Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3630: Joint array

However, what is the use of this?

Ling Han greeted, and a sigh of relief hit, six old people were affected, and did not reveal the sluggish color.

"Hey!" Meng Yangcheng shot, a knife slashed toward Ling Han.

Ling Han played a punch to resolve, which naturally affected his attack. Another fist hit, although the six old men were sent out, but it did not cause any harm.

"I didn't expect that your combat power was so amazing!" Meng Yangcheng snorted and his face was full of taboos.

Putting it outside, he can easily kill the cold, but in this place, the repair is limited, he can only play the fighting power of seeking a secret, but there is no grasp.

Ling Han did not answer, but responded with a strong attack.

He is never soft to those who are unfavorable to him.

Meng Yangcheng no longer sat on the view, but also joined the battle group, but also the main force, he took out a sword, the blue sword body exudes terrible suffocation, there is an indescribable power.

This is the imitation of the Qinglong dynasty's Zhibao Qinglongjian... It belongs to the standard craftsmanship, and most of the royal servants will be equipped.

Don't look at imitations, but it's far worse than the same level of implements.

Brush, a sword cut, there is a virtual shadow of the green dragon, the teeth and claws, arrogance.

With the cooperation of the six old men, they did not attack Ling Han, but they stepped on the wonderful steps and gave the power to Meng Yangcheng.

Is this a battle?

Ling Han was amazed. This is really wonderful. It unites the strength of the seven people, and then it is displayed by one person. The power is far stronger than the ordinary cooperation of the seven people.

The sword is coming, and the dragon is roaring.

Afraid that you are not?

Ling Han snorted, punched out, seventy heavy forces superimposed, and still frequency attacks.

Hey, the boxing power hits the sword, and the blue dragon's virtual shadow trembles and suddenly smashes.

"What!" Meng Yangcheng's face changed greatly, and the seven people together could not suppress the cold. What is the strength of this guy's combat power?

Two-star genius... even Samsung genius?

If he knows that Ling Han is still only a dilemma, then he will definitely guess that Ling Han is a four-star genius, even five stars!

Ling Han shouted, pushing the demon monkey to attack Meng Yang.

"You are too arrogant!" Meng Yangcheng gave a light drink, and his current combat power is not weaker than Ling Han.

Boom, his right hand hit the sword, the left hand is the palm, swiftly slamming toward Ling Han.

The two men are facing each other. After getting six people, Meng Yangcheng’s power is actually far above the cold, but Ling Han has mastered the frequency attack, but it can be weak and weak, but it is not weak.

For a time, the two were deadlocked.

In fact, it is very simple to defeat Meng Yangcheng. As long as the six old men are killed, he has no irrigation and his strength naturally falls.

However, Meng Yangcheng obviously knows this. He protects the six old people very well. It is like the eagle catching the chicken, the chill is the eagle, the six old people are the chickens, and Meng Yangcheng is the chicken mother. .

This scene is very funny. If Xiao Loli appeared at this time, she would definitely shine and say that she should play together.

Meng Yangcheng is also very speechless and even a little annoyed.

He is the emperor of the Qinglong Dynasty, and his status is so sublime, but now a small secret search can actually fight with himself, so that his face can not be hanged.

Fortunately, few people here are close to it, and this matter is not exposed.

He is more murderous, and this chill is so strong, but he is able to come here, making him a big worry.

Will this be a Buddha's person and compete with him?

"Dead!" He shouted, slammed his breath, and the whole person seemed to be blown up. He actually inflated and became a giant with a height of ten feet.

Boom, he has another sword, and his sword is so thick that he has come over like a big tree, and his power has skyrocketed.

Hey, what is this secret law?

Meng Yangcheng's combat power has skyrocketed, but the six old people are all ugly and bloody.

They all complained, because to launch such a big move, it is necessary to extract the power of seven people. This is barely possible, but now there is one less person. The burden of each of them is greatly increased, and naturally it cannot be eaten.

There is no way. This secret method is completely rooted in Mengyang. He has full initiative. As long as he does not stop, the six of them will only use the ones that are constantly being absorbed.

Therefore, they only have one idea, that is, Meng Yangcheng will kill Ling Han quickly, otherwise they will be miserable.

boom! boom! boom!

Meng Yangcheng was fierce and fierce. After his hugeness, his power has soared a lot. It is that Ling Han’s attack with frequency is impossible to completely resolve.

He completely took the initiative, and the sword and the palm of his hand were extremely fierce.

Ling Han can completely drag the time. Behind such a powerful one, it must be for the six old people to fish, but how can people like him be willing to win in this way?

Is it hard to fight **** the front?

Ling Han shouted, the suffocating impact launched, rushing toward Meng Yangcheng.

Rao is now in this state, Meng Yangcheng is still affected, a slight glimpse, but only for a moment, he immediately recovered, but inevitably there is a flaw.


Ling Han used the three forms of God of War. Suddenly, the heavens and the earth seemed to focus on him, and the infinite energy gathered.

He took a shot and the energy rolled.

Meng Yangcheng showed the color of fear, but he could not hide. He could only fight hard with the scalp and Ling Han.


He was connected with Ling Han, and he felt that the strength of the other side was surging. It was terrible.

Finally resisted this blow, but he immediately stunned, because Ling Han also hit a second strike.

How can it be?

How can such a violent attack be used twice in a row?

Is your strength unlimited? Is your body cast from immortality, not afraid of collapse?

No way, he can only bite the scalp and bang again. He only feels that his body has to be cracked, and the six old people behind him are vomiting blood. They are one and all lose.

However, this is not over yet.

There are three tricks in nature.

Ling Han shouted and hit a third shot.

This time, I can't help myself.

Meng Yangcheng said in his heart that he took the initiative and broke the wrist, and the impact was directly removed, and the six old men behind him came to bear it.

He is the core of this formation and the leader. Of course you can do this.


The surging power surged, and the six old men did not face the drastic changes. This is a devastating force.

"His Royal Highness!" They made a cry of despair, but Meng Yangcheng did not care.

Hey, the six are not shattered by the power of terror.

"噗" Mengyang City also vomited a blood, he no longer loves the war, turn around and leave.

Ling Han chased a few steps, only to feel the chest boiling too much, then stopped, no longer pursued.

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