"His Royal Highness, since the temple is left by the Buddha's embers, if you insist on looking for it, it will be very disadvantageous to be placed by other emperors." An old man advised.

Meng Yangcheng smiled a little: "If I can find the temple, it will only be a great achievement."

The seven old men are all curious, but Meng Yangcheng did not explain.

Because in the temple, there is the inheritance of the Buddha, and what is the Buddha?

In the past, I have been a prince, and I have led an era. How amazing is the inheritance of the Buddha? Even the inheritance in the temple is certainly not complete, only a part, but it is enough to make the saints heart.

At the beginning, the Qinglong dynasty strictly blocked the news, and did not want to alarm the saints. It was only the old emperor who was seriously injured and could not suppress the world of the golden desert. He could only hope to sigh and drag it to the present.

Meng Yangcheng is very confident, he will be able to find the temple, because no one knows, he also steals the Buddha's practice, although it is only a little bit of fur, but after entering the golden desert, the practice and the temple There will be resonance between the two.

Therefore, he can certainly find it.


Ling Han blame every day, was blown by the wind, was hit by the yellow sand, more than a month down is simply a change of a person, just jump can shake off two pounds of heavy sand.

He is numb and wants to vomit.

Fortunately, the essence of gold in his hand is also steadily increasing. I believe that for another month and a half, he will be able to integrate the Golden Crystal.

"At least ten years, I saw the desert go around."

And after such a long time passed, Ling Han once again opened 18 acupoints, the total number has reached 90.

"Hey, handsome, is it my eyes, or is there really a temple in front?" Tang Yuner suddenly said.

Ling Hanru walked with his body and walked away. He heard his words and looked up. He saw a golden temple with a golden wall in front of him. It was magnificent.

He glanced at it and was still numb: "The mirage, don't care."

"But, looking very real." Tang Yuner said again.

"Oh." Ling Han did not respond.

"Go!" Little Loli took Ling Han to the temple.

Don't look at the big temple just in front, but you can walk for a little half a day, but it is not close.

“Is it really a mirage?” Xiao Loli also had no strength. “I’m mad at the baby, I’m not playing!” She got into the nourishing gourd, although the space inside will be affected by the outside world, it will be hot and dry, but compared I don’t know how many times better than the outside world.

Ling Han has no reaction, he will only violently kill when he encounters the golden elements.


Suddenly, Ling Han’s ear heard a voice and went straight to the gods. If Huang Zhong Da Lu was thought-provoking, he immediately woke up from his state.

This is the sing of the Buddha.

Ling Han’s foot was the next time, looking to the front, could not help but reveal the color of shock, is this not a mirage, but a real big temple?

The legendary temple?

No, what luck is he, the first time he entered the golden desert, and only a month or so, actually encountered a temple that many people could not touch in his life?

If it is only the eyes to see, it may be a mirage, but the singer is also heard in the ear, it is different.

Ling Han began to expand his horizons, but after his body shape, he found that the distance from the temple was not shortened, but it became bigger.

What is this ghost?

He started the sputum and carefully observed it, but he couldn’t help it.

It was indeed a temple, but under the refract of light, plus the temple itself was somewhat mysterious, making it appear phantom.

If you go to the temple, you will never be able to arrive in your life.

"The most common thing that the Buddhas hang on their lips is that there is no bounding sea and it is difficult to cross the other side."

"Now, this desert is a bitter sea, and the temple is the other side. How do I cross?"

Ling Han's eyes are shining. There is really no way to change others. But he is different. Not only has he got the magical powers, but he is also a great commander. The two are used together to let Ling Han break the world.

He moved, no longer taking a straight line, but constantly changing the direction of travel.

The temple is getting closer, and the voice of the Buddhist chanting is getting louder and louder. You can even see that there is a statue of Buddha on the temple, and you can use it to transform the world and surpass the soul.

After half an hour, Ling Han came to the temple.

Obviously, this temple is only a hundred feet high, but Ling Han is standing under the temple, but there is a feeling of being very small. This temple seems to be the center of the universe, and the grandeur is incomprehensible.

He can see clearly that there is a statue of wrath in the murals of the temple, and there is also a majestic bodhisattva and a smiling Buddha.


Ling Han suddenly turned his head and saw a line of eight people approaching.

Strange, there are still people who can come here?

You also have martial arts, you also mastered the formation?

But Ling Han did not know that Meng Yangcheng was even more shocked than Ling Han.

He relied on the Buddhist sects to resonate with the temple, and this was able to be free from confusion and came here. What is the cold?

"Who are you?" Meng Yangcheng asked, his tone calm, but there was an imperative arrogance, no way, his identity is there.

Ling Han is just a faint smile, he needs to pay attention to need to care?

"The Lord is asking you!" An old man immediately yelled.

Ling Han still did not answer, but only brightened his fists. The attitude of these people made him very unhappy, so he would do it if he refused to accept it.

"The matter of the temple is of great importance." Meng Yangcheng thought for a moment, "killing and destroying the mouth."

"Yes, Your Highness!" The seven old men are all obedient.

Hey, Your Highness?

There is only one dynasty on Yuehuaxing. Is this guy the prince of the Qinglong Dynasty?

An old man jumped out and killed the past with Ling Han. The rest of the old people were onlookers, apparently full of confidence in the man.

Ling Han also moved to kill, you want to kill me? Then I will kill you first.

He directly used the body as a weapon and ran into the old man.


Ling Han was like a shell. He ignored the old man's defense. He slammed into his arms, and then he listened to the old man screaming. The body was shaken out and fell to the ground.

Everyone in Mengyang City is a big man, because the chest of the old man has been stunned, as if he had a washbasin.

This is too horrible. Just hit it, and hurt a Xiantu strongman like this?

Of course, it’s still a terrible thing to suppress it.

"Let's go together!" The remaining six old men were all shocked and quickly rushed out.

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