Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3620: Imperial palace

Ling Hanyi, relying on, this is the crystal yuan!

How hard is it to play?

Even with the strength of Ling Han, plus the help of seven milk dolls, I have not had a few years to get a copy.

However, there are several copies here, one two three four four... a total of six water polo, that is, six crystal yuan.


Ling Han couldn't help but be surprised. I didn't expect the crystal yuan that made him big will be done in this way.

He quickly collected the crystal yuan, and all six were taken. He couldn't use so much. It doesn't matter, he can sell it.

Just for the six crystal yuan, this is already worth it.

Ling Han is looking forward to it. Will there be any good things in the palace that will enter the second half?

He no longer stared at the withered herbs, and quickly entered the palace of the second half.

Come on, kill him with treasures, he doesn't mind.

The same is true of the second half of the palace. The magnificent bronze pillars stand for a long time, and they will last forever.

Black smoke emerged and ghosts formed.

The bronze column glows and is easily annihilated.

Ling Han is too lazy to look at it now. Anyway, the light column is twisted, and the ghosts are definitely not living.

The palace is big, but it has an end.

But before he went to the end, he saw a person standing in front.

It is just a back, but like a sun in the dark star, it is dazzling and covers everything.

He only felt that the blood of the whole body was boiling, and there was a strong awe in his heart. He wanted to kneel down and worship.

Is this a ancestor, and the dictatorial emperor has such a power?

Is he still alive?

Ling Han forcibly suppresses the fear in his heart. This is a gap in the level of life. The other party is much stronger than him. There is no qualification for comparison. But Ling Han can admit his weakness, but in the mind. He never bowed his head.

He bit his teeth and insisted that he not go down.

"Predecessor..." he said in a trembling voice, not afraid, but unable to control his muscles.

If the other party did not smell it, it was still outstanding, and it was white, and it was as smart as a fairy.

Ignore myself, or hang it?

Ling Han feels that the state of the other party is a bit strange. Like this existence, the fire of life should be burning and burning, but the energy is amazing, but now he is dazzling but lacks vitality.

If the other party is alive, then it should be even more fearful. Can a thought collapse the world?

Ling Han reluctantly moved his body, he could not get close, as long as he went a little further, his skin would crack.

This is not an illusion, because he tried, just slightly moved out some, there is blood rushing out of the body, and then to advance a little, I believe his body will be exploding.

The body of the seven-bone and seven-grain repairs is completely **** in the presence of such a presence.

Is this really a ancestors?

Ling Han moved to the other side, although the distance from the white man is not close, but from this angle you can see the other's face.

This is a middle-aged man who seems to be only forty years old, handsome, and even with his eyes closed, he also has an indescribable domineering, as if he is the center of the world, no one.

However, this is really a dead person, no life.

Hey, a dead person is so powerful, close to it is not, you can burst life.

At this moment, I saw that the person’s mouth was slightly raised, and it was a smile.

Rely, hell! No, the scam is gone!

Ling Han was shocked, but the white people were in the smoke, the body seemed to be dusty, scattered layer by layer, naturalized between the heavens and the earth.

A voice is remembered in the sea of ​​Ling Han, like Huang Zhong Da Lu, and it seems that the universe was first opened and the avenue was handed down.

"My name is Wu Qingxu, in pursuit of the road to becoming a emperor, I have tried my best to find the palace of the endless great emperor. The more I understand the achievements of the Great Emperor, the more I admire, I decided to stay here for the emperor. Keep the spirit."

"Although I am not an emperor, I don't regret it."

Ling Han was stunned. This white man is not a ancestral king. He wants to become the ancestor of the ancestors and the emperor and the emperor. It is not the emperor of Chen Fengyan, but the martial arts emperor who is pressing all the strong people in the world.

Can have such a great ambition, and this Wu Qingxu itself is also extremely powerful existence, but because of the contact with the life experience of the Great Emperor, he gave up the plan of becoming an emperor and was willing to keep the spirit.

Sayādaw, saint?

Sage, otherwise you are not qualified to chase Chengdi Road.

This is exaggerated. The glory of the Emperor is so dazzling, it is actually possible for the saints to give up the decision to become an emperor.

Although Wu Qingxu does not give up, the possibility of becoming an emperor is infinitely zero.

What did the great invaders have done in their lifetime, and let a saint endure the loneliness of the ages in such a ghost place, and live forever?

"The Great Emperor laid down this palace in order to suppress a yin eye between the heavens and the earth, to prevent ghosts from being born, and to harm the world."

"But even the Emperor is not able to rival the vicissitudes of the years. At this time, I have been leaving the palace for hundreds of millions of years, even if the emperor has begun to wear out."

"I have tried my best to reinforce the emperor, and I should be able to protect it for thousands of years."

"Later people, you can come here to show that the mind, perseverance, and potential are the best choices. There is a chance to become a saint in the future."

"If you are sanctified, I hope that you can come here again and reinforce the emperor."

"The Great emperor left a chance here. Because I am determined to stay here for the rest of my life, I will not take it for us."

Wu Qing’s voice weakened, and after a few more words, it finally disappeared.

Ling Han has been speechless for a long time, and he is full of admiration for Wu Qingxu.

Saints, the world is only a few, very pitiful, except for the ancestors, and the words of the ancestors, one era can only go out, so the saint is equal to the top of the world.

Such a strong person is willing to guard the spirit here. On the one hand, it is to admire the great emperor, on the other hand, it is also to suppress the yin eye. This kind of mind can not be awe-inspiring.

Wu Qingxu was completely reduced to nothingness. He used all his strengths to reinforce the emperor's pattern. Now that he is obsessed with it, his whole person has completely disappeared.

When people go, the road is empty, and the pressure does not exist.

Ling Han suddenly recovered, and he felt in his heart that there were always people doing great things in the world, so that the latecomers only admire them.

However, if he is changed, he will not choose the same practice as Wu Qingxu, but will try to become the ancestor, kill the yin eye and solve the problem completely.

Of course, even the Great Emperor just left the palace to suppress, this yin eye is incomparably difficult to plow.

When Ling Han stepped forward, the Great Emperor had a big heart and left a precious treasure for the latter.

In front, on a stone table, there is a piece of dark gold metal that is only the size of a fist. It is a chaotic breath, and it is very heavy, and it is comparable to a star, and there is a flash of light, if it can open the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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