Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3572: Emperor siege

Ling Han is right.

The Seven Emperors were taken down and tied to the door of the Foreign Affairs Office for publicity. It was a big hate for all the emperors.

Together, they are a whole, and they are all called "princes."

Ling Han dare to move the seven emperors, which means that they dare to move any of them, how can the princes who have been high above be able to be excited?

Contrary, the district minister, thought that with the favor of the father, you can ride on their heads?

Their father is a genius, and it is the strongest existence on this star. Even the four great kings join hands with the emperor, but why can't Chen Fengyan be so strong?

No matter how fierce the insiders of the princes are, they are consistent in the face of "foreign enemies."

Therefore, after learning the news of Ling Han back to the emperor, just the morning of the next day, the emperors came hand-in-hand.


The gates of the Foreign Affairs Office were smashed, and the princes did not hesitate to sneak into it.

Ling Han had just finished the cultivation and, after being notified, immediately came to the lobby.

At this time, Fox II, Xuanyuan Dingguo and others have already confronted the emperors, and the two sides are arrogant, and there may be a chaos at any time.

Ling Han strode over and frowned. "Where are you here, the vegetable market?"

"Ling Han!" Three emperors opened, he stared coldly at Ling Han, before Ling Han refused him to insert a man, so that he has been dissatisfied with Ling Han, and the eyes of the infra-red government's oil and water, time for a long time, finally in It broke out in this incident.

"Do you know sin?"

Ling Hanhe smiled: "What crime do I have?"

"How noble is the prince, you dare to imprison the emperor, humiliate in public!" The three emperors snorted. "Do you still have a royal family in your eyes, and a father?"

"With the favor of the father, you dare to come. Do you really think that this world is surnamed Ling?" The four emperors also said, "The heavenly family is high, can you break it?"

"Not yet!" Nine emperors shouted.

Ling Han shook his head: "You have not seen the law of the Empire saying that the emperor violated the law and was guilty of the sins of the people? Just now, you all came here, and saved me a sneak peek, and you will take all of them and impose punishment. ”

When the words came out, the princes were almost blasting.

Are they punished by themselves?

"Ling Han, you are really arrogant!" The second emperor opened, the big prince did not, he naturally did not let, as the representative and leader of the emperors, he pressed his hand and told the emperors not to talk.

"The Lonely King wants you to quit your job as a foreign government official immediately, and find another sage to replace it! Otherwise, we will help you make this decision!"

Ling Han laughed: "Why, do you want to take me down and force me to press the handprint?"

"Ling Han, this time you are too much, dare to humiliate the emperor, this has offended the power of the heavenly family, it is not too much to break your body." The second emperor faintly said, "Reading in the father to you We value it, we decided to give you a chance, don't make mistakes."

Ling Han twisted his neck, moved his hands and feet, and made a sound of Kakaka: "There is less nonsense, come on, let me this uncle teach you guys today."

By the way, this guy is crazy.

The emperors are all angry and puzzled. Is this kid dare to openly take advantage of them?


"Looking for death!" The nine princes were the most tempered, the first one rushed out.

The environment changes in the heavens and the earth, and the royal family occupies an amazing number of medicine fields, which is naturally the most beneficial.

I want to know that Chen Fengyan is the prince of that dynasty. How could he not know about Tianhaixing? Therefore, he built it here, and it is not caused by it.

Fairy medicine is rare at present, but the ordinary treasure medicine is a small meaning in the royal family. Therefore, the top ranked emperors are all marching into the search for secrets, only the last Yuexianmen.

Of course, the Nine Emperors are also looking for secrets. He punches and punches, his strength is incomparable, and the strength of the wind will shake the tiles.

Ling Han is quietly strolling. Although the Nine Emperors are very strong, they are not qualified to be called a star genius. He does not have to worry about it.

He arbitrarily meets and looks very relaxed.

This made the princes all shocked. Although they have already heard the seven princes say that the enchanting enchanting, but after all, it is too dreamy, they are more inclined to be the Princess of the Beatitudes, after all, people are the strongest.

I can see for myself that they know that someone can be tyrannical to such a point.

"Old eight, old ten, you go to help." Second Emperor said quietly.

"it is good!"

Two other emperors joined the battle group and besieged Ling Han.

But the three people in the district want to make up for the difference in their combat power with Ling Han? I want to be beautiful.

Seeing three hits but not taking advantage of it, but also falling to the bottom, the faces of the emperors are not even more ugly.

"The third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the old seven, you are also together." The second emperor suddenly hit the strongest card in his hand.

The five emperors moved together and killed toward Ling Han.

Because the seven princes are good at reading power, he did not kill the near, but he used his power to incite the flying sword and pumped the cold to Ling Han.

Not to mention, this is even greater than the threat of the addition of the other seven emperors.

Ling Han decided to take the Seven Emperors first, otherwise it would always be a cold arrow, which is too bad.

He directly killed the past, one mouth, and spit out a golden sword.

So you will fly the sword?

Once he is serious, his fighting power is naturally upgraded in tons. It is not that these eight emperors can match.

Fox II, Xuanyuan Dingguo, they are not ignorant of the chilly enchanting, but this is too bullish, and an inscription has suppressed eight quests, and is Chen Fengyan's son?

The tiger father has no dogs, and the top ranked princes can all have the name of Yingwu.

The second emperor bite his teeth and had to join the battle group.

However, his participation does not help.

Ling Han hit nine, still steadily prevailed. In fact, he has not used the big move, otherwise he will not kill the princes - in fact, it is not much better.

More princes joined the battle group, but the space is so big, the ten or so sieges have been maximized, and only the top ranked princes, other things, most of them are open, even A cold style of Ling Han can't be picked up.

Ling Han was a little impatient, and the net was closed.

"Stop!" A cold voice came, full of oppression.

Hey, everyone is only feeling blank in their minds, but for a long time they can’t get back.

There is a super strongman.

Hey, a figure fell, and there was a blue star behind him.

Big prince!

The congenital body is really strong.

No, Ling Han immediately shook his head, which is not just the reason for the congenital body.


The princes of Ling Han’s boxing and shocking squatting smiled at the great emperor and said: “The original Highness has already entered the path of Xian. I am grateful.”

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