Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3574: Hong Tianbu rebelled

The emperor was punished by the Holy Emperor, and he could not go out of the house within three years. This naturally caused heated discussion in the Imperial Capital.

Everyone has to feel that Ling Han is really lucky, and he can always save his life.

Hey, he shouldn't be the illegitimate child of Chen Fengyan. Otherwise, how can he care and value it?

This is the latest news, and soon there is another news of the news.

Hong Tianbu worshipped the Nine Lingzong and became the close disciple of Jiu Ling Zhenjun.

The news came out and the emperor shook.

Although Taikoo Zhenjun and other sects, it is normal to recruit disciples, but Hong Tianbu’s identity is too sensitive.

He is one of the emperors' arrogance and has been placed with great hopes, even now.

But he is cast under the door of Jiu Lingzhen.

This is betrayal!

However, at this time Hong Tianbu is far away from the nine Lingzong, who can still kill him in the Fa-rectification?

Moreover, Hong Tianbu is a genius in genius, and should soon become a strong master of the Fairy Way. Unless the Holy Emperor personally takes the shot, he will not succeed but will send his life.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were on the Foreign Affairs Office and looked at Ling Han.

First, the Zongmen issue was administered by the foreign government. Ling Han was the head of the government. Of course, he had the responsibility to pursue such traitors.

Secondly, Ling Han and Hong Tianbu also said that the emperor is arrogant. If anyone under the Holy Emperor can match Hong Tianbu, who is it?

Therefore, there is such a paradox in the Imperial Capital, and it is strongly urged that Ling Han will be dispatched to take Hong Tianbu back for trial.

Under the impetus of a caring person, such a voice is overwhelming.

Such traitors are not clear, does the Foreign Affairs Office still have a face?

"Ling Han, there must be behind the scenes to push the hand in the ghost." Princess Bixi said categorically.

Ling Han nodded, 80% are those princes, they can not leave home, is it not available?

"This doesn't care, no matter what others say, the initiative is still in my hands." He was very calm.

Princess Bixi was relieved. She was really afraid that Ling Han’s head would run to Jiu Ling Zhenjun. Although she was very ordinary, she did not know how to die if she faced a person who was a real person.

"However, there will be a battle between Hong Tianbu and me sooner or later. I still have to go to this nine Lingzong." Ling Han said.

Princess Tourmaline suddenly speechless, even if Ling Han can compete against Hong Tianbu, but how much difference is it from Hualing Zhenjun?

Going to the nine Lingzong is to die.

"I am not in a hurry, for the time being, I will not go to the nine Lingzong." Ling Han packaged the ticket.

It took only two days, but things have changed.

Taikoo Zong suddenly released the news, will hold a contest, and invite young young people to participate in the world. If they get the first prize, they will reward a star Luo Languo, and even if they don’t get the first, as long as they perform well, they will have the opportunity to be Taikoo Zhenjun was accepted as a pro-disciple.

What is the star Roland?

This is a two-star fairy medicine, the effect is to cut the hair and wash the marrow, enhance the essence of life!

Taking it to people under the path of Xiantu, in the same situation, the body is open, which is equivalent to the ability to improve the same level of combat, this is the essential change. If the person above the fairy path takes it, it can also push the cockroaches that have not been opened before, and raise a certain foundation.

However, the upper limit of the star Luolan fruit is cast, and if it is taken in Sheng Dan, it has no effect. Otherwise, this is not a two-star fairy medicine, but a Samsung or four-star level.

Even so, the people who got the news were all very excited.

Fairy medicine!

Don't say anything else, just these two words can make people feel uneasy, not their own.

Moreover, this effect is real, and it is essential to improve, not like repairing, it can be achieved in a few moments.

Ling Han is also a heartbeat, and immediately decided to go on a trip.

"Don't be impulsive, you look at the rules, and limit the people who can only participate in the path of the fairy." Princess Bixi disciplined, this guy really does not make people worry, just advised him not to go to the nine Lingzong, this is good In a blink of an eye, I have to go to Taikoo.

This is the site of the spirit of the real king, your courage is too fat.

"Now there are a few people who don't know that you are almost invincible under the path of the fairy, but you have convened such a contest. Is it deliberately sending you treasure?"

Ling Han nodded. He killed a disciple of Taikoo Zhenjun. It is not impossible to say that Taikoo will deliberately target him. However, when he wanted to come, Taikoo Zhenjun really wanted to use this opportunity to find some excellent seedlings to be accepted as disciples.

Therefore, this is a two-pronged one, even if Ling Han is not hooked, Taikoo Zong is not wasting a star of Luo Lan.

Such a treasure, Ling Han has no reason to miss, and he also has a strong share, the more people want to harm him, the more he wants to break this trap.

Of course, I can’t just run over like this. Bright and honest is equal to self-investment.

He can change his identity. After he gets the star Luolan and comes back, he will reveal his identity. It is equivalent to taking a loud slap in the face of Taikoo Zhenjun.

I think it is a little excited.

However, how do you change your identity?

Ordinary easy-to-wear techniques are definitely not enough, but what if you change the density and distribution of muscles?

Ling Han returned to the bedroom and tried it in the mirror.

He moved the position of the muscles slightly, and his face suddenly changed.

"However, my eyes will still expose myself." Ling Han frowned, his eyes are the windows of the soul, especially his strong mind, his eyes are very bright, there is an unspeakable style.

He forcibly bound his mind, the effect was obvious, his eyes became bleak, although still full of sharpness, it was completely different from the previous one.

"It should be feasible." Ling Han murmured, "However, I must always control my muscles. I must pay attention to it when I say a word, and I can't reveal the flaws."

"Well, from now on, I will call ... the night."

He is completely incompetent in taking the name, so he is too lazy to think about the new name and directly use the name of an acquaintance.

Constantly training in the mirror, he must remember his own look, otherwise as long as subtle changes will reveal flaws. In addition, when talking and laughing, the expression has changed. What kind of face should be displayed is the most appropriate?

He constantly trains and spends a whole day, and finally he can do it as soon as he thinks, and he will immediately become what he wants, and every time it is exactly the same.

In other words, it is the sound. This is easy to handle. As long as the frequency is changed, the sound naturally changes.

That's all.

Ling Han went to find Princess Bis, and when he knocked on the door, he changed his face.

Princess Tourma opened the door, but saw a complete stranger standing at the door, and could not help but reveal the color of surprise: "Who are you?"

"Hey, I don't even know it?" Ling Han said in his original voice.

"Ling Han!" Princess Bixi exclaimed.

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