It is not surprising that Niu Jianhua can enter the 32nd strong. He is a star genius after all. For Niu Jianhua, when he found that Ling Han was still in the yard, he was naturally greatly surprised.

Later, he realized that Ling Han was the lucky one to get the golden claws and eight claws.

No wonder, people are masters of Bu, it is normal to be able to find the first fairy.

He did not go to the top of the mountain to look for, because he is a descendant of the spirit of Zhenjun, what secret method can not get, need to grab a low-level fairy?

It’s really a joke.

However, because shamelessly dropped Ling Han and Xiao Zhizhen, he was also embarrassed to say hello to Ling Han, only when he did not know.

Overnight, Ling Han’s understanding of the Golden Eagle’s eighteen claws went a little further, but in the end it was able to exert much power, and it had to be known before it was played.

When the sun rose, he began to practice.

He opened his axe, absorbed the power of the heavens and the earth, and boosted the expansion of the meridians.

This process will not end until the search for a secret.

Looking for a secret environment does not require opening up the meridians, but will open up an area in the body to store secrets.

The secrets that each person has developed are different. Some people use the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys to accommodate the space. Some people are ingenious and use the brain as a space for accommodation, but most people open up Dantian.

There is no real end point in the search for secrets. You can open up a little bit of space and go to Yuexianmen. You can also stay in this realm for a long and long time and expand this storage space continuously.

Because the search for secrets only determines the "lifetime" of the warrior's battle, so the real influence of the combat power is to open up the dilemma. This realm can continue to expand the meridians, and the wider the meridians, the more secret of a blow is naturally more powerful. Also bigger.

Of course, the search for secrets is too sloppy, and it will not work if the battle is used cleanly after three or two battles.

Opening the border is extremely important.

Some people have only opened thirty-six acupoints and broke through. In this life and the present, they can only use thirty-six acupoints to absorb the power of the heavens and the earth, and the gap between the second and third worlds. It is always there and cannot disappear.

Of course, Ling Han will not be satisfied with the first place, and even the third place is not his end. He wants to open all the hidden points and lay the most honest cornerstone.

After half an hour, he stopped, and in a few days he could ushered in a life-level jump, and he didn't know how many more holes were opened.

He had breakfast, and he reviewed the golden claws and eight claws. When he saw that the time was almost the same, he pushed the door out and went to Taiyi Pavilion.

- Niu Jianhua has to leave one step ahead of him, so the two did not run into it.

Taiyi Pavilion is not far away. Ling Han just came to the place after ten minutes. If I look at the time, it is five minutes away from ten.

Well, it’s very accurate.

In the cold winter tour, I saw three familiar faces.

Niu Jianhua, Sima Yi, Liu Huayun, and others all exude a strong atmosphere. Naturally, they are the best in the search for secrets. One star genius should account for the majority.

After Sima Yi and Liu Huayun saw him, they did not reveal the expression of anger and jealousy.

The former strong base builder came out and left his hands behind him. Although the fork was full of flavor, he was naturally qualified in front of these secrets.

"Starting the race today," he said faintly. "Wait until everyone comes to draw lots, number one on the 32nd, number two on the 31st, and so on."

"In the battle, except for the soldiers, no means are allowed."

"After one party concedes defeat, the other party must stop, otherwise the seat will kill him personally."

"If you do not admit defeat, you will not have to bear any responsibility, whether it is disability or death."

"If you are afraid, then you will quickly admit defeat."

He paused for a moment to think for everyone, but only a few seconds. When no one spoke, he waved his hand: "Then start to draw lots."

Everyone stepped forward and took a number.

When Ling Han looked at it, he got the "Nine".

"In the first game, on the 1st to the 32nd, hurry up and go out, don't grind." The tower-building powerhouse obviously has no patience.

Also, in his opinion, the secret of finding a secret is like that of an ant. Now, letting him preside over the battle of finding a secret, naturally makes him very unhappy.

Two people were listed and immediately launched a fierce battle.

What disappoints Ling Han is that although the two men are quite powerful, they have not yet reached the level of one-star genius. However, because the strength is close, they have been playing for more than an hour. What means are used? Finally Or because one person is more powerful, and finally won.

This is the advantage of fixing the secret time for a long time. Once a long-term battle is made, the effect is obvious.

Then, the second is on the 31st.

The battle ended very quickly. The thirty-one was a star genius, and it took only a few minutes to resolve the battle.

A battle continues.

"Nine to twenty-four."

Ling Han came out, but he saw his opponent is actually Niu Jianhua.

Niu Jianhua apparently did not think that his face was amazed, but then nodded and said: "You are not a small opponent, quickly admit defeat."

After all, Ling Han is well versed in the calculations. If he goes to open the monuments in the future, he may be able to help, so he does not want Ling Han to be defeated, so as not to be embarrassed in the future.

When this is exported, Liu Huayun and Sima Yi are also showing contempt.

Where is your confidence?

Ling Han shook his head and smiled. "Or you admit defeat, I am determined to be the first."

Niu Jianhua glances, then laughs, makes a joke, do you still want the first? He snorted and said: "You are just lucky, you get a fairy law, you can get straight into the race. If you are a shot, you will be able to defeat you, so you can still admit defeat."

"Less his Mamad nonsense, fast fight!" On the edge, the strong base of the building said coldly, he was impatient.

Niu Jianhua is secretive and vulgar in his heart. He has a raging anger. When did he even dare to blame him?

Only he was not mad at the extent of arrogance here, immediately snorted, said: "The night, then don't blame this less unkind!"

For the star Roland, he is also determined to win.

Hey, he finally shot, and at the bottom of his feet, he killed the cold, and he took out his palm and raised the flame of the sky.

He is not a good class, and he is not merciless.

Ling Han launched the Golden Eagle 18 claws, his hands extended, suddenly became a red gold color.

Seeing this scene, the strong base of the building could not help but reveal the color of shock.

The hands turn into gold, which is the initial grasp of the golden claws and eight claws.

But this kid got this fairy trick for only two days, how can he master it?


(End of this chapter)

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