"Ling Han, you don't want to face!" Everyone shouted and angered.

A little indigenous, actually dare to play with them?

Ling Han smiled lightly and said: "You are desperate to face your face?"

Everyone is blushing, and nothing can change the fact that they are kneeling for survival. The result is that Ling Han is playing with them and making them angry.

"You are right, the monuments are treasures, each look at the fascination... Everything is destiny!" Ling Han showed his smothering intentions and was continually chased. Did he think he had no temper?

"Everyone is together!" someone called. "He is only a strong person. It can't be our enemy!"

"Yes, fight with him!"

Related to his own life, this is naturally a slap in the face, everyone has been yelling, this escape can not escape, can only desperately.

Ling Han does not matter, leaving his hands behind him, as long as no one escapes, he is not in a hurry to start.

"Kill him, there is still a huge gain." Ma Qiuling said, she was full of hate for Ling Han, after being photographed by the other party, she not only broke the phase, but also made a ugly.

Hey, she just finished, a gust of wind blew, poured into her throat, and suddenly let her cough.

The bad luck is entangled, it is really cold water and stuffy.

"Kill!" There are more than a dozen people who immediately joined forces to attack, and they are holding the implements in their hands. Although they are all looking for a secret level, they are just enough to let them exert their full power and make them even more powerful.

Ling Han smiled slightly, and the suffocating movement, the dozens of people were shocked, and there was cold sweat rolling down. It was as if they were standing in front of them, not the juniors in the Ming Dynasty, but the true monarchs who were high above, and even taught the main level. can.

Brush, just then, a golden sword flew out, hey, is already wearing a person's brain.

Unfortunately, Jin Jian could not turn, he could only continue to shoot in a straight line, and then hit the rock.

But Ling Han is rushing out, and his fists are waving. Hey, he seems to have become a **** of war, and a punch hits out. Everyone is not being beaten.

The rest of the people woke up like a dream and quickly launched a counterattack.

But it didn't work. Under the cold martial arts, he was as flat as he could, and he would be able to make a contribution.

For two or three hours, seven people have been killed by Ling Han, or they have been beaten by fists or destroyed by Jin Jian.

Others are timid, and they can still have the courage to fight hard. They can find that when they are desperately ineffective, they are naturally timid, leaving only one thought, that is to escape.

If so many people run together, you should have a chance to get out.


Everyone turned around, or went to the mountains, or returned by the same way, no one dared to smash the edge of the cold.

Ling Han snorted and launched an absolute fairness. Suddenly, everyone within ten feet was affected and the realm was cut to the inscription.

This has escaped?

Ling Han catches up, he starts from the rear, killing all the way.

After being cut into the inscription, which one is the enemy of Linghan?

Punch out, don't even have to make a punch, just brush the wind to ensure that the other side is standing.

Ling Han is like a big devil, killing all the way, leaving a body.

After killing a thousand feet, there are only three people left.

啪, 啪, 啪, the three people are not soft legs, even the strength of the legs are gone, do not fall down, all over the body.

Ling Han stepped slowly, his eyes swept, and said: "The monuments are the treasures, the competition is inevitable, but you want to win the treasure, but you have to put me to death, for those who want to harm me, I am from Not soft."

"Ah," a man rushed out, actually flew out of the light from the top of his head and slammed into the cold of the cold.

It seems that there is no warning at all, and Ling Han actually did not dodge.

"It is!" Ma Qiu Ling and the rest of the people could not help but surprise, I did not expect that they could kill this big demon.

No one thought that the man was a master of the power. He had never been angry before. Now that the attack is difficult, the attack suddenly comes out of his head. Who will be wary of it?

"Ha ha!" The man who shot the man also laughed. He has been forbearing and finally waited for the opportunity.

However, the three of them immediately despaired.

Because the sword seems to be inserted in the cold forehead, but there is not a drop of blood flowing out, and then look carefully, it is simply suspended in the cold forehead, the distance is still a trace.


Ling Han smiled slightly: "Is you a master?"

The three people have nothing to say, although the existence of the cage is spiritual, but it is able to communicate high-level energy, can directly serve things, and one of the hundred people is also difficult.

This is the ability that everyone can have after reaching the path of Xian.

Therefore, before that person can actually swear by the sword, naturally it is a surprise, this is a killer, but who can think of it, Ling Han is also a master of the power, directly with the power to hold the flying sword.

Of course, this is because Feijian is ordinary, not a jade-like jade. Otherwise, there is no way to stop the heavy weight of Ling Han’s current strength.

When Ling Han’s thoughts moved, I saw that the little sword slowly adjusted a head, and the tip of the sword pointed to the man who had shot before.

Hey, the little sword flew out and went to the man.

The man wanted to block the hand, but he made a move, but it made a scream. The original shoulder bone was already shaken by Ling Han and could not be lifted.

You want to kill me with the power of the sword, I will solve it with my mind, and now I am attacking you with the power of mind, you must also resolve with the same mind.

The man bit his teeth, and quickly organized the mind to intercept, turned into a network of roads, and stopped the sword.

But he immediately discolored his face. The speed of the flying sword was too fast. He was so fast that he could only organize four nets.

Hey, the flying sword is like a broken bamboo. He instantly smashes the four dynasty nets he laid down, and then plunges into his heavenly cover.

This sword is extremely sharp, even if the bones that the person has tempered five times can not stop its edge.

The man’s expression was eccentric, and he seemed to be amazed and relieved. He slammed and he fell.

The rest of the two trembled, and even the masters of the minds couldn’t help but chill a hair. What other tricks do they have?

Ling Han waved a punch, hehe, one person suddenly turned into a blood fog.

Only Ma Qiu Ling is left.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" she said incoherently. "I can give you everything! I can be your slave, I will do what you say!"

"Disgusting!" Ling Han waved another punch, hehe, Ma Qiuling was also bombarded.

He calmed his mood and looked to the front.

The real big fish did not see one, such as Hong Tianbu, such as Jin Yulu, as well as cages, several strong people of the sea, are the few people in the last section of the snake cave, the strongest.

It should be all in front, or else it should be out of the flower field after so long.

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