Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3623: Take advantage

"You" Pang Li was angry, he was going to shoot, but he pressed it again. "Kid, do you have to make simple things complicated?"

Ling Han put on the look of Shantou Qing: "Why, I don't sell, do you still want to grab it?"

Pang Lihaha laughed: "No, how can we do something that Pangjia will do?"

At least not in Qingling City, although this is their territory, but on the bright side, they have to be fair, otherwise, who will come to Qingling City to do business?

"What do you want to do?" asked Ling Han.

Pang Lihe smiled: "You will know when you get there! Who makes you so stupid, you will regret it later, if you promise me today, it would be fine."

"I don't believe it!" Ling Han said categorically, the look of the stupid youth is vivid.

Pang Li snorted and went away.

Another day later, the auction begins.

Ling Han naturally participated, and if there is any good thing, he also wants to participate.

Under Xiantu, the common currency is jade seed, and at the level of Xiantu, the common currency is the stone.

Ling Han can only hope that the ocean will sigh. Although he once owned three pieces, he was spent on the war machine.

However, there is nothing good to sell, he can watch the fun.

Finally, the Crystal Element debuted on the finale.

"Bottom price, one hundred jade seeds." The auctioneer said.

One hundred jade seeds?

Ling Han's mouth sneered, in the previous exchange with the auction house, the other party said that the price of the auction can be counted.

Although this is for the use of secrets, but the meaning is too extraordinary, so you can use the stone to shoot.

Now not only has the jade seed been used, but it is only a hundred?

Oh, it goes without saying that it’s definitely a ghost.

If Ling Han really wants to auction this crystal yuan, he must be frying the pot at this time, but now he just sneered twice, Pangjia Pangjia, you think it is cheap, you can know later, eat How big is the loss!

Pang began to refine the five elements of the creation of the Dan, it must have received the other four crystal elements, the result of the refining is to waste all five materials, and even let the genius of the Pang family eat, so that do not know what as a result of.

He is looking forward to a little.

"One hundred jade seeds." Someone raised a card.

"A hundred jade seeds, is there anyone who has a higher price?" the auctioneer shouted. "Is there anyone?"

"One hundred jade seeds once, one hundred jade seeds twice, one hundred jade seeds three times, the deal!" The auctioneer hammered the sound.

The finale has shot the "high price" of a hundred jade seeds?

Isn't this a big joke?

Rao is Ling Han knows that Pang is shameless, but this kind of eating still makes him contempt.

It is no wonder that the Pang family is not as good as the generation. What kind of big things can you do?

Ling Han "angrily" left, when he came outside the auction house, I saw Pang Li already waiting for him.

"Young people, now regret it?" Pang Li haha ​​laughed, very proud.

Ling Han gritted his teeth: "You are too deceiving, are you afraid of causing public outrage?"

"What do you say, if we don't grab it, we don't steal it, how can it cause public outrage?" Pang Li said with a smile. "Are you dissatisfied?"

Ling Han snorted and turned around and left.

"Slow." Pang Li said, brush, he threw a bag, "This is your hundred jade seeds, don't forget to take it, then roll out of the Green City, never come again!"

Of course, Ling Han will not be embarrassed. He is now playing a stubborn boy who is not deeply involved.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Behind him, there was a laugh from Pang Li.

After walking out of the old distance, Ling Han revealed a smile, and Ray had already buried it, and he did not know when it would burst.

At that time, Pang Li and Pang did not know what kind of expression they were.

Ha ha.

The next stop for Ling Han is the Ironwood Forest.

In the land of the Five Elements, this is the place where the wooden crystal elements can be bred.

Three days later, Ling Han came to the place.

Ling Han thought about it, would you like to let the seven nurses help, because they may expose their identity.

But think about it, the baby babies have not hanged, what is so strange here?

Besides, even if Pang and Lei know that they haven't hung up yet, if they don't want to send someone over, do they need to be afraid?

After eating a loss, he could not be on the second time. Besides, the situation in the Ironwood Forest is different.

Ling Han still disguised as a night, and split the action with the seven milk-mothers. Now he has to concentrate on fighting monsters. If you don't get into trouble, you still don't get rid of it.

The ironwood forest is very big, it is ten times that of the cold water lake, but considering that the cold water lake is a three-dimensional space, and the depth is tens of thousands of feet, if you count this, then the cold water lake is not small.

Ling Han and the baby dolls split up and agreed to meet once every five days.

Xiao Loli was taken into the gourd by Ling Han, which is the easiest to expose Ling cold identity.

In this regard, Tang Yuner is of course protesting, but can not stand the violence of the cold, was forced into the gourd.

Ling Han strode forward, he first hit the essence of wood, and then merge into a wooden crystal yuan.

The essence of wood, of course, comes from the elements of wood. Most of them are tree people who will run and jump and kill. They usually go to the ground, which is a very serious tree.

However, if it wants to start, or if it is attacked, it will take root and it will not be serious at the moment.

In addition, there are also unscrupulous monsters in the forest, which is also a big threat. In addition, it is the same person who collects the essence of wood. In fact, these peers are the most need to beware.

Ling Han launched the scorpion technique, and once he saw it, ordinary trees or tree people, he can see the score at a glance.

After a long walk, he finally found his first goal.

This is a big tree with a height of 30 feet. The tree has five or six adults who are so thick, and Ling Han sees the majestic life and is incompatible with the surrounding trees.

Ling Han did not immediately launch an attack, but walked over and sat down.

However, although he seems to be relaxed, but the gods have already opened.

He "sees" that a branch of this big tree slowly came over, and when he came to his vicinity, he jerked rapidly, lightning fast, and he was entangled.

Ling Han immediately raised his body shape and let the attack of the big tree pass.

Boom, at this time the tree is no longer disguised, it is pulled out of the earth, and the figure is suddenly more than a dozen feet.

Ling Han took the initiative to launch an attack against the big tree, the frequency attack launched, a punch hit, and seventy heavy forces superimposed.

The tree man hurriedly twitched the branches to meet, oh, just a blow, the branch quickly disintegrated, and spread to its main body, smashing, smashing, smashing, its main body constantly screaming, broken into One by one.

The destructive power of Ling Han is too horrible. Just a punch, he has bombarded the tree into dozens of pieces.

"Is this the true power of the demon monkey boxing?" Ling Han exclaimed.

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