Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3587: It's you!

Not only is the founding strong, Niu Jianhua's face has suddenly become very exciting.

In his eyes, it’s completely incapable of fighting, can you fight against yourself?

The breath of the breath can't be faked and tyrannical.


The two men slammed a note, and Niu Jianhua suddenly retired and retreated, and took a dozen steps to stabilize the pace.

"Hey, this place is quite strange. With such a powerful force impact, there is actually no piece of floor tile broken." Ling Han looked at the ground, his face full of curiosity.

Everyone is fainting.

What is your brain circuit, how can you say such a sentence at this time?

Moreover, I have been fighting several times before, how can you not realize it at all?

Niu Jianhua stood still, he looked at Ling Han with incredible eyes, and there was an indescribable anger.

He is actually worse than the cold?

It was crushed by a man who didn't put it in his eyes. It gave him a heavy slap in the face. Can he not let him be in the throat?

How is it possible that a cultivation is a sloppy person who can actually crush him as a star genius?

No, he must not be defeated in the hands of Ling Han, his self-respect is not allowed.

"Sword is coming!" He sighed softly. Hey, a light flew out of his mouth. It was a ball, but it quickly exploded after the exit. It turned into a sword and rotated around his body. .

Hey, what is this spell?

"Warming the sword?" The strong base of the building was exclaimed, and the look of Niu Jianhua was a bit cautious.

He has heard that some people will use their bodies to raise their weapons when they are young. When they are practicing, the power of heaven and earth will flow through the weapons, and the weapons will be psychic. Naturally, they become instruments, called training.

But the maintenance of troops is extremely difficult to implement.


Because the weapon can be swallowed into the body, is it not the first to scratch your stomach?

Therefore, the weapons used to raise soldiers need special materials. When they are collected into the abdomen, they can be twisted and turned into a spherical shape, so that they can not hurt the internal organs. When they are needed, they will be spit out and turned into a prototype. Mindfulness.

Because the time is constantly being raised by myself, the weapon is completely compatible with itself, as if it has become a part of itself, and the command is very handy.

In this case, why is it that only the great families and disciples of the great family and the disciples can cultivate?

This is the material of this soldier is too special, very rare and precious, and in the process of raising soldiers still need a lot of auxiliary products, it is equally expensive, not a big family, it is impossible to support.

Hey, this young man is definitely coming!

I’m looking away and I’m leaving.

Niu Jianhua sacrificed the flying sword, and confidence increased suddenly.

Under Xiantu, the key to raising troops is to "raise" rather than use it. Just as people are still in their early childhood, they are actually very fragile and interrupt the process of raising them. It takes a lot of money to continue.

Therefore, even before he lost to Liu Huayun, he did not think about offering a flying sword.

- How to win, just to sigh.

But now it is different, he must get the star Luo Languo, which is related to his future future, so even if he interrupts the process of raising troops, he will also use it to defeat Ling Han.

Hey, who made his armor stolen by a little thief?

"I was actually raising troops!" The young people also knew about the goods, and they couldn't help but take a sigh of relief before they came out.

"What is the training?" Everyone asked.

The previous young man explained it and immediately let other people move.

This Niu Jianhua definitely comes from a big force.

The problem is that even if there is a real spirit here, everyone can be locked up in a cage before. Where is the resources for Niu Jianhua to raise troops?

Niu Jianhua is proud of his face. He knows that once he has exposed the training, he will definitely become the object of attention, but this is not a little pressure for him. Like his age, the most needed is the worship of his peers and the love of the opposite sex. .

"The night, I still don't admit defeat!" he said, with a high child on the top.

Ling Han laughed: "If that's the case, then let you see my trick!"

He also sang a big drink, and immediately saw a pair of armor around him, glittering.

I, fuck!

For a time, Niu Jianhua almost died alive.

Isn't that his armor?

How could it be in the hands of Ling Han?

Very simple, the thief who robbed himself is Ling Han!

It is no wonder that this guy can "buy" his own bad luck when it will disappear, the embarrassing thing is that this guy knocked himself a brick! I will be so badly ridden, it is completely cold!

Bitter and enmity!

Niu Jianhua suddenly angered the value of the table, he has imagined the appearance of the little thief countless times, and countless times to imagine how to get tortured after the arrest of this person.

As a result... this little thief was actually under his eyelids, and he flicked him.

When God knows that he is calling the other master, what the other party’s heart looks like.

Death, **** 10,000 times!

"I want to kill you, kill you! Kill you!" He screamed, and the sword slammed toward Ling Han.

The sword of the soldiers is of course very sharp, and he is about to embark on the path of the fairy. The soldiers are close to Xiaocheng. This sword can almost exist under the path of Xian.


With a bang, when the flying sword reached the armor, it just flashed an infinite spark, and then bounced back, even if a trace of white line could not be left.

This is the instrument of the Xiantu level, and it is still a complete set.

Ling Han smiled slightly: "Hey, it's still a little worse, come on, you can draw a white line on it!"

When you heard this, everyone was speechless.

You are too hurt, is there such a burying person?

Niu Jianhua is even more angry with the brain, this armor is his! is his! is his!

With his own warm-edged flying sword to lick his own armor, what is the behavior of the second force?

He is not good for the whole person.

"Don't be polite, come!" Ling Han rushed over and punched.

Niu Jianhua can hardly pick up and quickly hide.

He naturally knows that this set of armor is a one-star-level implement, and even among the one-star implements, it is top-notch. The most important thing is that defense is invincible. It is not that he can cut it now.

Therefore, Ling Han has stood in an invincible position.

Make a hair.

He put away the flying sword and hated the earth: "I admit defeat!"

He stared at Ling Han. As soon as he was born in Taikoo, he asked the four followers to take people, let you re-cross the forks, and build the opponents of the base strong?

Ling Han is still not finished, he has not played enough, how to surrender?

"Don't worry, let's talk a few more times," he said.

"You are enough!" The strong builder of the building was black and he could not stand it.

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