Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3612: You are not worthy of watching

In the cold water lake, above Iceland, the two strong fight?

These two are very young, one person is serving the blue, one person is wearing purple, they are very young, and they can go to that stop, and they have a kind of sultry style.

"Qian Senlai, you can't beat me when building a people's base. When you build a space, you can't beat me. Now you are back to the world. You still can't be my opponent." The young man in the suit said proudly.

He held a sword in his hand, and he was full of brilliance.

The young man named Qian Senlai snorted: "Rosie, I rank lower than you, is it because the combat power is weaker than you? Only if you are lucky, will you be better than me in each ranking? One taller."

The young man in the suit, Rossi, shook his head: "You will be hard, see how I teach you to be a man!"

"I'm afraid you can't!" Qian Senlai had no fear.

"However, before that, I need to drive away a fly!" Rossi looked at Ling Han. Before the two of them did not look at Ling Han, but it did not mean that they did not find Ling Han.

- Tang Yuner has entered the gourd, although her mindfulness is far superior to her peers, but obviously can not be compared with Ling Han, long ago can not support.

Qian Senlai has already strode toward Ling Han, holding a black knife in his hand, which is covered with lines and exudes arrogance: "Roll, our battle, you are not worth watching!"

Ling Han originally planned to go to Iceland and resume his mindfulness. Anyway, there is no water element, but the premise is that he has to go.

Are you driving me?


"This Iceland built your home?" asked Ling Han.

Qian Sen’s trip, of course, is impossible. This is naturally formed, but you don’t know who I am from, so I dare to follow me?

"Even if it is built by your family, is this cold lake your home? In the public place, it is illegal to take illegal buildings and fine!" Ling Han Zhangkou came.

Qian Sen is a bit aggressive, what is the situation?

"Ha ha ha ha!" Rossi is a big laugh, he and Qian Sen came because of the ranking problem, has been a long time home, now see this old opponent was stunned and stunned, let him cool.

Qian Sen came to his face and said: "Do you have to suffer a bit?"

He strode over, the blade dragged on Iceland, and the Mars came out.

In fact, this Iceland is extremely sturdy and can withstand the ordinary quest to fight on the top, but now they are evenly flattened by the two of them, and the strength is indeed awkward.

Naturally, they use high-level energy. Otherwise, if they only talk about brute force, it is not qualified to seek damage to this iceberg.

Ling Han hands his chest and knows: "Why, do you want to fight?"

"Do you match?" Qiansen came to sneer, but he was the ninth genius in the young generation of Anwar County. In the same battle, he was only five or even more powerful than him.

——This kind of ranking, of course, will not be strictly calculated according to the combat power of the same level of war, so he is confident that the real combat power is more than the ninth.

Even if he is only the ninth, it is not comparable to the strange young man in front of him. It is too much.

Ling Han activities the neck and hands and feet, Yan Yan smiled: "It is just a little stuffy in the water, take you to solve the boring."

Qian Sen came to pick a thick eyebrow, this guy really wants to die, actually dare to provoke himself.

Yes, this person does not know who he is, no wonder the confidence is violent.

Oh, let him see, what is the top genius.

"Give me a slap!" He shot, his left hand explored, bang, terrible power surged, and pressed toward Ling Han.

Ling Han took a shot, hehe, Qian Sen’s attack was resolved.

“Hey?” “Well?”

Both Qiansen and Rossi are a glimpse of this scene, but they are beyond their expectations.

Even if Qiansen came to use all his strength, the strength of Ling Han could not be underestimated.

"If you can have such strength in building a foundation, it is eligible to be ranked in the top 100." Qiansen came to comment. "Unfortunately, you are just a small secret search, Xianmen jumps, maybe It will become a eternal material."

"Yongcai can also blow you up!" Ling Han counterattacks, he is on the top, double fists, bombing, bombing, banging, punching, and overbearing.

Qian Sen came to reveal a cautious color, and did not use a knife. Instead, he collected it, but with his palms and the cold.

Jokes, he is a genius in Anwar County. If you need a knife to deal with a nameless pawn, do you want to face it?

After a few moves, Qian Sen came to frown, and the opponent was unexpectedly strong.

Fortunately, the opponent does not seem to be obsessive, and does not use high-level energy. Although the combat power is strong, but the lethality is only a kind of brute force, he can use a lot of characters to get it.

This is natural. Ling Han was originally used to almost the same level of power. Although he can still use it for a while, but there is not another person on the opposite side, of course he has to leave some cards.

Good steel should be used on the edge of the knife. If he uses the power of thought, it must be the communication of destruction energy, and directly kill the two.

Even so, Ling Han opened the shackles, and easily smashed Chen Sen's one-shot flaw, and quickly gained the upper hand.

Qian Senlai did not panic at all, but laughed happily: "Kid, I don't know why you are so powerful, but you don't have the power to cultivate, the strength is at least half weak!"

"Just let you see, the point of finding the secret can be strong!"

He snorted and his palms immediately became silver.

This is also the metal energy, and the level is likely to be richer than the metal energy ignited by Ling Han, and the arrangement is different, only to show silver.

Hum, he waved his hand and the silver light dazzled.

Ling Han still greeted with a meat fist, hey, the two hit a blow, they all stepped back a few steps.

There is blood on the fist of Ling Han. The destructive power of high-level energy is too great, and the spirit map that Qian Sen has mastered is very extraordinary and powerful. Fortunately, the bones of Ling Han are too hard to be hardened. It’s just a broken thing.

Looking at Qiansen, he is not much better, and the tiger's mouth is cracked.


Ling Han used a frequency attack. You can't use high-level energy. I still maintain the original strength.

"It's really a small look at you." Qiansen came to awe-inspiringly. He just did his best at the attack. However, he could only fight with Ling Han, and his opponent's strength was really extraordinary.

At least at the level of finding the secret, the other party already has the qualification to compete with himself.

The smile on the corner of Rosie’s mouth was also closed, and he felt pressure.

If Ling Han Yue Xian Men can still maintain the standard, then this person will inevitably become their strong competitor.

What is the key, the other party will not communicate with the high-level energy is so powerful, so that he has learned how to use the power of reading?

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