Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3585: Golden Eagle Eighteen Claws

"Good!" Others nodded.

Although Ling Han is the "culprit", Sima Yi is a tiger, and naturally can not let go.

Ling Han haha ​​smiled and said to Sima: "How, I said that your acting is exaggerated?"

Sima Yi was sighing, he felt that he played very well and invested.

Hey, the people around have already shot, and they are attacking Ling Han and Sima Yi.

"Hey, why are you looking for death?" Sima Yi said faintly, his body suddenly smashed out, and the flow was like a ghost. Hey, he was free to shuttle through the crowd, and he saw a **** splash, so he was not born. I took off the Tianling cover and fell to the ground and died.

He killed more than a dozen people, but he did not stain a trace of blood, elegant and chic.

Others are afraid that they will have to emerge from the bile. How strong is this person's strength?

These people dare to fight for it, certainly more powerful than the general search for secrets, but so many people besieged, and he was killed by one attack, how big is this strength gap?

They all have some doubts, this person is not a strong man.

Someone immediately turned around and ran. This kind of killing is unmatchable, or don't go to die.

There are two, and the people here are running very clean.

Sima Yi turned around and smiled at Ling Han: "I am still very loyal, not tired of you?"

"But I am still very upset." Ling Han said faintly.

"How about that?" Sima Yi looked at Ling Han, his eyes became red, and it seemed to be stained with blood. "You are a good opponent. I think, using your human skin as a table lamp should be very beautiful."

Are you not a acting school, how suddenly became a neurotic?

Ling Han took out the tombstone fragments and decided to give a good lesson to this guy.

"Haha, do you want to use a brick to fight against me?" Sima laughed. "The night, it seems that you haven't got the wrong name, brain damage."

Ling Han grabbed the tombstone fragments in his right hand, and his left hand hooked his finger toward Sima Yi: "Come on."

"To fulfill you!" Sima Yi attacked.

Ling Han directly throws a brick in the past, hey, if there is a shell, go to Sima Yi.

"Ignorance!" Sima Yi was free to make a sigh of relief, and he had to fly the tombstone fragments, but he immediately changed color, because the tombstone fragments seemed to be inconsistent, and his power did not work at all. The bricks are still coming to him.

At this time, he has missed the best dodging time, only cross his hands and block the door.


He only felt a pain in his hands, and then the whole person was not good. It seemed to be entangled in a yin. Although it was invisible, he had a feeling that he seemed to be entangled in something.

It hurts and hurts. He looks down and sees that both hands are deformed and the bones are definitely broken.

He is awkward, this is a treasure, it is too horrible.

Ling Han's figure is approaching and making up a punch.

Sima Yi quickly retired, his hands did not know how serious the injury, how dare to fight with Ling Han.

Ling Han took the opportunity to recover the tombstone fragments. He just wanted to try out this thing. I didn't expect the effect to be amazing.

"I think you should play a dead man!" He even punched his fists, as fast as the streamer.

Sima Yi was angry and shocked. If he was still in a complete state, he was naturally not afraid of this thunderbolt, but his hands seemed to have broken a few bones, and the meridians were also hurt. How is it suitable for fighting?

He can only retreat and retreat.

Shame, always only played with others, but now it is so embarrassing.

Feeling more and more pain in his hands, he no longer loves to fight, but turned and fled.

If Ling Han is on the horizon, he will definitely be able to catch up and hit Sima Yi, but this method is likely to expose him, or use it with caution.

Forget it, this guy is bad enough anyway.

Ling Han put away the tombstone fragments and continued to search for fairy tales.

He fixed his heart and dig three feet, and finally found this fairy.

This is a roll of animal skin. Of course, it is not a veiled beast. It is old. After it is unfolded, it is a picture of a golden sculpture in hunting. Different angles and different opponents, but they are all fast-developing enemies.

Hey, this is not a claw method. How to make a golden eagle hunting?

"Young people, you can go down the mountain." A voice rang in the cold ear.

This got the golden claws and eight claws, and he went straight to the race.

Ling Han nodded, but his heart was a little embarrassed. I don’t know if this person has a glimpse of the scene where he had just smashed Sima Yi. Although the tombstone fragments are ominous things, the effect is amazing, but don’t let Xiantu strong I met, and I was born with coziness.

Fortunately, after he got off the mountain, he did not see anyone coming out to find him.

Upon returning to the yard, Ling Han immediately began to practice the Golden Eagle Eighteen Claws.

This is not directly taught by the claw method, but should be realized by observing the hunting of the golden eagle.

He stared carefully, and in the sea of ​​knowledge, the original still picture was moved.

Ling Han seems to have returned to the era of the flood, a golden eagle with wings and wings flying in the sky, and soon found a giant scorpion with a length of three hundred feet, and is sipping in the sky, a black gas from Its mouth is back and forth, and a bronzed bead floats in front of its mouth, with an inexplicable charm.

The python of Dan Dan!

Ling Han immediately said in his heart, hey, the golden eagle was directly attacked, swooping down from the sky, and the two claws slid down and raised a golden glow.

The giant python and the golden eagle fought fiercely, but it was broken by the golden eagle in three or two.

As the picture turned, the golden eagle was looking for prey again. This time it was stared at a silver rhinoceros, and the sharp corner on the forehead was like a knife.

It is a knife and rhinoceros. According to ancient data, this kind of monster is the birth of the living environment in adulthood, and it is the leader in the living environment. The blade-like unicorn is nothing, not unbreakable.

However, the golden eagle slammed the attack, directly grabbed the knife and the rhinoceros, let it empty the favorable angle and did not use it, and then tossed the hair and rhinoceros into two pieces in the air.


Ling Han saw the scene of the golden eagle catching the wrong scene. There were fierce beasts on the land, fierce fish in the sea, and raptors in the air, but they were all shredded by cleanliness.

When all the pictures disappeared, Ling Han began to realize the attack of the golden eagle into the claw method that he could perform.

His understanding is terrible, and one day later, he has had a preliminary grasp.

At this time, someone came over and sent a message, so that Ling Han rushed to the square in front of the Taiyi Pavilion at 10 am tomorrow, and the race was held there.

In addition to Ling Han, Niu Jianhua also received a message in this yard.

In fact, the people who have been eliminated have left Taikoo, and those who stay here are eligible to participate in the race.

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