"How do you want to retaliate?" Tang Yuner said. "First, don't expect me to help you. Your handsome pot is not cute at all!"

Ling Han show Yan Yixiao: "You don't have to help!"

"Hey, do you think you can match the forces of the Danish world?" Xiao Loli looked very surprised.

Under the absolute strength of the crush, Ling Han can not compete with Lei and Pang by any means.

Ling Han shook his fingers: "Small girl, don't just kill and kill in the head all day, like a smart person like me, will it only rush to the front?"

Tang Yuner suddenly showed the color of excitement: "Is it going to set fire?"

When I heard the word arson, the seven milk girls were excited at the same time, which was very fun.

Ling Han is full of black lines, how are the children now?

He shook his head: "Do not set fire."

"Then how do you revenge?" Tang Yuner did not understand.

Ling Han smiled, took out a crystal yuan and smiled: "I sold this crystal yuan to Pang."

"Shuai pot, uncle, is your brain confused?" Tang Yuner stretched out his hand and pressed it on Ling Han's forehead. "Weird, not hot, how can it be burned into an idiot?"

Ling Han did not put her hand away, saying: "What are you doing?"

"Uncle, Pangjia originally wanted the five elements of the crystals to be transformed into five elements, and you sent the crystal yuan to the door. Isn't this helping them?" Tang Yuner looked at the idiot, "Uncle, You are hit hard, stupid."

Ling Han shook his head: "Pangjia's so-called genius wants to embark on the peak of life, so Pang will certainly not reject this crystal yuan."

"It's finished!" Little Loli holds her head, and this handsome pot has gone into flames.

The seven milk-milk dolls have reacted. They have been following Ling Han for a long time, and of course they will not lack understanding of Ling Han’s character.

"Auntie, do you want to be on this crystal yuan?" Da Wadao.

"When the Pang family gathers the five elements of the crystal, and refines it into the five elements of the sacred dan, the result is eaten by the idiot of the Pang family. Not only can it not push the cockroaches of the body, but it will have big troubles."

"At that time, Auntie revealed his identity again. Pang knows that he was shackled by the aunt. He will definitely suffocate a group of people."

"Auntie is enough to pit!" Tsao Jiao Sanwa concluded.

Ling Han haha ​​smiled, he really thought so.

Tang Yuner is depressed, her IQ is now even worse than her baby? How does this make her a big sister in the future?

"Ling Han, how do you do the means on the crystal yuan? Do you think that the Pang family will not check?" She poured cold water.

This is indeed a problem.

Ling Han nodded and said: "I already have an idea, just don't know if it works."

He wants to inject the annihilation energy into the crystal yuan, but he wraps it with his own will, and does not break out immediately. Until the refining of the five elements of the sacred sect, the devastating energy rushes out and directly destroys the medicinal herbs.

Of course, it would be better if you could give Pang’s genius a fake medicine.

In the next few days, Ling Han rushed to the ancestral home of the Pang family, while on the other hand, he studied the Crystal Yuan. What kind of means should he take?

This crystal yuan is no different from a drop of water, but the cohesion is very strong and will not be broken, but it should not be broken. Once it is broken, although it can be condensed, it will lose a lot of essence and affect the effect of Cheng Dan.

Lose the essence?

No, this can be seen from the outside, he will do this kind of hands and feet, Pang will definitely find out.

“Either, with a drop of potion that blends perfectly with the crystal element?”

Ling Han’s mind flies and injects destruction energy is the last resort. Unless other means are useless, he will take this move.

He began to look for information to match such a potion, to the level of his master Dan Dan, this is still hopeful.

Therefore, he stopped in a small city for two days and successfully matched a drop of water.

"Condensate can prolong the time of refining of medicinal herbs. This is used in alchemy, but adding coagulant under inappropriate conditions will destroy the effect of alchemy."

"I have used three methods to make it merge with the crystal element. It is to cut through the careful study. It is impossible to see without the deep Dan Dao strength."

"Oh, this is a lesson for you, don't offend a Dan teacher."

Ling Han showed a satisfied smile. He had already integrated the coagulant into the crystal yuan. Next, he sold it to Pang.

This is extremely simple.

Ling Han came to Qingling City, which is where the Pang family ancested, and in this Qingling city, the Pang family is also the absolute master.

After changing the shape, Ling Han went to the local auction house and took out the crystal yuan, indicating that he wanted to auction.

This naturally makes the auction house extremely shocking. Crystal Yuan, the ordinary search for secrets must be played for hundreds of years, and it must be guaranteed not to die, to stay in the cold water lake to get out, how precious?

The strong people above the fairy road naturally do not put it in their hearts, but in the search for secrets, this is invaluable, can open more shackles and rush to the limits of the real world.

Especially for genius, this precious is indescribable.

Unfortunately, there is only one crystal yuan. If there are other five elements of the crystal, if they are sold together, the price can be pushed higher.

The auction house immediately said that the auction will be opened as soon as possible, and the crystal yuan will be used as a finale.

Ling Han waited for two days in the city, and some people in Pang came to look for him.

This is a middle-aged man who broke into the courtyard under the Ling Han package and his face was proud.

"Kid, I heard that you auctioned a crystal yuan." He looked down at Ling Han, "to cancel the auction, I want."

Ling Han had already included seven milk dolls and Tang Yuner in the raising of the gourd, so as not to expose his identity. He deliberately revealed the incomprehensible color and said: "Hello, if you need the crystal yuan, you can go to participate. Auctions, as long as the financial resources are sufficient, can naturally be won."

"You don't want to sell it to me?" The middle-aged man said coldly.

Ling Han shook his head: "I have already handed it to the auction house for auction. If it is suddenly cancelled, will it be an unbelievers?"

"Do you know who I am?" The middle-aged man said coldly.

You must be a Pang dog, or how can it be so arrogant?

Ling Han’s heart said that his face was a faint color: “Who are you?”

"My name is Pang Li, the Pang family." The middle-aged man said proudly.

Ling Han sneered in the heart, but looking for the secret, what is crazy.

However, even if the Pang family is a habitatary Dan, but the Xiantu strong is not a big one, the most sure is the people of the world.

He smiled and said: "It turned out to be Pang family, disrespectful, but I still said that I can't be a person who lost faith."

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