If you have not entered the path of Immortal, even if the Great Emperor is a congenital body, there is no such pressure.

The great prince snorted: "Ling Han, you are really daring, so many princes ask you to quit, do you still have to resist? Do you not know that this throne will one day fall on the head of some of us?" On the top, you don’t listen to the order, is it the way of the minister?”

Ling Hanhe smiled: "I am enshrined in the order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. All the incidents related to the Zongmen must pass through my hand. Several emperors frequently go to those sects to fight the autumn wind and corrupt the reputation of the empire. Can I turn a blind eye?"

"That is not the reason for your deduction of the emperor!" The great emperor sighed.

Ling Han smiled slightly: "Of course, the law is not strict, how to rule the world? Then again, I still sit down in the throne, and I have not passed it to your Royal Highness, so if you want to drink five things for me, you will wait a few more years. ""

By the way, this guy is so arrogant?

The princes are all bombarded. You are just a courtier. How do you seem to be too imperial?

In a sense, Ling Han is really too emperor, after all, it is even higher than Chen Fengyan.

The great prince has no patience: "Ling Han, the lonely king is very optimistic about you, but you are too disappointed with the lonely king!" He reached out and grabbed the cold.

No matter how enchanting the cold, it is **** in front of the Xiantu strong.


A silver flashed over, and a certain figure flew in amazement, blocking the blow for Ling Han.

"Bixi?" The emperors are exclaimed. For the cold, this shot is a princess, and the moving body is hidden in the silver armor, which makes her add a hero. gas.

Rao is the prince who has seen the world, and seeing this beautiful girl is also a heart slamming.

Princess Tourmaline took back her hand and said faintly: "Your Highness, you openly go to the Foreign Affairs Office. Is this going to make the opposite?"

This... all the emperors are speechless. They just come for their own rights. How can they become rebellious?

"This foreign affairs government was established by handcuffs. Everyone hit the door, first publicly swearing, and now wants to encircle the lord. Bixi can only think that the princes are deliberately fighting against each other." Princess Bixi said faintly. .

"Bixi, are you sheltering this person?" said the Seven Emperors, his face was gloomy.

Don't say him, the expressions of the emperors are not good.

The tourmaline princess was sent and kissed by the demon family, and the object should be one of them, and now it is unclear with a rebellious minister, making them feel green on the head.

This cannot be tolerated.

"Bixi, do you have to be alone?" The great emperor said.

"It’s not that Bixi is going to be alone, but is it necessary for all of you to be so aggressive?" Princess Bixi asked.

The great emperor put away the last bit of pity and jealousy. The beauty is good, but it must stand by the privilege of the group of the emperor. Otherwise, what is the difference between them and the people?

"Then it’s a polite king!" he said coldly, and there was a blue star behind him, which was very beautiful.

He launched the power of the gods, and the combat power will be greatly improved.

"Go!" The Great Emperor was facing the Princess of the Pelican. Suddenly, there was a blue star shining towards the Princess Bisca.

Princess Bixi took a shot and smashed it. Oh, this starlight was annihilated, but the terrible waves hit the whole hall, but the whole hall collapsed instantly.

The crowd quickly fled, and a dust rose from the sky, and the scene was chaotic.

Ling Han snorted: "Bixi, you take this big, the other hand to me!"

He was on fire, and he had not been looking for trouble with these emperors. They had to take down his foreign affairs house first. This could not be tolerated.

"Okay!" said the Princess of the Beatitudes. There is a armor in the body, and it is how the great emperor is a congenital body. She is not afraid. Besides, she is also based on the top stone, on the power of Shentong, she should be stronger than the big prince.

The great prince was surprised that the attack he launched with the power of the gods was so easily resolved by the Princess of the Beatitudes?

Congenital body, even if it is a nine-level class, it is also a god, high in the top, even when the birth of the heaven and earth vision, how can you deal with it?

Princess Tourmaline took the opportunity to counterattack, and the armor raised her ten times the strength. It is comparable to the strong base of the building of Tianji, and is it comparable to the great emperor who just entered the fairy road?

But this can also be seen the horror of the gods, the big prince constantly blasting the stars, actually can support in a short time.

If not, the body is too worthless!

After entering the path of the fairy, the gods really bloomed, and the great emperor was not so powerful when searching for secrets.

However, the Great Emperor is only temporarily able to support, the power of the gods can not always run, once he looses this tone, he certainly can not resist the battle of the armor.

Oh, at this moment, the light and shadow flashed, and a human figure consisting entirely of light patterns appeared.


"On one side is the minister of the emperor, and on the other hand is the emperor, but in the emperor's big fight, don't you feel ashamed?" The spirit shouted.

Princess Bixi and the great emperor quickly stopped, and in a sense, the spirit is the embodiment of Chen Fengyan.

"Boss, even you are confused, actually hit the foreign affairs office?" The priest asked again to the big prince.

"Father, you listen to me!" The great emperor quickly argued, "Ling Han privately deducted the seven brothers, humiliation is too much, we are also angry, but it will be the next policy."

"Hey, you go to the sects of the various descendants to fight the autumn wind, and the Foreign Affairs Office has already told the blasphemy. I have already said that these forces are handled by the Foreign Affairs Office, and you are still upright and arrogant?" The turmoil said unpleasantly.

"From today, you are all waiting for you in the emperor, thinking behind you, you must not step out of your home within three years."

"Yes!" All the emperors are respectful and authentic, this is the king of a country, it is the spirit of the real king, the exit is the holy shrine.

The eyes of the spirits swept over, but they did not stop on Ling Han’s body. Instead, they slid directly and stopped at the Princess of the Beatitudes: “Since you have entered the path of Xian, you will seal you as the owner of the tourmaline. Show rewards."

"Xie Xia." Princess Bixi was blessed.

Before she was a princess, she was a princess of the Yaozu. If she was placed in the Imperial Capital, she would be called a princess if she respected her. Otherwise, she would be no different from an ordinary person.

But now, she is the real lady of Xuanbei's domestic products.

The singer waved his hand and slammed it into a shattered light that disappeared.

Ling Han fangs, Chen Fengyan actually deliberately ignored him?

Also, on the basis of his generation, he is Chen Fengyan’s uncle, even if Chen Fengyan said that he has made a lot of money, but he is always awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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