Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3584: Acting bomb list

The blade smashed, Ling Han casually pointed a finger, slammed, I saw that the knife flew out.

The man who shot the screams, his tiger's mouth was cracked, blood and sorrow, and painful.

Ling Han did not show mercy, one point and then point, squatting, smashing a hole in the acupoints, immersed in the eyes of the brawny, suddenly smashed his brain.

The power of acupoint attack is weaker. Dealing with a master like Liu Huayun can only play a role in disrupting, but not everyone is a star genius. The strong man is slightly stronger than the general secret search. Ling Han’s acupoint attack can’t stop it.

Ling Han took back his fingers, and a pair of clouds were light and light, as if he had just done a trivial matter.

However, there are many people in the vicinity who have seen this scene, all of them are in vain.

Come to a monk.

They didn't dare to provoke chills. Anyway, they haven't found out where the golden eagle's eighteen claws are. Now it's not the time to fight for it.

Besides, a person with a bit of strength also believes that he can advance into the 32nd strong, and it is impossible to be too desperate when competing for the exercises. This is only to get a ticket in advance and get a fairy law. If you send your life, it will be too embarrassing.

Ling Han was looking for it in the hills, but no one knows what the carrier of the Golden Eagle Eighteen Claws looks like.

Engraved on the slate? Jade board? Still painting on paper or cloth?

Therefore, it is a bit difficult to find, and you need to open your eyes and look carefully.

Otherwise, there have been so many people crowded here, haven't they been found early?

The killing is still going on. Many people think that since they haven't found the fairy tales, they will kill them first. Anyway, they will kill people almost, and they can guarantee that they will enter the 32nd.

Ling Han did not have a Virgin heart, and did not stop it. Since he ran to participate in the competition, he had to have a corresponding awareness. People did not use a knife to force anyone to go up the mountain, so now they can only live and die.

The shouts boiled against the sky, and from time to time someone screamed. Some people fled to the bottom of the mountain. They didn’t find a place to hide, but they didn’t play. They had to escape from the mountain.

Ling Han turned a deaf ear, he had to hurry to find the fairy, so that he has a little more time to study.

"Found it!" someone suddenly cried.

Suddenly, all eyes were looked at.

I saw it under a huge rock, and borrowed a book that only revealed a corner.

This should be the Golden Eagle Eighteen Claws!

The screaming person’s face of regret is like repenting why he is going to scream, isn’t it better to make a fortune?

"Ha ha ha ha, this is mine!" A figure flew like a dragon, and a palm shot to the rock, to fly a large stone, take the following fairy.

"Think beautiful!" Someone intercepted.

At this time, dare to shoot and steal the magic, naturally all are masters, ordinary people can only try their luck, really to such a critical moment, go to **** is to die.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The fierce battle began immediately, and more and more masters joined the competition, but under the constraints of each other, no one could shoot the rock and get the immortal method pressed below.

Ling Han did not come forward, because he remembered very clearly that before he saw it there, there was absolutely no existence of the book.

How did it suddenly change out now?

Is that person's "surprise" under the gaffe?

Obviously not.

Ling Han caught the previous person in the crowd. Soon, he was positioned. This is a young man of 23 or 34 years old. He was still annoyed with a look. Now he is sitting on a stone in his mouth. With a dog's tail grass, watching the play leisurely.


Ling Han walked over and leaned on the stone. He said: "I have a great deal of victory in one hand. Do you want to have a sense of accomplishment?"

The young man smiled a little: "What do you say, how can I not understand?"

"Deliberately pressed a book under the rock, and deceived others to discover the fairy tales, which triggered a **** battle." Ling Han said.

This time, the young man did not deny, but said: "How, my acting is very good?"

The acting is not awkward, but the grasp of the human heart is very good, and the battle is triggered in an instant. Otherwise, if you think about it carefully, there are still many flaws.

Ling Han told the truth: "The performance is a bit exaggerated, especially the last annoying performance, too much."

"Well, next time I must improve." The young man was very modest, nodded again and then reached out. "My name is Sima Yi, what about you?"

"The night is over." Ling Han also reached out.


At this moment, someone finally broke the rock with a war and picked up the book underneath.

He was so excited that he waved his book and said: "I got it, I got it!"

Suddenly, other people’s attacks were directed at him.

Although the man is extraordinary, but can not stand the siege of so many enemies, coupled with the excitement of the defensive, suddenly was smashed into slag.

His face is unacceptable, and he has already received the celestial technique. It is reasonable to say that the Taikoo people should appear to be leading themselves. How can they watch him being bombarded?

He barely took the book in his hand and took it higher. His eyes swept over, and he couldn’t slow it down and hung up.

There are seven words written on it: "Three hundred ancient poems appreciation".

Your sister's, was pitted!

The man’s eyes were round and round, showing a strong unwillingness, and the absolute death was not eye-catching.

Others naturally found that one by one was so angry that they were actually being played!

Brush, these people turned their heads at the same time and looked at Sima Yi.

Sima Yi suddenly appeared in the show, he showed the incomparable fear of color, pointing to Ling Handao: "You grandfather, I am also forced! It is him, he asked me to press the book under the stone, said to find the fairy ""

He was filled with indignation and showed the appearance of the victim.

Rely, can this be the case?

Ling Han was amazed. He really underestimated Sima Yi’s desire to perform. He had a feeling that Sima Yi’s strength was very strong. Even if he could not sweep those people, it was very easy to kill a living path.

But he was improvised and gave the cold to the pit.

Ling Han shook his head, such a wonderful is really rare.

"Is it you?" Everyone is staring at Ling Han. Although he still has some doubts, he has already believed in seven points. Because Ling Han has nothing to do with Sima Yi, why do they stand so close? ?

Both of them made it clear that they were watching the show.

Damn, too odious.

Ling Han smiled slightly: "If I say nothing to do with this matter, you will not believe it?"

"He admitted, really has nothing to do with me, I was forced." Sima Yi immediately called.

"Shut up!" a red-haired man shouted, then murdered. "It's better to kill both people!"

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