What is this attribute?

Ling Han shook his head, he is him, need to rely on Rossi, Chanson to raise his face?

"Why, do you want to be the third person to be defeated by me?" He said faintly, too lazy to argue.

"Wrong, I am here to defeat you and prove that I am looking for the secret is the strongest!" said Jin Yuyi.

Ling Han is amazed, even if he really has to be defeated, it can not explain anything, because he is only open the world.

Why do everyone think he is looking for a secret?


Jin Yuyi has already launched an attack, kicked it over, and screamed, screaming in the wind, entangled with black energy, as if it had become black iron.

Ling Han was a glimpse, thinking that the other party also mastered the destruction energy, but also shocked, but immediately wake up, it is not destroying energy, but metal energy, just made out of black.

He punched out and directly used a frequency attack of seventy gravity.

Oh, it was just a blow. The gold jacket was shocked and flew out. He slammed into the lake.

"Hey, how so weak?" Ling Han muttered, compared to Rossi and Qiansen, this person's strength is much worse.

Jin Yuyi jumped out and stepped on the water.

Hey, can you still stand on the waves?

Ling Han took a closer look, oh, the original Jin Yuyi's feet have been hurriedly stepping on, which provided enough power to allow him to float on the water.

Kim’s face was red, and he naturally heard the words of Ling Han.

He is ranked 34th among the top talents in Anwar County. He is called Yanguan. Although the ranking does not represent absolute strength, there are only a few gaps. It is absolutely impossible to rank the 10th in combat strength. It fell to thirty and forty.

Therefore, he is far worse than Rossi and Qiansen, and even Ling Han’s move is impossible.

Of course, not that he is too weak, but after Ling Han improved the frequency attack, the combat power is more powerful.

He is ashamed.

Obviously, it is to defeat the cold, and then you can brag about it. The battle for your own secrets is even more than that of Rossi and Qiansen. What is the result?


He didn't make any more moves. The gap is really too big. It is not an enemy at all, just make a wool.

Run, he turned and he was leaving.

"Slow!" Ling Han was stopped. "You thought I was opening a store. If you want to come, come and leave."

"How are you going?" asked Jin Yuyi.

"Robbery!" Ling Han smiled.

Jin Yuyi can't help but be full of black lines. You are not a genius. How can you actually fall into thieves?

He wants to break through, but how can he be the opponent of Ling Han, he will be won in three or two.

Ling Han searched his space implement, but look at his gold jacket is good, and then forced to peel off.

This is not a battle armor, but the material is extraordinary and can play a very good defense effect.

Don't be white.

"Welcome to come back next time." Ling Han said that he smiled and he was very welcome to send money to the boy. "Yes, tell others, if you want to challenge me, you will be ready for the essence of water, otherwise you will be inevitable." I am going to be robbed by me."

When you look at the shame and go, the skill is not as good as people. If you lose, you will be robbed and let him feel embarrassed.

He didn't want to reveal the ugly things he had lost, but the figure that fled and fled was captured, and naturally he pieced out the truth and then advertised.

There is a vine star, and the distance is not a problem at all. It was quickly spread throughout Anwar County.

Since the scandal has been exposed, the scornfulness has also said that Ling Han’s request has been made. He now has an idea that he cannot be humiliated by such a person. If there are more people, then he will not look awkward.

More truths have also been excavated. The original mysterious man named Ling Han, who defeated Zhang Qihua in the extreme valley, also killed Lei Jiujun.

When these two news came out, Anwar County was completely sensational.

This person is too forked, can you really find the secret invincible?

The news came out, and suddenly attracted more people to go looking for Ling Han, that is, the top seven arrogants ranked in the top seven, there are also a few words, saying that they may have to go to a cold.

Ling Han has become very lively and always challenged from time to time.

Some people really have to bring the essence of water. For this kind of thing, after the defeat of Ling Han, the essence of the water will be put on the other side, but if there is no essence of water, it will be dry, then I am sorry, I directly snored. Robbery.

The more people who were defeated, the bigger the reputation of Ling Han, and the faint reputation of finding the secret.

As a result, Ge Tong, Sang Xing, and Yu Le Shui are all unable to sit still. They are the top five in the young generation of Anwar County. They simply disdain a general knowledge of finding a secret, but now everyone is Take them to compare with Ling Han, think that they are definitely not as cold as looking for a secret.

Otherwise, why not challenge the cold?

Obviously afraid of losing.

Ranked sixth, the first time in the beginning of the punishment, said to go to suppress the cold.

As a result, two days later, the news came out. He was defeated by Ling Han. Not only did the spacecraft be taken away, but even the underwear was stripped clean, and he shamefully ran for a while.

Who told him not to take the essence of water?

Next, the fifth-ranked Yang Cheng also shot, the same suffered a fiasco, and then ranked fourth Li Mingxu, still inevitably defeated the end.

The pressures of Ge Tong, Sang Xing and Yu Le Shui are huge. If they lose again, it means that the younger generation of Anwar County is losing to Ling Han in the search for secrets.

Under such pressure, they cherish the feathers more and more, and refused to take it out easily.

If Ge Tong is speaking, he said that he did not bother to fight with Ling Han.

Who is he?

Why do you want to self-destruct your identity and go to a "fair" battle for a secret?

There is a fair battle in the martial arts world, only the weak meat.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to go to the cold water lake, but if Ling Han dares to appear in front of him, he does not mind to suppress it.

Sang Xing and Yu Le Shui also said similar words. How did you win the cold and how could you find the invincible secret?

They are the strongest builders. The goal they want to chase is naturally not the genius of Anwar County, but the top genius of other counties.

A sway, Ling Han has entered the cold water lake for a month and a half.

On this day, he once again breathed out from the lake, but at this moment, hey, suddenly there was a stone with a large stone in front of it. It was not finished yet. There was also a stone flying from the back, sandwiching him in the middle. .

This kind of attack is naturally nothing, and the volley can escape.

But when Ling Han stood up, the two stones seemed to have life, and they crossed an arc and continued to chase him.

This greatly exceeded the expectations of Ling Han, and he was suddenly hit by two stones.

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