Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3614: Defeating

"Qian Senlai, let me come!" Rossi came out.

"Roll, I have not lost!" Qiansen refused.

"I haven't lost yet?" Rossi shook his head. "You don't even admit that the gap is in the future. I am really ashamed to be with you."

Qian Sen came to the air, in fact, he just fell a little wind, before Ling Han did not fall in the wind, because he was only a few steps back, even if he lost?

He was not convinced and went forward to fight with Ling Han.

But Ling Han has completely adapted to the new frequency attack, he found that this is the way to open the demon monkey box correctly.

Because the demon monkey who created this boxing method is probably the ancestor of the monkey brother, it is the invincible emperor, who once dictated an era, such a domineering figure, but also need to care about the other side’s tricks, Attack pulsation?

No need!

I punched out and was invincible.

Therefore, when Ling Han was transformed, he was more comfortable with the operation of the demon monkey boxing. It was also a superposition of seventy strengths. It is obvious that his current frequency attack power is even greater.

Qian Senlai really can't beat it, although he is not much less than Ling Han, but it is worse, it is worse, and he is pressed by Ling Han, even if he can persist for enough time.

After all, he was a genius, or he wanted to face his face. He finally screamed and quit the battle group.

do not fight.

Rossi stepped forward: "You are now eligible to sign up!"

This is of course to say to Ling Han, and it is not excessive to regard his identity as a base.

Ling Hanhehe smiled: "Play and fight, where come so much nonsense!"

He took the initiative to rush to the past, the demon monkey fists unfolded, and bombarded.

Now he does not need to grasp the attack pulse of the other party first, and he is completely centered on himself. It is called a comfortable, and there is a kind of domineering in the heart.

I control you as a demon, how strong you are, and get it from a punch.

Can you make a punch? Then two punches.

Rossi was helpless and forced to meet.

He has a well-thought-out mind. Before he was looking at it, he thought of a countermeasure. He really got it. He found that it was totally different. The set that he came up with didn’t work.

He was also suppressed by Ling Han, and no matter how he applied it, he could not recover the disadvantage and could only passively defend.

"Haha, Rossi, aren't you crazy?" Qiansen laughed. He was a competitor with the other side. He didn't win. Of course, he didn't want Rossi to have the upper hand.

Rossi bit his teeth, a secret door came out, want to turn over, but the secret method is not much, like the demon monkey fist, the power is amazing, a boxing method can suppress the world, do you need other boxing?

No matter how he acts, he can never reverse the disadvantage.

When he fought a hundred strokes, he had to withdraw from the battle group. If he continued to fight, he would not be able to benefit.

Although the competitors have lost, Qian Sensen is not happy at all.

The two great bases, and the geniuses of the younger generation of Anwar County, were defeated by a newcomer who was not known.

How is it?

They face each other and learn from each other?

The two shake their heads at the same time, and even a secret search has not won, and there is a face to learn?

Let's go, what are you doing?

At the same time, the two men stepped on the waves, even if they were forced to be searched for secrets, it was natural that there was no problem.

Ling Han smiled and sat down to let himself and the Yang Hulu absorb fresh air.

One night passed, the sun rose, the soft sun fell, but the cold was not warm, the cold lake was so cold.

One night, his mind was restored to seven or eight, and he let Tang Yuner also come out to practice. Little Loli was too lazy to do so, and did not urge him to refuse to practice.

Strange, why do the cucurbits grow as long as they grow up?

Hey, people are growing out of the gourd vine.

The cold fire stone has not been used up, but if used here, the effect is greatly reduced.

Water and fire?

He did not waste, and he collected the fire stone. Since there is a fire stone in the valley, will there be ice stone?

After the cultivation, he sneaked into the bottom of the lake and continued to hunt.

This time, his efficiency has greatly dropped, even if there are still seven milk-wafers to help, no one or two years he would like to get enough water essence.

Not to mention Ling Han, after Rossi and Qian Sen came out, the news of their fight with Ling Han still said that they had missed their mouth and passed it out.

The entire Anwar County was a sensation. When did you actually have such a genius?

Although it is still only a secret, but can defeat the super genius of Rossi and Qiansen, how enchanting is it?

For a time, the mysterious genius of Ling Han was fired.

The younger generation of Anwar County was selected by a combination of factors such as realm, combat power, record, and potential. Now Rossi and Qiansen are ranked in the eighth and ninth geniuses, respectively. Let the people who are ranked below them are not embarrassed, because they are not as good as Ling Han if they don’t see the face of Ling Han.

There are many young and prosperous people who have dispatched to the cold water lake to defeat the cold and to be in their own name.

On the other hand, when Pang and Lei received the news, the first time to conclude that this person is Ling Han.

——Where are so many geniuses under the sun, just a cold, and a mysterious strongman?

Besides, this mysterious genius to go to the cold water lake is definitely collecting the essence of water, not who is Ling Han?

"This child must be removed!" Lei family executives issued an order.

"At all costs." Pang family ancestors also ordered.

The two great Dantian forces made a serious move, and the energy that can be used was also amazingly strong. They adapted to the local conditions and quickly formulated tactics for the cold weather.

This time, let this son disappear completely.

The masters of the two families dispatched them to the cold water lake with the treasures they had taken at great cost.

Cold water lake.

Ling Han has stayed here for ten days, and the harvest is still very small, completely incomparable with the extreme valley.

He said with emotion, it is no wonder that everyone knows that there are five good things like the creation of Dan, but the people who are really willing to refine are extremely rare. If you look at this cold lake, you will know it.

However, it is hard to give up the cold. He has a kind of obsession with perfection. He knows that he can be the best. He will not be reconciled.

This is the case, let him become the strongest god.

On this day, he surfaced again and climbed onto a piece of ice floe to rest.

This ice floe is small and not much larger than an ordinary house.


He looked into the distance and saw that a figure was coming, and the speed was extremely fast.

Hey, this person also found the cold, a fly has fallen on the ice floes.

"Are you the one who defeated Rossi and Chanson?" the man asked, dressed in a gold robes, full of arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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