Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3624: Throw your fruit

The tree man is broken, and in the place near the root, there is a light. Look carefully, it is actually a drop of cyan liquid, small and pitiful. m.

The essence of wood.

Ling Han collected the essence of the wood and continued to find new trees.

He thought that the tree was a plant, and he was indifferent, so he did not directly attack, because he inexplicably killed the other side, which is not the cold.

But now that the tree is so fierce, then Ling Han can kill without psychological burden.

He is looking for a new tree man, and then he is unceremoniously shot.

Half a day, he won a lot, but the efficiency is still no way compared with the extreme valley, but it is much better than the Hanshui Lake, but he has got the adventure in the cold water lake, and the total time spent is only two months.

Here, it may take four months or even longer.

Ling Han can only hope that he can meet a tree king, and he will gain a lot at once.

The next day, the sun rose, Ling Han first took the little Loli to practice together and then eat.

This is just one of his cultivation nodes. This time he opened nine more acupoints and went further on the road of cultivation.

Ling Han continued to move, and it is of course very boring to fight monsters, but there is no way. In order to be strong in the future, he will have to withstand the stagnation and loneliness.

"Kid, stand up!" He was stopped when he had just left.

The other is a middle-aged man in his forties, holding a knife in his hand, a fierce look.

"Hand over the essence of wood, or die!" The man shook his knife in his hand.

Ling Han showed a weird smile: "Do you really want to rob me?"

"Less nonsense, ah"

After a while, the middle-aged man cried, the slaying kid, not only ruined him cleanly, but even the clothes stripped him with a light, and he hanged himself on the tree, as long as someone exposed After that, you can admire his little sparrow.

Throw away the dead.

Ling Han decided to rob others, this is the only way to quickly get rich.

Moreover, the base of the tree here is employed by the Pang family.

He was busy, saw the tree people hit the tree, saw the warriors robbing the warriors, and sometimes playing with the monsters, life is called a colorful.

A glimpse of the past twenty days, while Ling Han harvested a lot of wood essence, but also pushed the number of open acupoints to 63.

He shuttled through the forest looking for prey.


He had discovered that there was a tall tree in front of him, at least a hundred feet, and opened a huge canopy, even in this forest.


Ling Han could not help but rejoice, but there is such a presence.

"Don't think about it!" A voice rang coldly.

Ling Han turned his head and saw that he was not far from his right side. There was a young man standing with his sword, his hands were back-cut, and he was full of pretentious taste.

Although Ling Han also likes to force it, but when he sees others, he is naturally unhappy.

"This tree is planted by your family?" asked Ling Han.

"Don't play a poor mouth." The man with a negative sword said faintly, "This is a thousand-year-old tree, not you can deal with it, don't go to death! I honestly watched it, waiting for me to kill this millennium eucalyptus, take it away. With the heart of the tree, you can naturally get the essence of wood."

Oh, it’s pretty good.

Ling Han looked at the big tree, this is actually an old monster of the millennium level?

He smiled and said: "Since people have lived for a thousand years, obviously they are very good at life, you may not be sure."

"Hey, you don't have to worry about it!" The man with the negative sword strode toward the millennium banyan tree. He took out the sword and naturally had a powerful momentum, which was very extraordinary.

call out!

At this moment, I saw a black shadow on the banyan tree and came over to the man with the negative sword.

Ling Han looked carefully, it was a fruit.

Old banyan, is this the first to be strong?

The man with the negative sword naturally saw it. He took out the sword, brushed it, and the sword light crossed. The fruit was cut in half. However, this was only the beginning, and the two halves of the fruit exploded suddenly.

Under the rush of energy waves, the man with a negative sword suddenly flew out and sneaked blood.

Rely, what is this, the explosion of fruit?

Ling Han could not help but think of the peak, where the vegetable fields also have such explosive fruit, what watermelon, loofah, grapes, have become a destructive big killer.

I did not expect to meet again here.

If this is really a thousand-year-old banyan tree, then what kind of killings can be imagined.

"Hey!" A purple squirrel appeared on the trunk of the old banyan tree. Two small forepaws held a fruit, and they were yelling at the bottom, a very angry expression.

Hey, is the fruit just thrown by this squirrel?

and many more.

Ling Han is a little messy. Isn't this a banyan tree? Why are you running a squirrel on a banyan tree? You don't eat pine nuts, diverted?

Hey, the purple squirrel lifted the two small claws high and then smashed it out to the bottom, and the fruit was thrown away again to the man with the sword.

After the negative sword man ate a loss, naturally he would not repeat the same mistakes, and quickly set his body shape and let this throw.


The fruit lingered on the ground, suddenly formed a big bang, the horrible energy was crazy, but the cold that stood far away was affected.

"Hey!" The purple squirrel jumped up and down, as if to say, this is its territory, you want to encroach.

This pitcher and the explosive fruit are the reasons why the old banyan tree can live for thousands of years without being pushed down.

The man with a negative sword snorted, and he attacked again, his body swaying like a dragon.

Hey, the little squirrel kept smashing the fruit, but none of them slammed him. When he saw him climbing the tree, the scene of horror appeared, and at least a hundred fruits were simultaneously smashed out.

This is simply a fruit rain, a dense piece, and there is no way to hide.

The negative sword man quickly turned his body and succumbed.

The bombardment and the explosion of the fruit formed a frenzied energy frenzy.

In the tree, a little squirrel came out and counted, at least hundreds.

It was just that they were all fruitful, and they gave birth to the sword man.

However, except for the first squirrel, the rest are gray hair, making the purple squirrel look very eye-catching.

Is this different?

"I said that, do you want to help?" Ling Han asked the man with the sword.

"No need!" The man bit his teeth.

"Then all work." Ling Han naturally will not listen to each other, he pulled out his body and rushed toward the old Banyan tree.

"I said, look at one side!" The man with a negative sword shouted loudly and chased after the cold.

Ling Han smiled lightly and punched the man toward the man.

The bang, the rolling force is surging, terrible.

The man was shocked. He did not expect that the strength of Ling Han was so powerful. He played a sword to resolve it. Hey, his swordsmanship is still quite brilliant, and his life will be opened.

But Ling Han has already gone to the front.

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