Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3652: Yuexianmen

This hunger is not fatal, but it has always been lingering and always feels uncomfortable.

Nowadays, a lot of secret power is constantly being filled into the inner plane, which naturally makes Ling Han have a feeling of finally eating something.

This time, the dust washing pool was opened after more than two thousand years. How strong is it accumulated?

Ling Han is not moving, muffled and made a fortune.

One day later, Ling Han had seven planes filled up, and during this time, he also connected all the planes in the body with the help of the dust pool.

This is a small matter, only need to match the bridge, and do not need to open up space.

However, Ling Han can no longer absorb a little bit of energy, very simple, the energy of the washing pool has been exhausted.

This is too horrible, just over a day, the washing pool will be dry?

The other nine people stood up inexplicably. What is the situation? It’s not that you can practice here for three days. Now it’s not a day or two.

"what happened?"

"How can I not absorb any energy?"

"me too."


Nine people were all stunned, Ling Han also stood up and joined the ranks of "I am also very embarrassed."

They are not dying, continue to sit in the pool, waiting for the dust pool to glow "second spring", but how to wait, this pool of water is the same, there is no energy supply.

Three days later, the great **** Zhu Qi appeared and led everyone out.

Everyone quickly asked about the situation, but Zhu Qi did not enter the dust-washing pool, naturally unable to answer, only said that he would go to the majesty.

Returning to the Foreign Affairs Office, Ling Han began to make final preparations. He wanted to jump to Xianmen and step on the road.

Ling Han gave himself three days to review his body again. After this step, he will be separated from the situation and will not be able to repair the deficiencies of the situation.

Of course, if he can get the holy medicine, can he make up for it, just holy medicine? Ha ha.

Three days later, Ling Han no longer hesitated and began to attack Xiantu.

In today's world, there is no power to make a difference.

The first step of Xiantu, building the foundation.

However, the reason why Xiantu is difficult to cross, this first step actually involves two steps. First, Yuexianmen, the second is to build Xianji.

Ling Han does not know how long his breakthrough will take. In the process, no one will find him trouble, and he will not cause any big movements, so he did not break through in the foreign affairs office, but came to a mountain forest. in.

This is still within the scope of the Imperial Capital, so there is no need to worry that the foreign warriors will be wild, and Ling Han has chosen a very hidden place.

He let go of his mind, he left only a blank, and then began to promote the level of life.

From the past to the immortal, this is a qualitative change, spanning infinity.

Therefore, Ling Han also did not feel the loosening of the bottleneck.

He is not in a hurry. This is normal. It is not unusual for people to be stuck for ten or eight years or even hundreds of years.

Although he has not been searching for secrets for a long time, this realm is very special. It is mainly two points. It is as much as possible to break up more shackles and accumulate enough secret power.

In the case of Ling Han, the body of his body is fully open, and the level of life has reached the limit of the circumstances. The reserve of secret power is indeed a weakness before, but after entering the dust pool, he has already completed this piece.

Therefore, he is fully qualified to impact the foundation.

Ling Han accumulated his feelings and prepared for the upcoming outbreak.

To his surprise, this moment has not arrived.

Two days, three days, four days, Ling Han has already developed a sense of hunger, this time it is not secret, not really filled, but really hungry.

He endured, without destroying the state of mind that was difficult to form. If this is broken, it will be abandoned.

With his current cultivation, he does not drink water for ten days, and it is no problem to eat food for twenty days.

Five days, six days, seven days, bang, Ling Han's body suddenly changed dramatically, the power of life exploded, every cell was shaking, as if it were going to explode.

Come, come, come!

Ling Han only felt the body shocked, and the soul seemed to be out of the sky, flying into the starry sky, and instantly crossed the infinity distance.

This is where?

He finally stopped, only to see a dark area, and in front was a huge bronze door.

The bronze door has a hundred feet high, and the whole body is mottled and covered with lines. It seems that it has experienced too many years.

This is... Xianmen!

Ling Han was amazed, he must be in a state of soul now, but there is such a place in the starry sky, there is a fairy door?

He did not rush to jump, but went to the front and wanted to observe the bronze door.

However, a force suddenly repels over, too strong, and it is not that Ling Han can compete, so that he can not get close.

Ling Han Jing wants to see clearly, but no matter how he observes, he can never see the lines on the door, as if there is an invisible force blurring his gaze.

He tried to launch the martial arts, but he is now a spiritual body, how can it be used?

He looked at it for a long time, and that he had no choice but to give up.

Forget it, or jump directly to Xianmen.

This is to let others know, it will definitely feel incredible, why are you curious about this, don't you think you should do the right thing?

Ling Han used his strength to jump. He was very special in the state of the soul. He was far higher than usual. Therefore, the fairy door of Baizhang Gao crossed the past without any effort.

Hey, then I am a fairy now, can I build a fairy base?

This thought has not yet fallen, Ling Han only feels that the power is coming again, dragging him to continue to fly in the dark sky.

I don't know how long it has passed, he appeared in a new place.

There was still a darkness around, but there was another door in front.

After a long time, I returned to the original place?

No, the door in front is not only up to five hundred feet, but also white and silver.

First, bronze, then silver, is there gold behind?

Ling Han thought that Princess Bixi said that she had crossed two fairy doors, but she did not say it carefully at the time. She knew that she should know more about it.

Take care of him, then continue to leap.

Ling Han still wants to observe this silver door carefully, but there is also a force that prevents him from being realized.


Ling Han jumped, this silver fairy door was also easily crossed by him.

However, his soul has not returned yet, and the soul is once again captured by powerful forces and swam in the stars.

When he stopped and there was a golden fairy in front, Ling Han was just "oh", not so surprised.

Is the higher the talent, the more Xianmen can be crossed, and the stronger the strength?

However, Ling Han still tried to get close, and after he found out that he could not, he would jump over, and this would not consume much time anyway.

The golden fairy door, high without knowing the geometry, but Ling Han jumped, or barely jumped over the past.

Almost, should let his soul return?


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