Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3627: Love triangle

Is this Zhao Fangyue Zhao girl?

Ling Han issued a long scream, and when he summoned everyone, he said: "Zhao girl?"

The woman turned around and showed a delicate face, but it was too pale and not a trace of blood.

Ling Han smiled and said: "I am a friend of Shen Hanyun. He has already got a thousand years of heart, and your illness can be cured. There is no need to save death."

I didn't expect this Zhao girl to be overwhelmed. She just looked at Ling Han coldly and turned her face again, staring blankly at the front.

Hey, is it the brain that hurts?

Ling Han touched his chin, it looked a little strange, this reaction is not right, knowing that his own indulgence can be cured, should not be very happy.

There is something he doesn't know in the middle?

Ling Han did not speak, anyway, the signal has been sent, and the cold cloud is coming.

Just for a while, I saw a figure flying in the sky.

Ling Han is full of envy, and the foundation can fly to the air. This feeling of unrestrained and free makes him feel itchy.

Fortunately, he is not far from the foundation.

"Fang Yue!" Shen Hanyun fell down and his face showed a sigh of relief. He walked over and said softly. "The mountain is big here, you are in poor health, or you can go back quickly."

"Shen Hanyun, I have told you how many times, don't worry about me!" Zhao Fangyue said coldly.

This is not the tone of speech between lovers.

Ling Han was amazed, but did not speak, he just came to get the wood crystal yuan, the extra things do not care.

After a while, Xiao Loli and six baby girls also ran over.

"What is the situation?" Tang Yuner's curious color on his face, the heart of the gossip is obviously burning.

How big is this person, you already have the potential of a long tongue woman?

"Look at yourself." Ling Han lowered his voice.

On the other hand, Shen Hanyun is advising Zhao Fangyue, but Zhao Fangyue did not listen to it. Instead, his attitude became worse and worse, and he took the sword and drove him away.

"Well, let me go, don't be excited." Shen Hanyun compromised. He took out the millennium tree heart. This was preserved in a jade box. "This is the millennium tree heart. It can cure your stubborn illness. I am here. ”

After that, he gave Ling Han and others a look and quietly left.

Ling Han and Tang Yuner were a little embarrassed, but did not ask, but followed him to leave, straight out of the valley, Shen Hanyun took the initiative to say it.

He likes Zhao Fangyue as a fact, but the Zhao girl does not like him.

——A few years ago, when Shen Hanyue had not yet stepped into the foundation, the sword went to the world, and Zhao Fangyue and another man, Ma Teng, met each other and they soon became friends.

The story of the dog blood was issued. He and Ma Teng both liked Zhao Fangyue, and Zhao Fangyue was interested in Ma Teng, but this did not destroy the friendship between the three people, and still took risks and swayed together.

Not long after, Zhao Fangyue’s body broke out of the disease, and Shen Hanyun and Ma Teng filled the world to find elixir for her.

They heard that there may be a thousand treasures in Shensha Valley, and they came to try their luck. As a result, luck was outrageous. Not only did they not get the Millennium treasure, but Ma Teng fell into the quicksand and was swallowed up.

After this incident, Zhao Fangyue settled down in the vicinity of Shensha Valley, remembering the lovers, and Shen Hanyun was still looking for treasure medicine everywhere, and then had the second entry into the Ironwood Forest.

"It turns out that you are unrequited love." Tang Yuner was straightforward.

This dead child, can you talk, are you not salting the wound?

Ling Han quickly pulled the little Loli over, haha ​​smiled and said: "Shen Xiong, what are your plans for next?"

Shen Hanyun stayed a bit. Before he had only one goal in his life, he was to find a cure for Zhao Fangyue. Now that this goal is completed, there is only one empty space in his heart.

People don't love him, they can't live with him.

He was silent, and after a while, his eyes gradually became firmer.

"I want to continue to travel the world and become a good swordsman," he said.

This has always been his dream, just because Zhao Fangyue suddenly broke out of serious illness, let him continue to run east and west for several years. Now he finally puts down his children's personal feelings and regains his pride.

Ling Han faint smile, he saw the score, Shen Hanyun did not really put down Zhao Fangyue, but now he needs another goal to keep himself going, otherwise, he may be a walking dead.

"Ling brothers, are you still a few five-line crystal?" Shen Hanyun suddenly said.

Ling Han is a bit sudden, what do you care about this?

However, he still replied: "Gold and earth."

"Well, I will help you to play the essence of these two elements first." Shen Hanyun nodded.

"This makes me a little embarrassed." Ling Han smiled, he naturally hopes to have a strong helper to shorten the time to get the five elements of the crystal, but Shen Hanyun can not owe him.

Shen Hanyun smiled, but there was no smile but no smile: "I have nothing to do now, and I need to change my mood."

He didn't go out of his way, so he needed to do something else to transfer his thoughts.

"Good." Ling Han nodded.

Because Liuwa still stayed in the Ironwood Forest, Ling Han found an excuse to split up with Shen Hanyun and wait until after the Golden Desert.

The golden desert is the land of gold in the land of the Five Elements.

Ling Han and his party first came to the Ironwood Forest, took the six baby, and then flew to the golden desert.

Fortunately, this time, Lori did not look at anyone again, which made Ling Han have a psychological shadow.

The golden desert is not to say that all the gold in the desert is gold, but the color of the sand is the same as that of gold. At first glance, it looks like a golden sand paved, and the glittering can sway the human eye.

This desert is very large, and it is extremely hot. There are few plants that can grow and live. Therefore, the people who come here are basically directed at the essence of gold. After collecting enough, they can be merged into a gold crystal.

"Auntie, will you let us be busy again this time?" the milkwomen asked.

They have been wasting time twice in a row.

Ling Han did not know, touched his chin: "It should not be."

His luck is not so good, he always gets an adventure.

"Okay, then believe in the aunt again." The milk dolls nodded.

They split up and agreed to return to meet here every five days.

Ling Han still took the problem with a small loli, walking toward the desert, just a few steps, they gave birth to a dry mouth.

After a while, I saw a fire scorpion drilled out of the crack in the rock and launched a sneak attack on Ling Han.

The ending was of course very miserable, and he was trampled to death by Ling Han.

Ling Han is licking his teeth, this scorpion shell is so hard that his feet are numb.

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