Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3708: Covering the moon

However, those extraterrestrial geniuses have come here to pay a huge price, not for doing business, but just the treasures that are in need of some hands, to exchange for this opportunity.

Therefore, in a few days, the market was deserted, and there were many people strolling and selling fewer people. Later, it was almost a spectator.

Lin Biao also collected the money, he intends to sell the medicine to Ling Han, because he saw the genius of Ling Han in Dan Dao, although the other side will only refine a kind of immortality, but the future is absolutely infinite, and can cooperate for a long time.

The most important thing is that Lin Biao also believes in the character of Ling Han.

The secrets of the moon have been delayed, but the people who have come are already here. They are not waiting nearby. Some people have no patience. They fight every day. Fortunately, it still hinders the majesty of several spirits. Dare to kill.

Just when Ling Han thought that he would wait until Tang Yuner came back, the secret of hiding the moon suddenly opened.

There is no sign, the moon is spewing, and there is a spring.

Everyone ran out and saw that the place where the jet of light was sprayed had been wrapped in endless moonlight, and from time to time it sprang out toward the surrounding, magnificent and spectacular.

"The secret of the moon is open!"

Hey, a figure flies, stands proudly in the sky, exudes a strong atmosphere.

Jiu Ling Zhenjun!

Hey, more people are flying over, but the people who can stand in the sky are pitiful. This requires at least the cultivation of Dan, and the indigenous people of Tianhaixing only meet Chen Fengyan. Others They all come from cages.

The question is, how many people can there be in the cage?

Therefore, the number of people standing in the sky now is tens of thousands compared to other stars. It is naturally pitiful.

It is no wonder that those outside the stars look down on the starfish. From the strength point of view, the sky starfish is weak.

"Work hard, go."

"If you are in trouble, you must not back down. You need to move forward."

Those strong people are telling their own descendants, and few people say that they should be more careful, but encourage them to take risks.

For the inheritance of saints, shouldn’t it be?

At this time, in order to seize the time, everyone has entered the place where the moon is covered.

Ling Han held Liu Wa in his hand and walked there. Princess Bixi was closely behind him.

He can clearly feel that many people's eyes are on their own, some are still very concealed, and some are unabashedly exuding the killing.

These people may not put a thousand stones in their hearts, but it is not a matter of course to kill the murder in the secret world? Therefore, they eliminate a competitor, and by the way earn a stone, why not?

After all, this time there is still no genius of the Taoist and the sacred class. Even if it is the key successor of the great religion, the cultivation resources are limited, and a thousand stones are relatively considerable wealth.

As for why there is no genius of the Taoist and the sacred class, is it because the great teachers are not optimistic that they can gain something?

Also, this mystery has existed for dozens of millions of years. There must have been real geniuses before. They have not cleared customs. Over time, those big teachers are too lazy to let the top genius waste time.

Therefore, these second geniuses will be replaced, and it will not matter if the sages are not passed on, at least they can experience it.

Is that true?

Ling Han said in his heart, but at the foot is not slow, in the monuments, he is not afraid of anyone targeting himself, big deal is the dry shelf.

Speaking of dry shelves, who is afraid of him in the same stage?

When Ling Han entered the month of the month, a mysterious force surged, and Qi Wei was Hao.

"Well, this is the power of transmission!"

Ling Han is now studying the formation method. Although the number of arrays that can be played is limited, there is no shortage of understanding about the formation method. It is naturally difficult to judge the type of formation.

"This secret is never in the ground, not even on the starfish, but on the fragments of the ancient starfish."

Ling Han took a few more steps, and the sky was disappearing. I saw a wilderness in front of me, and looking up, the stars are different.

"Sure enough, this is not a starfish. Otherwise, the position of the star cannot be such a huge deviation."

"Hey, where is it?" Princess Biscael also came in. She looked at the sky with amazement.

"We should have left the sky starfish." Ling Han said quietly.

Princess Bishop’s eyebrows wrinkled and said: “If this is in Xingyu, why haven’t you been discovered for so many years?”

This is a problem. Although the Xing Xinghai is huge, for many years, there are always star-space reconnaissance ships that explore the veins and medicine stars.

"It may be a saint means." Ling Han thought for a moment. "If you look from the outside, maybe this is a broken meteorite."

"Okay." Princess Beatitude nodded and reluctantly accepted the inference of Ling Han.

The people who entered here never appeared here. Ling Han remembered clearly. Before he walked in front of him was a black middle-aged man, but when he came out, the man was gone.

There is no possibility that the other party is fast and has run away. Ling Han believes in his own eyesight. At this time, the other party wants to run away from his limit of sight.

So there is only one possibility. Although there is only one "gate" to enter, everyone may be randomly assigned to any corner during the transmission process.

Princess Tourmaline can still follow him, which can only be said to be very clever.


Ling Han said that he is full of enthusiasm. Before that generation of geniuses could not be passed down to the saints, it does not mean that he would not.

He is the man who got the mother gold!

"Speaking, Wu Qingxu still wants to leave some inheritance. Do I not have to work so hard?" Ling Han thought in his heart, this saint is estimated to be too admired by the Great Emperor, thinking that in front of the Great, he Inheritance can't be taken at all, and simply he goes west with him.

Oh, I don't mind.

Ling Han's face is depressed, can become a saint, it is almost the strongest existence in the world, the life must have received countless treasures, just take it out and let him fight for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Ling Han, someone wants me to take your life!" A slightly tender voice suddenly came from behind.

Hey, who is this, a good feeling.

Ling Han turned back and saw that there was a fifteen or six-year-old boy behind him. It was really stinking and full of childishness.

This young man is called Zhuang extraordinary, and he is born with extraordinary talents. His brother is a genius. He has seen his brother from all over the place and has left an indelible impression on his young mind.

Young people certainly like to imitate the worshippers, so he speaks exactly the same way as his brother.

Very loaded, very owing.

(End of this chapter)

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