Ling Han punched, oh, one hit and blasted, the man was suddenly shaken off, but the whole person of Ling Han also slipped on the ground. When it comes to strength, he is still inferior to looking for a secret.

The man screamed, and even shot, both want to kill the cold, but also want to win the color pig, but no one can do it.

He refused to give up his heart. Ling Han had too many treasures hidden in his body. It was rare to see Ling Han not running. How could he give up?

In this way, time passed quickly.

"Is it enough?" Ling Han suddenly spoke.

The man glimpsed, before Ling Han seems to have been hit hard, has been blocked by the little fat pig, and occasionally will fight back, but never opened his mouth, now suddenly talking, really makes him feel shocked.

"Hand over the treasure!" the man shouted.

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