Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3579: Killing match

Xiao Zhishen looked indifferent. In her opinion, the battle between Niu Jianhua and Sun Xun was completely a performance of the boys, too immature.

She is somewhat interested in Ling Han. How did she lie to Niu Jianhua? Although this guy is arrogant and arrogant, the ancestors of the second generation are arrogant, but it doesn't look like a fool.

The four people were out of the yard, and there were already many people outside. They all came to participate in the contest. The black pressure is all human heads, and there must be thousands of people.

At present, there are at least 10,000 secrets on the sky starfish.

Although the environment of the heavens and the earth has changed greatly, there are treasures that can make people go to the secrets overnight, but they should be only a few. But now they can see thousands of secrets. Ling Han thinks that he has overlooked the scale of the cage.

Of course, there are many sea people here, but even if the sea area is large and it is still three-dimensional, it can breed more lives, but there is not too much secret search.

Therefore, most people should still come out of the cage.

Some people really can't, Ling Han opened the martial arts, saw several powerful people, the blood is extremely strong, walking in the crowd is just as eye-catching as the sun.

Like him, these people are not aiming at the door of Taikoo Zhenjun, but aiming at the fairy medicine.

Did not see Hong Tianbu.

When Ling Han’s brow wrinkles, is Hong Tianbu breaking through the path of Xian, otherwise he will never miss this opportunity.

There are other possibilities. Hong Tianbu has been accepted as a disciple by Jiu Lingzhen, so he will avoid it.

Ling Han tends to be the former. Hong Tianbu has a very high talent and a big chance. It is not a rare thing to rush to find the peak of the secret. Then he has a top stone that builds the foundation, and does not break through. When will it be?

Do not jump over Xianmen, after all, just ants.

All the people came to the foot of a mountain, and a strong builder jumped to the tree head. The loud voice: "The game is here. If you leave this mountain, you will be automatically abstained. In this day, you can use it. Any means to reduce competitors, if there are more than thirty-two people standing at this time tomorrow, this seat will inform you where to leave, the first 32 people to leave can enter the second round."

"Now... let the killing begin!"

This building strongman Senran said that his face is full of bloodthirsty expression.

In the cage, the living environment is extremely bad. It is more common to hit the hand and kill the killer. In such an environment, it can be built from a young child. The heart of this person is naturally cold like iron.

His voice fell, and many people ran on the legs.

As long as you can hide in the mountains, it is considered to be weak, and there is a great possibility that it will reach the end. Mixing thirty-two strong, at least you can worship Taikoo, and you will have a strong backing.

The spirit of the true king, the entire sky starfish has five such existence.

"Where to run!"

"Give me death!"


There were fierce people, immediately armed with weapons, picked up their fists and launched a massacre. The entire mountain suddenly had a **** battle, and several people were killed in an instant.

You know, there are many people who come out of the cage. Naturally, they are used to this kind of scene. In fact, they are the ones who kill the most, but whether they are Haizu or Xuanbei, or even outsiders. They have seen such scenes, and they are not lost. Some people even vomit and smother, and they are easily killed.

Ling Han is not a face, he climbed out from the corpse of the corpse in the Yuan world. The plane war that was carried out at that time was more than 100 times more intense than now?

Niu Jianhua is also ugly. Although he is from the singer of the yum, he has not seen such a **** scene, let his throat sway, and he will not spit it out.

"The fate comes!" A strong man killed, about thirty years old, holding a huge machete in his hand, swept away, slashing his knife, and drawing a white knife. Rolled up to the cold four.

"Roll!" Niu Jianhua broke out, and a palm shot, suddenly there was a flame rolling, as if a flame **** came out of it.

"What!" The brawny was shocked and knew that he had kicked the iron plate, but it was impossible to take the knife at this time. He could only cut down the scalp, but in his heart, he immediately withdrew after the knife.


The flames of the flames were photographed on the knives, and the knife body was immediately shot, and the flames rolled, and no mercy, surpassed the strong man.

"Ah," the brawny screams, the flames burn his body, and even straight into the soul, making him uncomfortable to describe.

He screamed for a while, and it crashed into a coke.

There were a few people around who wanted to rush over, but when they saw the miserables of the strong man, they couldn’t help but be scared.

It was a bit of surprise for Ling Han. I didn’t expect this second ancestor to have some strength.

Before he stunned the other side, he subconsciously thought that Niu Jianhua's strength was not good. In fact, he did have two things. It is no wonder that the family would be sent here to get the chance.

Sun Xun is even more at the foot, keeping a distance from Niu Jianhua.

This flame is terrible, and he is very jealous.

Ling Han guessed that Niu Jianhua should have mastered the advanced spiritual map, at least higher than the flame spirit map he mastered, in order to make the palm of his hand.

Outside the stars, you can't be underestimated.

Niu Jianhua looked at Sun Xun, and his mouth showed a scornful color. After killing one person himself, he seemed to adapt to such a killing, no longer the appearance of the previous illness.

"Sun Xun, you have been three times and you are an enemy, I really don't know how to live!" he said.

Although he can't say that he is walking sideways on the yum, but he can't go anywhere, come to this falling star, and there are still people who dare to fight for women with him?

Ridiculous, mad, killable!

Sun searched and ran, and he had no more triumph, only to save his life.

Niu Jianhua laughed and then looked at Ling Han: "Now I believe that Ben can take you to fly?"

Ling Hanhe, if the heart tells the other party that he is knocking on his sap, that is, he makes him miserable, will this guy be mad at vomiting blood?

"Xiao girl, I am willing to kill the enemy for you!" Niu Jianhua quickly pleaded with Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi’s mouth is a smile, but it’s not okay.

But this made Niu Jianhua confident. He was full of emotions and said: "Follow me! This is the direct driving of all the people here. The first three are ours."

This big breath, I feel like flying to the sky.

Ling Han does not matter, this silly fork likes to rush ahead and let him play a pioneer.

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