Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3651: Dust washing pool

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The blue-shirt youth looked at Ling Han as if he were watching a monster.

There is a star light curtain on Ling Han’s body. This awakening supernatural power has amazing defense power. Even if the red woman just went all out, she still couldn’t break his defense, and it was inevitable that she would be hit by a blow. .

The youth of the blue shirts must be mad, how can there be such a enchanting, but the bulls are generally invincible.

He quickly unfolded his body and thought that if you were in high-speed sports, how could you hit me.

Hey, his speed is fast, nearly seven times the speed of sound, so that the entire battlefield is full of sounds, like a thunderous endless stream.

Ling Han did not mean to shoot at all. He took a chair and sat down, and picked up the seeds.

By the way, do you think I am acting juggling?

The young man in the blue shirt is mad, but he does not dare to slow down. He has already seen the speed and impact of Ling Han, and he is not able to compete.

But you are shooting!

The young man in the blue shirt is very uncomfortable. He is flying like a silly cross, but his opponent is sitting like a play. In contrast, is he not a clown?

In the stands, the audience is also awkward and the expression is weird.

The previous battle ended too fast, the invincible cold, one punch and even a few, one hit, the stronger genius only drink and hate, let them feel good but not too fast, have not caught, Can't recall.

But now, the battle is prolonged, but it is too boring.

Just watching a person run like a spring?

"Hit!" someone called.

"Hurry up, you are not very strong, hurry up!" Many people are calling young people in blue shirts.

The blue-shirt youth swam again for a while, and he knew that he could not drag it down.

Ling Han used static braking, there is no trace of consumption, dragging down is definitely not good for him.

He raised his hand as a hand knife, and made a strong effort to smash the past.

Yan Hanzhan Yan Yixiao: "I know the shot?"

He launched a counterattack, punched out in a punch, and slammed into the acupoints, and slammed into the blue shirt youth.

The blue-shirt youth met, but it was just a sigh of relief, and he was shocked.

He couldn't help but be shocked. With his strength, it was so difficult to take the temperament from the acupoints.

What a huge strength gap?

Ling Han unfolded his body shape, his speed was faster, and it was useless for the blue-shirt youth to dodge, and soon he was caught up by Ling Han and hit a fist.

At this point, all the challengers lost.

The audience are cheering, this is their emperor's double arrogance, now there is no double arrogance, only the only Tianjiao, Ling Han!

Ling Han smiled and smiled and turned away.

This kind of record is certainly impressive, but it seems to him only in this way. He pursues the strongest, and he is invincible and cannot represent anything.

He is looking forward to the dust-washing pool that will open soon after a few days.

The four great spirits really have no choice but to leave. They are also people who want to face. Since Chen Fengyan gave a fair competition opportunity, their disciples are incompetent and blame.

The emperor has temporarily restored peace, and Ling Han has been adjusting his status in the past few days to reach the peak.

After four days, the dust pool opened.

This is actually in the scope of the palace, located in the underground, Ling Han and the other nine to find the secret into the palace, came to the foot of a mountain, into the cave, all the way down, after a long time, the front is suddenly clear, There is a huge cave.

In this cave, there is also an irregularly shaped pool, one end followed by the wall of the cave, and the bottom of the pool, there is also a green lotus, only to find a small section of the water surface.

"You enter the pool yourself, you have three days, I will inform you to leave after three days." The great **** Zhu Qidao, "Do not hurt the green lotus, otherwise ... at your own risk."

After that, Zhu Qi turned and left.

Ling Han ten people are not very polite, did not say hello to each other, have entered the pool.

Time is limited, they must not be wasted.

Ling Han knees down and the warm pool water wraps around. He immediately discovers that the vitality of the body is rolling, as if to break through the general.

Hey, a slap in the blink of an eye.

There are only seventy-seven.

It is a dust-washing pool, and the effect is obvious.

Ling Han continued to absorb the energy of the pool water, and the power of life rolled and moved. Just for a while, his life evolved again.

啪, 啪, 啪, 桎梏 桎梏 桎梏 。 。 。 。 。.

Seventy, sixty, fifty... The rest are less and less.

Just one day later, there were only three left in the body of Ling Han.

However, at this time, even with the help of the dust pool, the evolution of Ling Han's life level has fallen into complete stagnation.

There are only three left. For anyone, this is perfect enough. For Ling Han, the three roads are the same as one and one hundred.

Be sure to break.

Open, open, open!

Ling Han screamed in his heart and pushed the energy in his body. He also used the power of the plane. This is very important in his cultivation. All the polar worlds actually rely on this breakthrough.

Hey, the first scorpion was blasted, and there was no sorrow in the cold. He encouraged the force to launch the impact again. Hey, the second smashed.

It was only at this time that the force of the plane in the body had begun to fall.

Ling Han brow wrinkled, the dust pool has basically no effect on him, and now he used the power of the plane, how to open the last one.

No, with the help of the dust pool, he is not able to succeed, what opportunities are there in the future?

Maybe, but he needs to accumulate strength for ten, fifty or even more, in order to break through the final embarrassment.

He can't wait that long.

I must take this opportunity to succeed in one fell swoop.

Ling Han is boiled and pushes his state to the strongest state.


The other nine people opened their eyes and looked at him.

What is going on, why is it boiling when practicing? You have to do it.

Boom, Ling Han’s body seems to have a tsunami, and the power of life is rolling.

Oh, the last one was also blown open.

Perfect, flawless.

Ling Han smiled, and then he would accumulate a secret force, then he would be able to impact the way.


He was amazed, because the energy of the dust pool was still pouring into his body, there was no way to promote the evolution of his life level, but it became a secret force, and it poured into his body.

His meridians are vast and wide, and they carry a lot of energy into the plane of the body.

If you change a search for a secret, it is estimated that the absorption of an hour, must have been exhausted from the secret to the saturation, but what is the appetite?

There are countless planes in the body, and the space for storing secrets can be said to be close to infinity. How can it be filled?

It doesn't matter if you don't fill up, but the hunger that has been entangled in him has begun to weaken.

(End of this chapter)

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