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"Hey, this place is too evil!" Ling Hanfang, is this really a palace, not a big grave?

"However, it’s hard to come in, how can you be willing to go without going around?"

At the foot of Ling Han, the palace is very big, and the height of the palace is about ten feet. It is full of atmosphere.

The floor tiles are still light, but this time there is no special effect, so Ling Han has been standing still.

There is nothing unusual here, except for a large bronze column, there is nothing else.

Ling Han observed the bronze column. This should have existed for many years. All of them have been rusted and streaked, but they can still be seen clearly. The pillars are originally patterned, but what is specific. Not coming out.

Who belonged to this palace, and why did it appear here?

There is light curtain protection on the periphery of the palace. It is obviously intentional. What is the meaning of the palace?

Ling Han naturally could not understand it. He shook his head and continued to move forward. I don’t know if I could find the answer in the depths of the temple.

“Does anyone take a step ahead of me and search for it here?”

"If you really want to do this, will I take the floor tiles outside, how can I get a little bit of it?"

Ling Han thought, there is no embarrassment at all.


He suddenly raised an incomparable heart, and turned to look to the left. I saw a black air in the gap between the two bricks, and there was an indescribable evil.

What is this ghost?

Ling Han has a feeling that it is absolutely impossible to be touched by this thing, otherwise he will never be able to recover.

The black gas constantly rushed out, there was a large group. After almost a dozen seconds, it seemed to be a clean, the black gas began to surge, and then turned into a human form.

Hello, what is this ghost?

The human form is getting more and more realistic, and it has turned out eyes, nose, mouth and so on.

This is actually an old man, awkward body, old-fashioned.

What a hell?

Ling Han does not think that people can still become a group of smoke, and the eyes of the old man are too abnormal, there is no eyeball at all, only a piece of darkness.

Is there really a ghost in the world?

Ling Han once again asked himself that he had never believed in the existence of ghosts before, but now his cognition is being broken.

The old man stared at Ling Han, and the dark eyes seemed to have no bottom abyss, which made Ling Han lose his God at first sight and could not extricate himself.

Strong, strong, this old man is definitely the level of Xiantu, and even... don't lose the monkey brother!

Hey, what is the monkey brother?

Small ride, teach the master's power!

But the old man who is now inexplicably out is actually such a existence?

Hell, this is the moon, the martial arts level is much higher than the sky starfish, but it is not so abnormal.

What to do, Ling Han is all cold sweat, a master of the master's power to be against him, how can he stop it? No matter what you do, it is futile.

But with the character of Ling Han, how can you wait?

The old man opened his mouth violently, and the scene of horror appeared. This mouth, her entire face was gone, turned into a **** mouth, and then flew toward the cold.

To be miserable!

Hey, at this moment, a bronze pillar suddenly glowed and hit the old drive, and immediately retired the old man.

Ling Han can see clearly, the old man's left shoulder has a hole in it, you can clearly see the back.

A beam of light shoots a hole in the teaching of the main class?

Ling Han’s scalp is numb, and what kind of place has he entered, it’s too dreamy.

The old man screamed and screamed, and he was silent and silent, but Ling Han only felt the pain of the sea, and he was to be mad.

Hey, the bronze column once again hits the light column. This time it was not one, but three, and they all marched toward the old man.

This beam of light is almost invincible, three beams of light rushing through, and the old man has three more holes in his body.

That Li Xiao is not a sound wave, but a shock to the gods.

Ling Han’s heart is awkward. This palace seems to be used to suppress the old man. Fortunately, if this is the case, if the existence of the primary level is difficult, how can he stop it?

The bronze columns are constantly playing out of the light column. Don't look at them. They don't know how long they exist. But the power is really extraordinary. Just a few times, the old-fashioned leader of the leader-level will be filled with holes and eyes, and he will be heavy for light smoke. Then I was beaten by a few beams of light and completely dissipated.

Ling Han breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that the back was full of cold sweat.

It was too dangerous just now. In front of the strong leader of the teaching master, he was not vulnerable to self-protection.

He went to see the bronze pillars again, and it was already rusted. But actually there is such power, and it is easy to kill the existence of the leader.

Moreover, what kind of ghost is the old man who is smoky?

Ling Han stared at the bronze column, his eyes were extremely hot. If you want to be able to go back, can you sweep the sky starfish?

Move one away... It shouldn't be tight, the bronze columns here are all eye-catching.

The idea is beautiful, but Ling Han can't move the bronze column. It seems to be cast by Xianjin, which is very strong.

People can kill the main class. What is his strength?


Ling Han sighed, this is really into the Baoshan but can only sigh.

Stepping forward, his heart is full of expectations, the bronze column is so powerful, if it can find something treasure, it must be amazing.

After a while, Ling Han once again raised a strong sense of heart.

Is it... come again?

He looked to the rear, and it was not good. A black smoke was drilled out of the seams of the floor tiles, and the boss was a group.

Only for a moment, this group of black smoke turned into a human form.

This time it is not an old man, but a middle-aged man, obviously a ghost, but it seems to be a master who can suppress the world, the momentum is terrible, terrible.

It is also a teacher-level existence, even stronger than the old man.

Ling Han shocked, how many ghosts under the palace, and still teach the main level, but also too stunned.

However, even if this ghost is taught at the main level, the bronze column will glow, and it will soon be wiped out.

Ling Han is no longer worried. This palace is probably a place to suppress ghosts here. The bronze pillar is too strong.

He passed the front hall and there was a garden in front, but now all the plants are withered.

Ling Han saw that there are many fairy plants here, some of which even reached six stars, but now they have lost all the divine glory and can no longer die.

Unfortunately, it is a pity.

Ling Han shook his head and walked forward. There are too many fairy medicines here, but all of them have withered.

Who is so wasteful!

After a few more steps, there was a fountain pool in front of it, but the fountain was no longer spewing, there was some water in the pool, and there were a few water polo balls, which was obviously a mass of water, but it did not break open.

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