Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3581: Are you playing pigs and eating tigers?

No matter where you are, a star genius is quite quite rare, and will be scrambled by various forces.

Now there are two one-star geniuses at once, naturally it’s a dragon fight.

Originally, how can a star genius meet in the 32nd, even the 16th and the quarterfinals, but because of the rules of the system, the two young geniuses collided so early.

If the two tigers fight, there must be a wound.

Ling Han is very excited, sitting and watching on one side, idle and idle, and send a good time.

Seeing the appearance of Ling Han, Xiao Zhizhen is completely speechless.

Where are you so interested?

That is Liu Huayun. Once Niu Jianhua can't hold it, can he be spared?

She can't wait to rush to give Ling Han a few slaps, let him recognize the reality.

Niu Jianhua and Liu Huayun are extremely fierce in fighting. The two of you come and go, all of which are full of strength, but even if it is also a star genius, naturally there is a high score, but the gap is extremely small.

Liu Huayun is stronger.

Niu Jianhua is extremely depressed. If he has not been knocked out by a sap and has not been robbed, then he can put on a set of armor now, and he will be in an invincible position. Only he abuses Liu Huayun.

Ah, the **** thief, don't let him catch it!

Liu Huayun is a sneer. In fact, he is not taller than Niu Jianhua in his talents, but he spends more time searching for secrets and makes the realm more perfect. Therefore, under the long war, this advantage naturally emerges. And getting bigger and bigger.

This battle, he is winning.

"You two, hurry!" Niu Jianhua screamed, but immediately turned and ran.

Hey, you told us to run, don't give us some time?

Xiao Zhixuan screamed, she knew that the second ancestors like Niu Jianhua couldn't stand it, but did not expect it to be able to rely on such a point.

It’s too shameless.

Niu Jianhua can run fast, and there is no trace in an instant.

Liu Huayun just stopped after a few steps. He had to admit that Niu Jianhua had mastered a profound body, and the speed was still above him.

No problem, there is still a long time, he can meet each other again.

I solved the other two people first.

He turned around and Senran looked at Ling Han and Xiao Zhizhen.

"You, break your arm, then roll." He said to Xiao Zhisheng, and looked at Ling Han. "As for you... pull your tongue out and break your arms."

Ling Han ah, said: "It is OK to break one arm, but the difficulty of breaking your arms is too high. Would you give me a demonstration?"

Liu Huayun can't help but anger, I will give you a demonstration?

Hey, this guy is really courageous, and the mountains are gone, dare to talk to himself?

"It seems that you have to dig your eyes out and waste your legs, so that you can remember the lesson." Liu Huayun said faintly, but the anger was spewing out, his eyes stunned.

Ling Han spread his hands and told Xiao Zhi: "How can someone always threaten me? Hey, I hate being threatened most. For such people, I usually hit the mentally handicapped."

Xiao Zhizhen is completely speechless. What she can do now is to completely open up the relationship with Ling Han.

She stood a little farther to show innocence.

"You really don't know how to write the dead words!" Liu Huayun strode toward Ling Han, and the blood in his body rolled and moved. If there was a humanoid beast, now it is going to kill.

Ling Han hands chest, looks very relaxed.

Liu Huayun shot, bang, chilling, as if suddenly came to the extremely cold land, it is to pour out a cup of hot water out of thin air will instantly form ice.

He is full of self-confidence. Nine out of ten opponents are even unmatched by the chill that he released. They are directly frozen and completely lost their fighting power. I believe that Ling Han will not be an exception.

However, he was surprised to find that Ling Han stood in a good end, not at all affected.


He showed a trace of gratitude, saying: "It turns out that you are playing pigs and eating tigers, and the strength is not weak."

Ling Han show Yan Yixiao: "Commented."

Xiao Zhisheng is also shocked. Can this guy actually fight against Liu Huayun’s cold attack? Hey, although this does not mean that Ling Han can match Liu Huayun, but there is also a little hope.

Such a strong person, why is it so low-key, has not been raised by Niu Jianhua as a younger brother?

Wait, this guy will not be playing Niu Jianhua?

Most likely!

"How about that, I am still invincible!" Liu Huayun screamed and killed the past.

It is one thing to be able to resist the chill, but it is another thing to resist his attack.

Ling Han’s right fist was condensed and he greeted Liu Huayun.


The two of them clashed, the violent energy was raging, and the endless sands were boiling.

Xiao Zhixuan looked carefully, Ling Han did not suffer from this hit, standing flat and stable, even the expression is unchanged, still so calm, with a faint smile on his lips.

This guy really has been playing pigs and eating tigers!

Liu Huayun is showing a cautious color. Although it is just a trick, it is enough to let him see the extraordinaryness of Ling Han. Otherwise, how can the ordinary search for secrets block his chill attack, let alone a full blow. .

This opponent, can not be underestimated, even more difficult than Niu Jianhua.

He was born with anger. Before he fought with Niu Jianhua, he consumed a lot of secret power. If Ling Han’s strength is not weaker than Niu Jianhua, then he will be invincible if he is unable to continue.

This person is very yin, actually disregarding the life and death of his companions, just to consume his own strength, so that he can win the name of defeating himself alone?


Whether in the eyes of Liu Huayun or Xiao Zhishen, the image of Ling Han is incomparably black.

Ling Han shouted and launched a counterattack.

Before Niu Jianhua, this silly fork likes to rush ahead, and Ling Han doesn't mind relaxing, but when he is bullied, he naturally won't be low-key.

"I am afraid that you will not be!" Liu Huayun is also roaring, punching and banging.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Both people are unavoidable, that is, hard and hard, not skill, is the most direct collision of power.

Therefore, it is also easy to distinguish between winning and losing.

After a heavy blow, Liu Huayun only felt that the body seemed to be overturned, and it was uncomfortable to describe it. The bones were also squeaking in Kaka. He could conclude that there must be a gap.

If you fight like this, his internal organs may be broken by strong shocks, and the bones will definitely break.

However, I can't hold it, and the other party is almost the same.

Are you?

I am more embarrassed than you!

Liu Huayun screamed at the enthusiasm and shot to Ling Han crazy, compared? Who is this person who comes out of the cage, who is afraid of it?

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