There is no absolute fairness in the world.

This contest is made by Taikoo, and it will definitely be biased towards Liu Jun. This is not surprising.

Ling Han smiled lightly, thinking that this would prevent him from winning the championship?

come on.

In the first game, Liu Jun was against Ma Ruo.

Ma Ruo can go to the position of the semi-finals, of course, the strength is not weak, and Li Jun is in a fierce battle.

However, it is obvious that Liu Jun is stronger and constantly suppresses his opponent. After spending more than an hour, he will eventually defeat Ma Ruo.

"Long live the Liu Shi brother!"

"Liu brother is invincible!"

"Under the fairy road, Liu Shixiong can be called the first person."

"What Hong Tianbu, if you dare to come to the competition, will definitely be easily defeated by Liu Shixiong."

Everyone shouted for Liu Jun’s flag.

Liu Jun walked back with a proud smile and took the medicinal herbs to recover the secret.

After an hour of fierce fighting, his consumption is still quite large.

The next game, Ling Han to Kong Rui.

Kong Rui is a young man with a pale face. It seems that he is seriously ill and his face is very bad. He was still coughing while walking. When he was on the cold, he said directly: "You admit defeat, I will send you a set of fairy techniques."


Is this a blatant bribe?

The strong base of the superintendent of the war was stunned, and he could not wait for a slap in the face to shoot a dead hole. He dared to pay bribes in front of him.

The problem is, if he shoots Kong Rui, then Ling Hanzhen did not directly enter the finals?

One is recharged and the other is just undergoing a big battle. Naturally, Liu Jun is very disadvantageous.

Therefore, he forced the urge to kill, and he must give Liu Jun a little more recovery time.

"Hughing nonsense!" he began. "Get started."

Kong Rui sighed and said: "In this year, don't you have money for someone to send the door?"

Still dare to say?

Everyone is almost fainted, this person is also very unreliable.

Ling Han laughed and said: "Come on."

"You are wearing a tortoise shell, how to fight?" Kong Rui said, coughing again and again, "You see me, sick, it is not easy to run here, it is better to take off the armor, just take care of my disease. How about the number?"

When everyone listens, it is also very shameless to think of this person.

Can you go to the semi-finals, can you have ordinary combat power?

Still sick, I have never seen such a sick number.

Ling Han shook his head: "Not good."

"Hey, you guys really have no sympathy." Kong Rui shook his head, and suddenly there were two blood in his nose, which made him shocked. "He Mad, he has a nosebleed."

Everyone is surprised, is this guy really sick?

Ling Han is a look, the nosebleeds are not bright red, but black and black, and there is an indescribable darkness.

Hey, Kong Rui killed it, his hands pushed together, and the bang, the palm of his hand suddenly hit a black shock wave, turned into a black dragon, and rushed toward Ling Han.

"Dark dragon vertebra!"

Just listen to him shouting.

Ling Han’s eyes were like a flower, and it seemed that he really saw a black dragon screaming toward himself, covered with unspeakable symbols, such as to die.

Black light hit, Ling Hanton felt that the armor was being eroded by a force.

If this armor is only looking for the level of the secret, it is estimated that there is already a layer of rust, but unfortunately, this is a one-star implement, and it is a secret can be destroyed?

I saw that the armor shines by itself, and the golden light shines, and it is very eye-catching in the darkness.

Boom, the dark shock wave hit, Ling Han still stands proud.

Kong Rui began to cough again: "Perverted, really abnormal, I am desperate, but even a bird's hair is not hurt. Hey, sad, not playing!"

Ling Han's face can't help but black, you can't hurt a hair, why do you want to say bird hair?

Kong Rui really said that if he doesn't play, he won't play, and he will turn away and be decisive.

This dark dragon vertebra is his biggest killing trick, but even the most powerful attack has failed to smash the armor of Ling Han, and it is futile to fight again.

It is better to rush to admit defeat, but the fight is very labor-intensive, and it may hurt and cannot be drawn.

The strong base of the building on the side can not wait to kill Kong Rui, are you still a warrior, how can you not even have a little fighting consciousness?

Oh, if you don’t do it, you will withdraw it?

I just got home.

He looked at Liu Jun, and even if he took the elixir, he could recover a third of his strength.

What should I do? How do I drag on some time?

"Get started!" I didn't expect Liu Jun to stand up and take the initiative to fight.


The strong base of the building is hesitant, and this Liu Jun won, but if he loses, he can't afford this responsibility.

"No problem." Liu Jun has come out, he waved his hand and looked very relaxed. "This person is just carrying this armor. As long as I can break it, a sword can suppress it."

He slammed his right hand and added a sword out of thin air.

This sword is as thin as a piece of paper, and it seems to break off with a little force.

"The night, I did not expect that you will stand opposite me." Liu Jun said faintly, "But no matter who, in front of me, there is only a share of the nickname."

Ling Han made a gesture of asking, saying: "Please continue your performance."

Table, performance?

Liu Jundeng felt that he had suffered 10,000 points of damage. Is he a pro-disciple of this spirit, is it a clown, performing in front of you?

"It seems that you have to suffer some bitterness!" he said, and lifted the thin sword, and the whole sword was lighted up.

Hey, fairy!

Ling Han glanced at it and immediately decided that it was a one-star implement. He had used the warhammer many times. He was no stranger to a star instrument.

"Under my happy sword, how are you wearing armor?" Liu Jun said proudly.

The fairy is on the fairy, and the advantage of Ling Han is gone.

It is no wonder that Liu Jun is so confident that he already has the means to deal with Ling Han.

Brush, Liu Jun out of the sword, a sword gas will come over, very fast.

Ling Han stretched his arm to stop, oh, Jianqi squatted on the armor, most of the power was offset, but there was still a part that passed through, only the skin seemed to be torn open, and the blood flowed out.


Ling Han is amazed, does a star fairy have such a great power?

He has not used it before, and he does not think that the search for a secret can send such a power to a star.


Ling Han stunned, this instrument must have been moved by Taikoo Zhenjun, in order to release the power above the level, but it can not be too strong, otherwise this cheating is too obvious, it will make people laugh.

Dignified spirits, even a two-star fairy can not afford to lose?

However, is there only one advantage of defense in the armor?

Ling Han killed and went out. The golden carvings and eighteen claws unfolded. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a fierce bird in the wilderness period, and went to Liu Jun.

He is golden.

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