Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3575: Suffering

"Ling Han?" Princess Bixi was very surprised. This stranger is actually Ling Han?

"I was shocked?" Ling Han smiled. m. The most economical, mobile-free site for mobile phones.

"It's really true." Princess Bixi nodded, then stunned. "Do you want to go to Taikoo in such a face?"

"Well, have you seen any flaws?" Ling cold asked.

Princess Tourmaline looked carefully for a while and said: "It is the most primitive way to change muscle tissue, but it is also the most effective way. It is very natural. But the question is, can you always remember what it is now? You must know, don't talk about the spirit of the real king, that is, the knowledge of building the foundation is also very powerful, you can not forget the eyes, you only have a little bit of small mistakes, you can let you expose."

Ling Han smiled: "I still have confidence in this."

"You must go, I can't stop you, aren't you?" Princess Beatitude sighed.

"Yeah." Ling Han nodded.

"That, be careful all the way." Princess Bixi said.

"Are you worried about me?" Ling Han said, revealing two rows of white teeth.

"Yes." Princess Bixi nodded lightly and then stared at Ling Han with her eyes.

Ling Han is a little embarrassed, saying: "You will not say that you like me?"

"You are the owner, I care that you should be, don't think about it." Princess Bixi said faintly.

Rely, I was beaten.

Ling Han haha ​​smiled, he really enjoyed the mode of getting along with the demon princess, not alienated, but kept a certain distance, like a good friend, did not rise to the point of a couple, it is very easy.

"Beauty, wait for me to come back." He left directly.

The Foreign Affairs Office has a Princess Bis, and he is very relieved.

This time, he did not bring the gourd, so naturally, did not bring seven milk dolls, which almost became his mark, this time since it is hidden identity, things that will reveal his identity are of course hidden stand up.

I originally wanted to bring the fat pig, but I think that this pig is not invaded, and it is very likely that it has been hung up, so I still stay.

In the case of color pigs, this is naturally a good thing. It can also sneak into the women’s bathhouse and the girls’ dormitory. It’s okay to be beaten up anyway, and it’s the possibility of being sold. Sex is higher.

Starting from Ling Han, I left the Imperial Capital again and went to Taikoo.

This day passed, facing the rising sun, Ling Han breathed and breathed, holding the ice stone in his hand, bringing together the power of the nearby heaven and earth, so that his practice speed is greatly improved.

After half an hour, the ice stone seemed to evaporate and disappeared completely.

Ling Han could not help but regret that Bing Yuanshi was used up by him. From tomorrow, he will return to the cultivation state of "Turtle Speed".

How can such a good thing not get a few more pieces?

Fortunately, he is only a little bit away from the peak of the Seven Patterns.

He thought that he could finish the seven lines in a few days, but the step of the seven lines was too big, and the level of life had been earth-shaking, which led him to take longer to keep up.

Tomorrow, you should be able to take the entire inscription to the extreme, and then you can break through.

Ling Han intends to move forward before he rushes to Taikoo. In this case, even if he suppresses his combat power, he can still sweep through the ninety-nine secrets, but he will not reveal his identity. Otherwise, there will be a leap. Isn’t it too coincidental that the two enemies are invincible?

He continued to hurry, Taikoo Zong is not far away. With his footsteps, if he is on his way, he will be able to get to the place in two days.

Therefore, when the sun sets, Taikoo is not far away.

Ling Han plans to take a good rest for a night. Anyway, the deadline for this contest is three days later, he can take it easy.

He gave birth to a fire, took out the food for cooking, and soon, the meat was fragrant.

Ling Han had just started eating, and he saw it. Several people flew over and suddenly stopped at his place.

"My young master is hungry, go and go!" An old man shouted at Ling Han, his eyes were fierce.

When Ling Han looked at it, he could not help but be surprised.

The other party has a total of five people, and he has seen them all.

The stranger, the young man is not the object of his looting. You see, the back of the head is still bulging.

Fortunately, they can't recognize themselves.

Ling Han Zhan Yan smiled and said: "I am a hospitable person, come together."

The old man is furious, telling you to roll, can you understand?

"Forget it, just eat it together." The young man spoke, and there was no snack.

Recently, he was too unlucky to do anything.

And everything starts from the time he descends to this star.

Just after the order was placed, he was knocked out of the sap and ransacked his family, including two very precious armor. Next, he drank his teeth, sniffed in the air, walked flat and fell, and the birds fell in the sky... In short, all kinds of incredible disasters will happen to him, so he has to doubt life.

Is this planet gram him?

Because of this, he is too lazy to care about other things, otherwise his arrogance will never allow Ling Han to sit next to him.

How do you match such a low-ranking citizen?

The group of people sat down and ate unscrupulously the results of the cold fruit.

Ling Han just watched, this young man was bad luck, but he met his bitter master, and he will definitely be unlucky.

Sure enough, without eating two, the young man changed his face and caught his throat, which was extremely painful.

"There is poison in the flesh?" The old man immediately stood up and glared at Ling Han.

Ling Han smiled: "If the meat is poisonous, I must be poisoned first. I think it was accidentally stuck by the bones."

Another old man reached out and took a shot on the back of the young man. The young man suddenly had a chest, and he vomited a bone from his mouth and suddenly became relaxed.

It is really a bone stuck.

The old people have sat down. This is the most loved descendant of the ancestors of the cattle family. They must not have a little bit of a scorpion. Although they have been sneaked and ransacked, people are fine.

Ling Han looked at the young man and suddenly said: "I said this brother, I see you black in the Yintang, should you be quite unlucky recently?"

“Hugh’s nonsense!” An old man immediately replied, “How can I be unlucky if my family is lucky?”

"Oh, I have studied the congenital phenomenon for 30 years, and I am most sensitive to the air transport. I can see it at a glance." Ling Han said proudly.

"Cut, you are only twenty years old, how do you study the congenital phenomenon for thirty years?" The old man immediately dismantled the stage.

The young man is in the heart and asks: "Do you really understand the image?"

"Of course!" Ling Han said proudly. "Are you not going to do things all these days, will you fall for nothing without a walk?"

By, it’s true!

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