Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3582: Going away again

Ling Han was amazed.

Why should this person have such a rib, do you have to go with yourself?

He has come seven times, seven bones, and seven lines. The strength of the body is not comparable to any search for secrets. You have to fight with him. Is this the head being kicked?

However, since he has to fight hard with his strengths, Ling Han naturally will not care.

After a few more hits, Liu Huayun’s status is very bad.

His hair was all messy, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and it was a painful birth.

It hurts. He broke at least three phalanxes, and there were many cracks on the arm bones. If you put a few spells on it, make sure your arms are gone.

This is ironic.

Before he threatened to break his cold hands and feet, as a result, it seems that his hand has been broken, and the arm is almost the same.

Obviously it is hard and hard, the shocks of both sides are the same. It is reasonable to say that Ling Han will not be better than him.

Can look at Ling Han, a look of calm, how can you have a trace of wolf?

What kind of freak is this?

Are you using mother gold?

"What the **** are you?" Liu Huayun gnawed his teeth, and this collision made him suffer too much.

"I am a night." Ling Han smiled and pointed his finger at Liu Huayun. "Are you not interrupting my hands and feet? Come, I am waiting."

Liu Huayun's face is ugly. Isn't this the face of the red fruit?

"The night, I remember you!" He said with a grin, really wants to punch Ling Han.

Ling Han spread his hands and he is very innocent in this matter.

Liu Huaming is Niu Jianhua, what is he doing?

Why is he pulling hatred?

He couldn't figure out that he was born out of the stone of God. He should be lucky enough to be full of money. Why did he encounter such innocent disaster?

Seeing Ling Han’s appearance as a bitter and hateful, Liu Huayun couldn’t help but be even more angry. You all have such a big advantage. How can you still suffer from a loss? Taunt, absolute ridicule.

Ling Han laughed, he said: "Since you want to abandon my hands and feet, I naturally can't be polite, just waste your limbs."

Liu Huayun, a squat, five limbs, where are the five limbs?

Ling Han saw him stunned and explained with good intentions: "The so-called five limbs are only available to men."

Liu Huayun understands that this is to blame me?

"The night, do you think that the body is stronger than me, you will win?" He said coldly, taking a long sword from his sleeve, slender and whip, soft, but excited by the secret force The blade immediately straightened up.

He pinched a sword and pointed to Ling Han. The whole person also gave off a sharp air, as if people were also swords.

Ling Han was amazed. I didn't expect this guy to have some rumors on the kendo. From his standpoint, he already had a glimpse of the master of swordsmanship.

"Under my thirteen swords, can you still have such a hard mouth?" Liu Huayun said proudly. Without the sword, his combat power is completely different.

"The mouth of the gun king, make a move." Ling Han smiled.

"Speaking hard!" Liu Huayun screamed, killing the past with Ling Han, a sword sweeping, dazzling.

The thirteen swords are killed and the swords are killed.

Ling Han opened the scorpion, captured the flaws in the sword, and then pointed out, the secret force hit from the acupoints of the fingertips, hey, Liu Huayun immediately had a **** flash on his left shoulder.


Liu Huayun’s attack suddenly stopped, and he stared at Ling Han, his face was incredible.

No matter what secrets are flawed, but in the process of learning, because the learning is not in place, there will be more flaws.

Liu Huayun is a savvy singer. He has smashed the thirteen swords into his bones. Therefore, he only has the flaws of the sword itself.

However, such a flaw is hidden in a fierce attack. The average person does not say that it is flawed. It is that his swordsmanship is invisible, and how can he capture the flaws?

But his attack was only played, and Ling Han was hitting one finger, pointing to the only flaw in the sword, which made him not shocked?

It must be a coincidence.

He rallied, and then a sword, went to the cold.

Ling Han faint smile, still a point out, hey, the strength penetrated from the flaws of the sword law, hit the right rib of Liu Huayun.

Oh, it’s a **** bloom.

Liu Huayun's body trembled, this is the case twice, it is not a fluke, but Ling Han really can capture the flaws in his sword.

How can it be? How can it be?

Ling Han was a little surprised, saying: "Hey, isn't it a thirteen sword? Why don't you make a move?"

Still a fart!

Liu Huayun shook his head, and the power of the thirteen swords was extremely powerful, but because of this, it was too weak in defense. Because as long as the opponents were killed by the thunder, their defenses were high and low. What is the difference?

Before he even encountered a rival with equal strength, as long as he started to kill the thirteen swords, the other party must have only a defensive share, which is like Ling Han, a finger popping up to let him see the blood.

Revisiting this set of swordsmanship, he is asking for trouble.

He re-swords, but this time the sword is not so sharp, but there is a charm of the wind and drizzle.

He changed the swordsmanship, this is the smoke sword.

Ling Han began to smash, and his mouth showed a smile. This set of swords was different. He was more defensive. He scored a three-pointer and a seven-point defense. He still caught the flaws, but even if he hit this flaw, his opponent could calmly resolve.

As soon as he pointed out, he slammed into the air. Sure enough, Liu Huayun’s sword turned and he easily resolved the attack.

Ling Han smiled slightly, can this be against him?

He took the initiative to attack, Lei Guangquan launched, the attack suddenly lightning.

This is the boxing method from the Seven Emperors. Ling Han is not used very often, so the possibility of being recognized is very small. Moreover, since the Seven Emperors will, there may be more people, so there should be no fear that this will expose their identity.

Hey, a fist punched toward Liu Huayun, like a meteor falling to the ground, too fast to describe.

Liu Huayun is a sword and he is very strong. Against these punches, he is still attacking Ling Han and wants to reverse the passive situation.

Once Ling Han seized the initiative, how could he still let the other person turn over?

His attack was more violent than a wave, and Liu Huayun was always suppressed.

Unfortunately, in order to hide his identity, Ling Han could not use the demon monkey boxing, nor could he use the sky jade. Otherwise, he could solve this opponent already if he had full power.

This is so, Xiao Zhizhen is already a small mouth, very surprised.

She left her eyes again.

I thought that Niu Jianhua was just an ordinary second ancestor. I didn't expect it to be a star genius. What is even more eye-catching is that Ling Han is actually stronger than Liu Huayun.

A contest contest has attracted so many top talents?

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