Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3626: transaction

The old banyan tree is indeed very strong, the wood is alive, the natural defense is strong, and it has lived for a thousand years. Although it can't break through the path of the fairy, it should be said to be the top level in the search for secrets.

In front of it, let alone a star genius, maybe two stars genius can not benefit.

The problem is that Ling Han is a genius that surpasses four stars.

Moreover, he has too many means to master, the sky jade, the destruction of energy, the frequency attack, and which one is taken out, are enough to make people's combat power jump a lot.

Now, all this is used in one person, how terrible?

The old banyan tree couldn't help but ran away. In the crown, the little squirrels were also screaming, and some also covered their eyes with small claws.

This human being is terrible, how can there be such a monster?

Shen Hanyun was also a bit embarrassed, and Ling Han suddenly became so powerful that he could not think of it at all.

But his reaction was also very fast, and immediately intercepted the big banyan tree.

He must get the millennium tree heart.

Brush, Jianguang crossed, he went all out.

The old banyan tree was obviously afraid of the cold, and actually chose to eat hard and chill, and did not want to stop. It was called a fast.

Hey, Jianguang squats on the old banyan tree, and its tyrannical defense is immediately revealed. This blow has a deep mark on its body, but for its stout tree body, this deep mark is of no importance.

Shen Hanyun roared, and the long sword joined the point, playing a powerful attack.

"Leopard spurs!"

Jianqi hit, turned into a black leopard, and went to the old elm tree, just after playing this sword, Shen Hanyun's face also became pale.

This move is too heavy for him.

You must know that even if he resumes the repair of the foundation, this blow can only be used several times, not to mention the use of the secret, so that his five internal organs are boiling, unbearable and unspeakable.

But the power of this attack is not to be underestimated. The black panther is like an ancient monster. Under the impact, the old banyan tree is a cockroach and falls to the ground.

Ling Han catches up, the demon monkey punches again.

However, this time he did not use the destruction energy.

This is enough, how powerful the frequency attack of the seventy gravity stack is, and the leaves of the old banyan tree are like rain, but of course there are fruits, and they are falling down.

This is still quite dangerous, full of lethality, even Ling Han need to avoid, do not dare to take the body to eat hard.

Really can't be guilty.

Shen Hanyun did not idle, and constantly launched an attack from the side. Under the sword and the sword, the power could not be underestimated, causing no big trouble for the big banyan tree.

After dozens of tricks, the big banyan tree could not hold back, and it was smashed into two pieces.

"Hey!" The little squirrels in the trees suddenly smashed and fled to a safe place. They turned around and roared at Ling Han and Shen Hanyun, especially the purple squirrel, whose facial expressions were very rich.

Shen Hanyun took a breath and said: "Although I know this is too much, I still have to say, I need a thousand years of heart!"

"You, shouldn't you come for the millennium, but the wooden crystal?" He paused and said again.

Ling Han nodded: "Not bad."

"This is easy to handle." Shen Hanyun said, "I use the wood crystal yuan to exchange with you."

"Well?" Ling Han was surprised, the other party actually has a wooden crystal yuan?

real or fake?

Shen Hanyun explained: "This is not the first time I came to the Ironwood Forest. When I came last time, I licked many wooden elements and collected a lot of wood essences. Together with being robbed, there are several people carrying them. Many of the essences of wood have been collected by me, just in time for a wooden crystal."

Ling Han thought for a moment and said, "Okay, change."

"However, I did not bring Mu Jingyuan, you need to go back with me." Shen Hanyun said again.

If you run a trip, it doesn't take a few months, so it's still cost-effective.

"Yes." Ling Han nodded, if the other side to play, then he can let Tang Yuner out, the little girl with the power of the armor, enough to rival the strong base of the base.

Shen Hanyun was overjoyed and quickly dig the heart of the tree.

The millennium old man, the power of life is magnificent, and its tree heart also has a strong vitality and is an excellent tonic.

Of course, this can only complement the body of the universe. Otherwise, if you stare at the millennium, you will definitely not only sink into the cold.

They came to the periphery of the forest. After waiting for two days, the milk-wifes came back and learned that Ling Han would quickly get a piece of wood-crystal Yuan. They were all very surprised.

This aunt’s luck is also very good.

In order to be on the safe side, Ling Han let Liuwa stay in the forest, keep the essence of the wood, so as not to let this go empty, so that their previous efforts are also in vain.

The heart of the defense is indispensable. Anyway, Shen Hanyun can't see the six baby, and it won't cause embarrassment.

They left the Ironwood Forest and rushed to the hometown of Shen Hanyun.

Although Shen Hanyun is a basic environment, and his combat power is good, he is very low-key and his reputation is not obvious.

His hometown is Zhangjia Town, and he tries his best to get a thousand years of tree spirit to save a person.

"Women?" Tang Yun immediately asked, people are big.

——She was released when Ling Han was screaming at Shen Hanyun. Just like the seven milk babies, she went out to play wood elements.

Shen Hanyun nodded, he was a bit stuffy and didn't like to talk.

"Do you like her?" Xiao Loli asked again.

Shen Hanyun did not answer, but his face was showing a gentle color.

This must be the case.

Ling Han could not help but look at it, I did not expect that this stuffy gourd actually has a tender side.

After coming to Zhangjia Town, Shen Hanyun took the road and took them to an elegant courtyard.

"Fang Yue! Fang Yue!" Shen Hanyun called, but no one answered.

This yard is so big, Shen Hanyun looked for a room, and his face could not help but become cold.

Did not find anyone.

"Ling brothers, this is your wooden crystal." He threw a green sphere into Ling Han, full of life, this thing has been hidden in the yard.

Ling Han took over, did not look carefully, first collected, and then said: "Go out and find someone to inquire about it."

"Yeah." Shen Hanyun nodded, and he was also a mess, and he panicked.

They asked the neighbors to inquire about the situation and soon learned the whereabouts of the girl.

- The other party went to the sand valley.

Ling Han thought it was what the bully smashed the Fangyue girl. The next step was Shen Hanyun’s great power, killing the bully and saving the red dog’s blood story. I didn’t expect the person’s home to enter the sand valley.

This place is very dangerous. There are many sand bunkers. If you accidentally step on it, you will immediately get stuck in it. If you cover it with yellow sand, you can't escape your life.

Therefore, even if you go to the secret environment, it is very dangerous.

They quickly rushed to the sand valley, there are many people, it will be easier to find someone.

Not far from the place, they quickly arrived, and then split up, there is nowhere to go, so if you meet a young girl, it must be Zhao Fangyue Zhao girl.

Ling Han walked for a while, and soon saw a stone in front of him, sitting in a green woman.

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