The rest of the four are desperate, and even the man who screams is no exception.

Don't fight at this time, only wait for death.

Ling Han is indifferent, and the shackles are open. Everyone's attack is revealed in front of him. When he is shocked, he immediately falls into a state of stagnation, and then sweeps with a golden sword.

Too easy, the three abilities were turned around, and the remaining four were almost wiped out in an instant.

If such a record is passed out, no one believes, it is too horrible. He is still only inscribed in the world, but he can kill the secret, and it is not one, but five!

Ling Han searched the five people, but did not find anything of value.

Oh, so poor, not even a piece of foundation stone.

Ling Han shook his head, he continued to search, before so many people chased his **** to kill, now the strength is enough, of course, to take this breath back.

But this flower field is a psychedelic array. Every moment there is a change. If you don’t break the mystery, you can’t go out. So, if you can meet people, it’s all about luck.

Unfortunately, Ling Han’s luck suddenly became bad.

The next day, even if Ling Han continued to use the ice stone practice, he still did not call anyone.

On the third day, Huatian suddenly made a huge change. Ling Han just walked for a while, and suddenly suddenly became clear.

There is a mountain road ahead.

Hey, come out?

When Ling Han stunned, he suddenly realized that the world’s general trend had obviously dropped to zero, or to a slight extent, so that he could smoothly come out smoothly.

Not only him, but also other people. Someone in front of Ling Han, behind him, is also coming out.

"Ling Han!" Someone suddenly screamed, and suddenly everyone looked at it.

Ling Han’s sweeping sights made him unfortunate that Hong Tianbu was not there.

However, he still saw a more familiar person Ma Qiuling.

"Hand over the treasure!" Someone immediately killed.


"Take me off!"

More people have been killed, and each one is rushing to the front. In their view, the cold of the Ming dynasty is naturally no threat. As long as he does not hide in the void, it is not enough to fear.

Ling Han figured out and launched a counterattack.

He stared at one person, and then directly hit the past, the impact of the suffocating, the person suddenly stagnation, with the repair of the seven stripes of Ling Han at this time, the suffocating impact can have terrible effects on the search for the secret.

Among the people, Ling Han was killed, and a punch hit the past. Hey, this person was suddenly bombarded.


Others are braking, relying on, this is too horrible, and the secret search is actually a punch and a second?

Are you a strong man?

No, this is just an inscription.

Ling Han took back his fists and his eyes were stunned. He swept through the faces of everyone: "I have no love for you, but you have to kill me, do you think I am bullied?"

Everyone is speechless. In their opinion, Ling Han is really good at bullying, but it is the Ming dynasty. But who can think of salted fish can also turn over, and the strength of Ling Han will rise to such a terrible situation?

I knew that if I had said this, I should not have such greed.

Ling Han stared at Ma Qiuling. The woman’s forehead was swollen and she could see that there was a word printed on it. It could be written with mysterious tombstone fragments. It’s that the enchanting torrent of Hong Tianbu also takes a few months to eliminate. Drop it.

Ma Qiuling was seen by him as a trembling heart. Of course, she already knew that the person who knocked on her sap was Ling Han. She once hated her teeth. I don’t know how many times I saw my dreams. How do I get it? Torture him.

But now it’s really right, but she has only endless chills.

It’s terrible, it’s a punch that can kill the secret, just like a monster.

Ling Han regained his gaze, and Ma Qiu Ling’s goods were not in his eyes. He faintly said: "Your Majesty!"

What, what?

Everyone is a glimpse, do you want them to kneel down?

"Ling Han, don't be too much!" one person shouted. "The monuments are treasured. They are full of danger. If you are afraid, you don't have to come out!"

Ling Han nodded: "Yes, the monuments are treasures, speaking by strength, so you chase me, I have not said anything, because this is no use of fart! However, I am stronger now, that is, let you kneel down Are you not satisfied with the service?"

"I don't accept it!" someone called. "Don't be afraid, he has only one person. Can we be the enemy of our joint efforts?"


When his words were just finished, the whole person was shocked and flew out, hit the mountain wall heavily, and then slipped down, and the bones of the whole body broke at least one-third.

Ling Han appeared in the original place of the man. Just now he used the world and aimed at the man. The collision under high speed was natural and terrifying, but he built seven bones, and the internal organs were all inscribed with strong defense. This collision, the man’s bones are all broken, but he is nothing.

Ling Han had a bit of bones and muscles. Under the direct impact, he also suffered the same impact, but for him, it only made him slightly dizzy.

The foundation is stable and it is so abnormal.

Everyone is stunned. How can an inscription-like environment be strong enough to collide with the secret world, and the result is that the secret environment is half-dead.

What is the law of martial arts?

"Your Majesty!" Ling Han said faintly, this time he blended a sigh of relief, full of powerful deterrent.

Someone quietly stepped back, then turned and ran. As a result, he also stepped on the footsteps of the previous person. He was hit by Ling Han, and his bones were broken in half, which was terrible.

Ling Han stopped talking, just looked at the people in a cold, no next time, he would kill.

Hey, someone is stunned. Although the shame is incomparable, how about being humiliated in order to save lives?

Ling Han is now just an inscription, and they just need to jump over the fairy door, and it is a trivial matter to suppress the cold.

So, let's take a moment to endure.

Some people have set a precedent, naturally let the morale of everyone vent, and more and more people have gone down, whether it is human, demon or sea.

In the end, everyone is kneeling, as if worshipping a king.

There is absolutely no one in this scene to say that a group of secret-seeking secrets have been suppressed by a small Ming dynasty, and it is incredible to worship.

Ling Han shot and hit a person.

"You" that person is busy with the file, "Ling Han, you are not trustworthy!"

Others have also stood up, you ask, we are all embarrassed, what do you want?

"I just let you kneel down, and if you don't say it, you will spare you from death." Ling Han said, "You really should look at your own ugly state, in order to survive, and die, Oh!"

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