Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3617: Lake palace

The magnet is going to break.

Ling Han hastened up Yu Yong and raised the intensity of the energy of destruction.

His mental strength is almost exhausted, and if he can't break the magnet, then he really has no choice.

Even now, he is already overloaded, and he only feels that his head has risen sharply.

Loose, loose, loose, and the cold is hard to earn, the whole person immediately floats up, and the two magnets are brought together, but now if you pull it hard, you will find that the magnet is easy to separate.

Because the destroyed energy severely damages the structure, the magnetic force is certainly not strong.

Ling Han couldn't resist, and quickly entered the nourishing gourd. In the moment he entered, he saw a bright light in the distance.

How can there be light in such a deep lake bottom?

With a vague thought, Ling Han entered the gourd and immediately fainted. In the vagueness, he seemed to hear Tang Yuner calling, smelling cold, how are you so miserable, you don't want to faint, or who will give me Cooking and eating...

This dead child knows how to eat, and he must pack her back.

He finally fainted.

I didn’t know how long it took to sleep. Ling Han was awakened by the sullen feeling.

"Ling Han, what are you doing!" Tang Yuner fangs, "You can't open the lake, what is the relationship with me, why do you have to take me with you?"

She went out a little before, but she was almost squeezed into the flesh by the water pressure. Fortunately, she also had a secret treasure, which worked in time to allow her to escape into the gourd.

Although the space of the gourd is not small, it can't withstand the two people who can't get out of the breath, and now the air content is getting lower and lower.

She still doesn't know about saving, suffocating, but she doesn't know if she is chilling, and she consumes most of the air.

Ling Han smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have recovered almost, and this will take you out."

His body is really tyrannical, just sleeping like this, the trauma is already good, and the reading power has recovered some, but to return to the best state, it still has to go back to the shore.

"You better hurry, or I will become a suffocating ghost!" Tang Yuner spit his tongue. "If people die, then hang yourself behind you to scare you!"

Ling Hanhe, out of the gourd, is about to float up, but it is a glimpse of the light that I saw when I entered the gourd.

He stopped... It’s time to go find it.

The water pressure is amazing, but it has been smashed for so long before Ling Han, and in the case of magnet extrusion, he is now naturally more relaxed, mainly because the body is too strong and too comprehensive.

Otherwise, even if someone else has repaired the seven bones, the guilt will not be under such pressure, and the heart and the liver will explode.

Turning around in the lake, Ling Han really caught the light.

He quickly swam to the place.

Although he couldn't play the speed he deserved in the lake, it was convenient to be strong. His feet were at the bottom of the lake. He suddenly broke out with great power and pushed him forward. There was a swordfish.

It’s just that there are no living elements in the water at the bottom of the lake. Here you can crush all the secrets.

As Ling Han approached, the light was getting bigger and bigger, and gradually came out.

Ling Han could not help but reveal the color of surprise, it is actually a palace!

At the bottom of the cold water lake, there is actually a palace?

He soon came to the vicinity, only to see that the entire palace was covered with a light curtain. He tried to reach out and touched it. He realized that the light curtain was like mud, and his hand was so crowded. .

Ling Han's curiosity is too big, he barely hesitated, and the whole person squeezed in.

After one step, he felt a light body.

The water pressure has disappeared.

Hey, here is an empty place, there is no drop of water at all.

Ling Han was surprised, but he knew how terrible the water pressure was, but the light curtain that he could wear at random was actually blocked.

This is full of contradictions.

"Ah, dying the baby!" Tang Yuner came out of the gourd and breathed in a big mouth.

After entering this space, the nourishing gourd naturally added the air, and let Xiao Loli know that she had "already" left the lake.

"Hey?" She swept a circle and couldn't help but reveal the novelty, because it was surrounded by Wang Yang, and the front was a huge palace. This scene was not what she expected.

"Ling Han, where did you turn people?"

Ling Han tapped on her head: "Nobody is betraying you."

"It’s strange." Xiao Loli said.

Since it is here, how can I take a look?

Now they are in the square in front of the palace. A piece of masonry is like white jade. It can be used as a mirror.

Tang Yuner took a step and almost slipped, and immediately let her come to interest and began to slide the ice.

"Come on!" she laughed.

No matter how small the kid is, it is also a child.

Ling Han smiled, and he strode in the direction of Gongmen.

One step, two steps, three steps, after a few steps, Ling Han could not help but stop, because the palace gate did not come close.

He looked back and found that he did not advance at all.

What is this ghost?

Ling Han stared at his feet and then walked again, one step, two steps, three steps, and the pace was normal. He looked back and still did not go out in one step.

Can a little loli not be skating?

and many more.

Ling Han walked along the periphery of the palace, and sure enough, he immediately felt the change of perspective.

Hey, can only circle, can't get close?

Ling Han circled around the palace, but no matter where he went from the palace gate, he could not move forward.

He thought about it and came to the position of the palace gate and decided to die from here.

"Ling Han, it’s so weird here," said Little Loli. "It’s definitely a cloth that has been laid out. It’s just too clever, and I can’t detect a trace.”

Ling Han agreed, he opened the scorpion to see it, and did not see any traces of the arrangement.

It can only be said that the people who arranged this array of methods are too clever.

In this case, Ling Han decided to go forward with a rib.

Big deal is a waste of time, but there may be an amazing chance in the square to the quirks of this square.

He started to walk, but if he was based on the little Loli around him, he did not move a minute.

The same is true, and the same is true. He can only see that his figure is shaking, but his position is unchanged.

Ling Han stopped, and the load on the horizon was too big. He couldn’t keep a few moments.

He is advancing at a normal pace and his eyes are sharp.

Half a day later, Tang Yuner was hungry.

Ling Han threw out food to make her own hot, so that Xiao Shantou was very dissatisfied, complaining that Xiao Han abused children.

There is a feeling in Ling Han’s heart, which may be a test.

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