
The fist hit the armor, the shock is rolling, this is the armor can not be resolved, still to the Ling Han drive.

What kind of blow can be considered for the real cold of the realm of each realm?

Ling Han only slightly moved the secret force, and then this shock is invisible.

Rely, seeing this scene, everyone is speechless.

How to crack such a thick defense?

Do not break the defense of Ling Han, it will not hurt people, but what about defeating Ling Han?

The rest of the people are frowning. If they want to get the first thing, they may all encounter Ling Han. How do they deal with it?

They racked their brains and felt that after wearing the tortoise shell, Ling Han’s defense was really unsolvable.

"The night, can you dare to fight in the bright and the earth?" Liu Huayun roared, and now he is full of furry, is a gorilla.

Ling Han was amazed: "I hurt you with a dark arrow?"

"No." Liu Huayun answered subconsciously.

"I sneaked you from behind?" Ling Han asked again.

"No." Liu Huayun shook his head and wondered why Ling Han asked.

"I didn't attack you, and I didn't hurt you with a dark weapon. Why didn't you just be big?" Ling Han asked.

This one.

Liu Huayun was speechless, yeah, it seems that Ling Han is really very bright, you see, all standing there and he is playing.

However, always feel wrong?

He thought for a moment and said: "You take off the armor, we are fair!" He finally thought that this is the key point.

"Don't do it!" Ling Han decisively refused.

Hey, you don't play cards according to common sense. You shouldn't be arrogant. You say that a fair war is a fair battle. Your strength is not weaker than me. Why are you afraid of fair war?

Liu Huayun’s fangs, he really wants to rush to kill Ling Han, is it really good to bully people like this?

"Do you even dare to fight for a fair fight?" He continued to be aggressive.

Ling Han will be huh, and said: "I am fighting for the armor, why should I take it off and fight with you?"

Rely on, it makes sense.

Everyone is speechless, and this chill is not only defensive as a tortoise shell, but the thickness of this face is not too much, it is completely stabbed.

Liu Huayun did not know what to do, and looked at the strong base of the war, and expected the other party to preside over justice.

"Do not fight, don't fight and admit defeat." The strong base of the building is impatient.

Got it!

Liu Huayun thought for a moment and shook his head: "I admit defeat." A fart, it can't hurt people.

Ling Han said: "Consignment, I am now able to raise my body, can not beat the war and the soldiers, the character is noble."


Liu Huayun suddenly sprayed out a bit of old blood, you still have to shame?

Is this called ethics?

Take your sister!

That is, the strong base of the building also turned black again. He knew that Ling Han was very strange yesterday, but today he has raised his shamelessness to a new height.

Ling Han smiled, that is, you have not seen a **** dog, now if you are replaced by a **** dog standing here, just the iron underwear can flash your eyes.

This battle not only made Niu Huayun vomit blood, but also caused headaches for other people. They all thought, what should they do if they encounter Ling Han?

With such a thought, it naturally affects the excitement of the next few battles, and the level of loss is high.

Because there were only eight battles, it was all over at noon.

So, after eating, continue in the afternoon.

There are also many disciples in Taikoo Zong who ran over to watch. Most of these people are extremely bones and inscriptions. They can watch the battles of the secrets, and they are still contested between geniuses. Naturally, their growth is very beneficial.

Ling Han will soon be on the scene, or the armor is in the body.

His opponent is... Sima Yi.

Clever, it’s a coincidence.

Sima Yi’s face is a bit ugly. If he wants to get the first one, he will inevitably have to pass the cold, but he will run into it so quickly. He still has some black faces because he has not thought of how to crack the defense of Ling Han. .

He slowly got on the field and took out an axe.

The axe is black in color, but the edge of the blade is flashing red light. It seems that it has just been drunk with blood, so people can't help but tremble.

He screamed and glared at Ling Han with his axe.

With this blow, he used his full strength.

But at this moment, I saw Ling Han gently took a step to the left, and suddenly let him an empty axe, and then punched him toward him.

Rely on, you play rogue!

Sima Yi is going to cry. When you and Liu Huayun were playing, didn’t you not hide or not, just let the other party admit defeat by defense? How did he get to him, but he still diddge?

He didn't expect Ling Han to do this, so an axe smashed out and completely put the power on the attack, limiting the attack.

Therefore, he can only watch this fist blow now.

Hey, the fist hit, Sima Yi only felt that the five internal organs and the lungs all boiled up, could not help but squatted to one side, vomiting.

He barely looked up and looked at Ling Han.

Ling Han squeezed his eyes to him: "My acting is good."

Hey, Sima Yi suddenly vomited a blood, died!

No, it just fainted and passed away.

In the field, there is no speech.

Ling Han’s fist is not amazing at all. It is completely exploiting the weakness of Sima Yi who is completely unprepared and will defeat the enemy.

Insidious, shameless!

The rest of the people face each other, do you want such a shameless person to step on the faces of everyone?

The strong base of the building is also speechless. This contest is to select talents. Although the first one has been given to Liu Jun, in fact, if someone can defeat Liu Jun, Taikoo Zhenjun is only happy, this is him. The ideal apprentice in my heart.

But if this person is too cold, it must be too old and true.

"Three brothers, Master is not teaching us, is its own power a king? But that person wore a set of armor, and defeated the opponent with one punch." Among the Taikoo disciples who watched the war, one was only thirteen. The four-year-old boy was stunned by his face and asked an older brother on the side.

"This..." The brother was speechless.

It’s just a ruin.

At the end of the Fourth World War, only four people will be able to fight again tomorrow, namely Ling Han, Liu Jun, Kong Rui and Ma Ruo.

Ling Han’s next opponent is Kong Rui, a young man with great strength, and his strength is quite extraordinary.

One night passed, Ling Han was still in the square after practicing and eating breakfast.

There are more people watching the game today. After the two games in the morning, they will go straight to the finals. Of course, the disciples of the Zongnei will come to pat the heroes of their brother Liu Jun.

Ling Han looked at it, Taikoo Zong really was protecting Liu Jun, because Liu Jun’s battle was the first, and he had to wait for Liu Jun to finish the second battle.

The key is that after the end of the second war, the final will begin immediately.

This is naturally unfair.

(End of this chapter)

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