Qian Sen came to look at Ling Han, he put away the last contempt.

Although outside the world, he can crush the cold with one finger, but here, the other party is the enemy.

He took a deep breath and made an attack.

"Ternary floats in the palm of your hand." Rossi blurted out, and even more shocked, this is one of Qiansen's tricks, I did not expect to use it so quickly.

Ling Han did not care. Now Qian Senlai exudes a powerful momentum. It seems that he is also able to shake back when the sky falls.

This is the fairy.

One of the advantages of the Xiantu strongman is that it can really master the fairy tales, and it is driven by the power of the secretive world. Although the power will be weaker, it must be stronger than the general martial arts.

Well, the fairy is on the fairy.

Ling Hanhua is a claw, and if it is a goose-winged wing, it also has a fierce air, and there is a raptor that is going to attack if it is in the wild.

Golden Eagle eighteen claws.

Qian Senlai was naturally shocked again, relying on, what is the situation, how to find the secret is how to learn the magic?

You monster!

When he was shocked, Ling Han had already killed him, his feet were dancing, and the golden light was shining.

Qian Sen came to shock and was shocked. Of course, he was not afraid of it. He instinctively greeted him.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The two continually collided, and the golden and silver glimmered.

Ling Han suddenly thought, since the demon monkey fist was taught by the monkey brother, it must have been a fairy tales, and he also provoked a horrible demon monkey phantom, which is really strong and indescribable.

However, the strongest part of the demon monkey boxing is the frequency attack, so that he can weaken the strong and not fall.

The problem is that he needs to master the attack pulsation of the opponent before he can launch a frequency attack.

This is passive.

Can you ignore the opponent's attack and form a frequency attack on your own side?

Can try

Once successful, his combat power will increase steadily.

Ling Han eyes gleaming, he suddenly switched to the demon monkey boxing.

Rely on, what the **** are you doing?

Qian Sen came to be depressed for a while. He almost had to adapt to the rhythm of the golden claws and eight claws. But Ling Han suddenly turned his claws into fists, and the attack rhythm completely changed, which made him feel uncomfortable with a sense of vomiting blood.

The master likes to study the opponent's school, and then crack it. Now he has just mastered a few points. Ling Han is not showing it. It makes him feel like a child has been robbed of his beloved toy.

However, when Ling Han’s boxing method began, he felt tremendous pressure, and his opponent’s body exuded violent temper and oppressed his heart.

artistic conception!

Qian Sen was shocked. Only Xianju could cultivate the artistic conception. But not every fairy singer can do it. It must be a very good fairy sorcerer, and the user has a talented and amazing mastery of the essence of fairy tales.

A secret search environment, can actually grasp the essence of fairy tales? Moreover, the power of this boxing method is so strong?

Ordinary artistic conception only affects the environment. For example, letting you be in the stove and iceberg, only a very small number of artistic conception is directly oppressing the soul. This effect is more direct, but it is also a double-sided blade.

Because once the opponent's will is strong enough, it can in turn suppress the caster.

From this point of view, the person who created this boxing method must be extremely overbearing and confident. I punched out and the world is invincible!

The same is true for Ling Han. When he screams, the demon monkey fights, and he seems to have become a violent ancient demon monkey, to crush everything.

He punched a fist and realized the vibration of his fist.

"You are too small to see me!" Qian Sen came to be violent, his power was full, his mind was surging, his hands became very bright, and the silver radiance seemed to shake the human eye.

Boom, bang, bang, he constantly fights with Ling Han, when it comes to war, he will certainly not lose to anyone as a top genius.

You have to fight hard and hard, I will never be embarrassed.

This is exactly what the cold is, he needs pressure to force himself to break through.

The greater the pressure, the greater the power.

Rossi's face is getting more and more dignified. Although Ling Han has not yet entered the path of Xian, there may be an accident when Yue Xianmen, but if the other party jumps over Xianmen and the strength is not damaged?

This will be a strong enemy.

Strange, when did Anwar County have such a young genius?

Ling Han gradually realized that he had mastered the frequency attack and knew the principle. It is only now that he is accumulating power on his own side, but only needs a change.


He punched two punches in a flash, the power in front was a little slower, and the power behind him caught up and formed a corrugated shape.


A blow to the bang, Ling Han could not help but retreat, in contrast to Qian Sen, one step does not retreat, has taken the upper hand.

On the surface, Ling Han suffered a loss, but he smiled.

Because his two forces formed his own frequency attack, greatly enhanced the power, but the accumulation of the power of the two punches naturally can not compete with Qiansen's full force, so he fell to the bottom.

Come again!

He waved three punches, and the forces went one after another, like a wave of waves.

Hey, Ling Han and Chen Sen came to fight, this time he still fell to the disadvantage, but the situation has already improved.

Ling Han shouted, four forces linked.

Five, six, seven... As the frequency of the attack by Ling Han has become more and more fierce, he has gradually regained his inferiority.

Qian Sen came to roar, he thought that he had the upper hand and would soon win, but Ling Han was too tenacious, and he gave up the disadvantages.

His offensive is even more urgent, and he has to work hard to get rid of the cold.

On one side, Rossi is a bit chilly.

Bystander clear, he saw the score clearly, before Ling Han was experimenting with a technique or other, because he was unfamiliar, so he suddenly fell into the wind, but now he is mastery, so he pulled the situation back.

Things are simple, but the meaning behind this is too horrible.

——Under such a strong battle, Ling Han can still experiment with new techniques?

How confident is this and how savvy?

He has a feeling that Anwar County is destined to have one more shining newcomer.

Ling Han laughed, he has completed the transformation, transforming the frequency attack into his own body.


He punches again, his fists violently vibrate at a frequency that is hard to capture with the naked eye, and he instantly hits seventy degrees of gravity.

The limit of the demon monkey boxing is one hundred and eight gravity, and he is far from reaching the extreme.

This is not a simple seventy-fold power superposition, but a wave of waveforms becomes a specific frequency.


Qian Sen came to pick up, but his face was drastically changed, and he couldn’t help but retreat three steps.

In contrast, Ling Han, four flat and stable.

Obviously, the current situation is already dominated by Ling Han.

Qiansen couldn't believe it. He looked at Ling Han with a sly look, and his heart was completely embarrassed.

How can it be? How can it be?

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