However, although the two stones will pursue the target by themselves, the impact is not so strong. The cold body is shocked, and only a hot blood will be sprayed out, but this is only the case.

His physical training is too strong, it can be said that the search for secrets is invincible, and the combat power here is limited to the search for secrets, so this can only make him vomit a blood.

Who is attacking him?

Ling Han was furious. He didn't mind to learn from others. As long as there is enough water essence, can someone actually attack him now?


He wants to push the stone and look for the murderer, but these two stones... are actually magnets, and they are tightly glued.

This is not an ordinary magnet. The magnetic force is so powerful that he can't push the stone.

Oh, the stone fell and squatted on the ice.

It is reasonable to say that the ice is so solid that it cannot be smashed, but the magnets interact to produce a powerful heat that melts the ice quickly.

Hey, a group of people flew over.

"Ha ha ha, Ling Han, did you think of it?" A total of seven people, did not reveal a sneer.

"Killing the scorpion of our Lei family, thinking that we can go unpunished?"

"Even if you are hiding here, we can still take you!"

Ling Han’s heart glimpsed, and it turned out to be the two people of Lei and Pang. He sneered: "There is no way to use this kind of trick."

"Let's talk nonsense with him, hurry up and take him, or you will sink." Someone urged.

"Good!" Someone came over and grabbed the magnet.

Ling Han must not let the other side succeed, otherwise he will definitely not escape if he leaves the Hanbing Lake.

Hey, he launched a suffocating shock, then spit out a golden sword and smashed toward the man.

The man was not prepared at all, and Ling Han was trapped between the two magnets. Where did he come to attack him?

Under the impact of the suffocation, his expression was stagnation, and he was cut off by Jin Jian, and he was directly annihilated.

If you build a strong foundation, you will be so dead.

Everyone else was a stay, but I didn’t expect Ling Han to kill the strong base in such a situation. This is simply harvesting grass.

Hey, the magnet melted the ice, and suddenly fell into the water, swelling down with the cold.

No one dares to come up. With the lessons of the past, who dares to die?

Therefore, the six people were watching the cold and sinking into the water.

After a while, they reacted and they all blush.

In the face of a small person looking for a secret, they did not dare to shoot?

Too shameful!

"However, since this kid has sunk into the bottom of the lake, he will die." Someone shouted.

"Yeah." Others nodded and agreed.

"That is the red and red magnet, the blood of the strong, not the kid can break free."

"So, he is either frozen to death, or suffocated, or exhausted, and there is no fourth possibility."

"For the sake of insurance, let's go ahead and see."

"it is good."

Six people have launched into the water, wrapped in flame energy to rival the chill. They accelerated, and soon they caught up with two magnets that were almost together. It can be clearly seen that they are sinking quickly with the cold.

But after only a while, they did not follow up, because they have sneaked into the deep distance of the water, the water pressure is getting more and more horrible, and if they go on, their bodies will be squeezed by pressure.

No way, here they can only play to find the strength of the secret.

Therefore, they stopped and watched the cold and the two magnets sink deeper and deeper until they disappeared into the darkness.

They began to rise and jumped out of the water and stood on the ice floes.

"Definitely dead." Six people are nodding, this is no longer possible after the cold.


In the lake.

Ling Han is thinking about countermeasures. The suction of these two magnets is really terrible. He can't get away from it, and he can't enter the nourishing gourd.

Not only that, but he also needs to resist the pressure of the magnet, and communicate the energy of the flame, otherwise he will be frozen until he is crushed.

The key is that this is still the bottom of the lake. If he has no air, one hour is the limit.

Can you choose one of the crushed, frozen, and suffocating?

The magnet continued to sink, and the thoughts in the cold heart were turned. He had to get out of trouble as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would have to face a more serious problem.

Destroy energy!

This is the only solution that Ling Han thinks.

Be sure to become a ah.

Because of his limited power, he removed the flame energy, and then ran the destruction energy. Suddenly, his hands and feet were entangled with black energy. Under the powerful force of destruction, the two shoes suddenly turned into nothingness.

Ling Han reached out and pressed it in the magnet, but to his disappointment, there was no slight change in the magnet.

no effect?

No, it may be that the material of the magnet itself is quite amazing, so it can be destroyed without three or two.

Can not give up.

Ling Han is constantly running to destroy energy. Now he only has to fight one hand and does not break the magnet, then he can't escape.

The magnet is so sloppy that this thing is unusually heavy and sinks very quickly.

The water pressure came crazy, and Ling Han felt that every part of the body was crushed, the skin suddenly broke, and the blood overflowed, leaving a long blood line, straight to the bottom of the lake.

Fortunately, Ling Han has cultivated the real extremes of each realm. His body is extremely arrogant, and he has withstood the bones.

He is still sinking, and his eyes, nose and ears are overflowing with blood.

Just then, he found that his hands and feet had a slightly moving area.

The magnet... was destroyed a part.

The spirit of Ling Han was greatly enhanced and he continued to work harder.

Water pressure, squeezing, and strange cold, Ling Han must face three major problems at the same time. If you want to change one person, any one ring is fatal, but he is stunned.

The seven changes made his blood extremely strong, and there was no problem in fighting cold and cold in a short time.

Heavy, broken and broken.

Ling Han is competing with time. It really has to go to the bottom of the water. Maybe he has no strength to swim again.

His activity space is getting bigger and bigger, and the water pressure is getting more and more horrible. Suddenly, Ling Han only feels a shock, then he leans down.

Go to the bottom of the lake.

Ling Han Wu came over, it was too dark, he couldn't see anything without launching the scorpion, but after the foot stepped into the mud, he naturally reacted.

The water pressure here is terrible. Ling Han only feels that his bones are trembled, and even the blood after the seven changes is almost unable to maintain his vitality. His vitality is rapidly declining.

Ling Han still did not give up, such a person, even if he is about to swallow the last breath, it must be in the fight.

Destruction of energy rolling, Ling Han issued a silent roar, doing the last fight.

The card, the magnet made a crisp sound.

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