For the time being, it is impossible to have any improvement. Ling Han walked out of the house and saw that Niu Jianhua and another young man were turning around a beautiful young woman.

The woman dressed in a long skirt of lake green, graceful and graceful, looks like a milk, white and smooth, can indeed be said to be quite excellent, no wonder you can let Niu Jianhua both turn around.

Ling Han took a look and regained his gaze, and after Niu Jianhua found out that he came out, he immediately presented the woman to the woman: "Xiao girl, this is the master of the divination I said, and the spirit is incredible!"

The swollen bag on his head just faded today, and he has been entangled in his bad luck. For the whole morning, he didn’t drink the water and open his mouth, and he was convinced that the bad luck was really gone. He went away.

Therefore, he naturally believes in the identity of Master Ling Handi.


"Cut!" Another young man, Sun Xun, immediately shook his head. "How can a master who is not stinking, may be a master of Buddhism? At least he must be a strong man of life or even a real person, and he is qualified to go to the world. Not to mention changing the fate."

He does not believe in Ling Han.

Niu Jianhua is willing to lose face in front of the beautiful woman, and quickly said: "If you don't understand, don't say, this is definitely a master of Buddhism!"

"Hah, listen to your tone, I am afraid that even the names of people do not know?" Sun Xun laughed.

Niu Jianhua suddenly spoke. At first he was disdain to know the name of Ling Han. Later, he was a master and forgot to ask Ling Han’s name.

Xiao Zhizheng had a bit of interest and asked Ling Han: "Don't ask the master how to call it?"

Ling Han’s pretense was deep, and he swept Xiao Zhi’s eyes and said: “My name is night.”

This name seems to be really a mysterious atmosphere.

Xiao Zhiwei wowed, said: "Really, how can I take such a name? You don't have a surname? You won't be a surname?"

She is a bit like a curious baby.

The cold line of Ling Han’s face, your question should be to go to the night, what is he doing?

"The master of the night, is it better for you to calculate for me?" Xiao Zhi is so delicate and decent.

Ling Han turned and left: "I want to ask the master to take the shot, why are you talking about it?"

After he finished, he had disappeared into the doorway, and the style of the fork was extremely high.

Niu Jianhua wanted to stop, but his mind was on Xiao Zhi's body, and he was too lazy to pay attention. After all, the bad luck disappeared, which proved that Ling Han was really a master, and he did not dare to offend at will.

It is said that these masters will not only bring bad luck, but also bring bad luck to people. He does not want to return to normal and start the unlucky life.

"Interesting." Xiao Zhixuan looked at the door, muttered in the mouth, and then stretched a lazy waist, let the beautiful curve be completed, and let Niu Jianhua look straight into the eyes. "Go back to sleep for a while, the skin will be good." ""

Ling Han turned around in Taikoo, and he has changed his face. Naturally, he is not afraid of being recognized by his true identity.

It’s just that these contestants are restricted to the activity area, and once they go out, there will be disciples of Taikoo.

Although Ling Han can shoot this opponent with one hand, but he is not coming to the trouble?

He is close to these disciples. Some people have very strict mouths. Some people have bragging problems. When he hooks up a few words, he spits out everything he knows.

This Taikoo is very powerful.

Taikoo Zhenjun has a bunch of followers in the cage. There are many strong people who are true to me and born in the Dan. Now, after getting out of trouble, these people also held important positions in Taikoo.

Under the sovereignty, four elders were set up, all of whom were strong and strong. Under the elders, there were nine law-abiding ceremonies, which were held by Sheng Danjing. Under this circumstance, it was only a high-level place. The congregation has no real power.

Of course, the most ancient Taizong is the ordinary disciple under the path of Xian.

There are three pro-disciples in Taikoo Zhenjun. The younger disciple is Deng Qi, who has already entered the realm of casting. The second disciple is Han Gang. He has just achieved foundation construction. The three disciples are called Liu Jun. The realm is the lowest.

There was originally a fourth disciple, Xin Ruyue, but was killed by Ling Han.

In this contest, Liu Jun will also participate. It is said that the fighting power is terrible, and it is very likely that it is a two-star genius.

Ling Han brow wrinkled, looking for a secret two-star genius, this is a bit tricky.

If you are looking for a star genius in the secret, then Ling Han still has the grasp of victory, but the words of the two-star genius... If there is a situation above the secret, then the power of the two-star genius jumps to another realm. .

Ling Han must now hide his identity, and many means can not be used. It is too difficult to fight such an opponent.

"However, I was tempered by the blood of my ancestors. I also watched the battle pictures of many of the ancestors of the ancestors, and their visions were greatly improved. If they cooperated with martial arts, they might not be able to penetrate the weaknesses of their opponents and win the victory."

Ling Han is not blindly confident. This Liu Jun is a higher realm than him, and he is still a true genius. He can never be careless.

He returned to the yard and found that Niu Jianhua was arguing with Sun Xun. He was red-faced and thick-necked. Hey, Xiao Zhiyi did not see one clearly. What are you fighting for?

Ling Han returned to the house, the contest will start tomorrow, he can still practice once, and it is good to improve some.

If there is still ice stone, Ling Han believes that cultivation is enough to let him open another acupoint, but now, it will take at least five or six days.

In the evening, Taikoo Zong also let the disciples send a notice to introduce how the game of tomorrow will be carried out.

Because there are too many people coming to the competition, if all the one-on-one teams are killed, it may be more than the last month or even longer. Therefore, a large-scale knockout will be held tomorrow, and the decision will be made directly. The strongest seed.

Once you enter the 32 strong, you can choose whether to enter the Taikoo, and if you can enter the first sixteen, you can choose to go under the door of a certain law, and if you enter the top eight, the elders will also send out to accept the disciples. .

In the first four words, you will have the opportunity to enter the Taikoo Zhenjun and become a true disciple.

The knockout is very simple. Put everyone in the same mountain and start a melee. Whenever there are only thirty-two in a day, the knockout will end, and if there are more than thirty-two people standing after one day, then Just look at who will come out first, and the first 32 people will be able to enter the finals.

"Reassure, since you have helped me drive bad luck, how can you take the top 32 with you, you just have to follow the lesser." Niu Jianhua patted Ling Han's shoulder and said proudly.

In fact, this is to say to Xiao Zhizhen, the intention is to say, you see, how strong I am.

Sun Xun is cold and cold: "Oh, I see that you are hard to protect yourself!"

He and Niu Jianhua were on the opposite side, pouring cold water.

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