Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3866: Clearance

There are some taboos in Zhaoxing, because this Feiming is also a tripod, and he is an old rival.

Not only are they old-fashioned on the star network, but in reality, they have played countless times.

Because they all come from the same star, they know each other.

"I am really embarrassed, here we will arrive first, or please go elsewhere." Yu Feiming said faintly.

Yan Xing sneered: "This is not what you are driving here. Why do you drive us away?"

"Oh, because we are stronger!" Yu Feiming said with a smile, "We are strong and we can do whatever we want."

“Strong strength?” Yan Xing shook his head. “Not necessarily!”

The strength of him and Yu Feiming should be between the two, the two sides are going to fight hundreds of times, and they have won each other. He dare not say that he can win in Feiming, but Yu Feiming does not dare to say that he is stronger than him. .

Therefore, the other side’s words are now unfounded.

"Oh, you can certainly compete with me, but if you change this position, do you dare to be hard?" Yu Feiming pointed to a white young man next to him.

Which is this again?

"I will introduce it." Yu Feiming smiled a little and ridiculed with a bit of ridicule. "This is Shi Deze's brother. You must have heard of it. Shi Xi is a star network with more than 700 people."

The white young people smiled proudly. Don't look at them. They only have a ranking of about 200. However, after entering the top one, the rankings of each one hundred are as good as the sky, not to mention the difference of two hundred. .

Zhao Xing immediately changed his face, more than 700, which is too strong.

However, he thought of Lee’s own calculations and immediately became bold.

This man is a man who can fight five hundred strokes with Lu Qili. What is the number of more than 700 in the Star Network?

"Haha!" He laughed. "It turned out to be a brother. You really found a strong support. But, you know who the brother Li is next to me?"


Yu Feiming and Shi Deze are looking at Li Zi, who are you?

"Li Zi Li brother, but can fight with the presence of five hundred strokes." Yu Xing proudly said.

Yes, Lu Qi was borrowed again.

Li Zi’s mind is now in the middle of the game. He can only swear. He really wants to fight. His strength is not even tempered by the first 10,000. How can he fight against the existence of more than 700?

But now he has to swollen his face and he has to be fat, can you still say that he used to blow it out?

"Oh, my brother praised it, but it was a few hundred strokes with Lu Qi, not enough." Li Zi said faintly, forced to install high.

Yu Feiming and Shi Deze are slightly changed. Lu Qi is who, the star network ranked 19th super genius, can fight with Lu Qi five hundred strokes, how can the strength squeeze into the top of the star network, or even higher .

Such a character is just like God.

Can you afford it?

Yu Feiming hesitated for a moment, only to speak, the voice was dry and said: "It turned out to be Li Xiong, disrespectful and disrespectful."

Li Zi’s heart was suddenly loose, and he was fooled by him.

However, Shi Deze's words made his heart come up again: "The original Li brother also handed over Lu Qi, I really envy! I don't know if I can talk with Li Xiong, so that I can open my eyes."

Your sister's.

Li Ziji’s heart flashes, what should he do?

Promise, it must not work. If you do it, he will be exposed. But if you don’t agree, how can you refuse, can you not show your own timidity?

No matter what he thinks, he can't think of a suitable reason.

"Oh, let me come and talk with you." Ling Han smiled and walked out. "Li brother has recently made great efforts. It is estimated that Lu Qi is not his opponent. If he hurts his brother, it will be bad."

Seeing Ling Han come forward, Li Zi is simply moved to cry.

The savior is the one.

"You?" Shi Deze glanced at Ling Han. "Who are you?"

"Ling cold."

“How much is the star network ranking?” Shi Deze asked again.

Ling Han thought for a moment: "It should be more than 100,000."

Indeed, his account is currently only this ranking, that is, the first person under the stars has just scored the top thousand.

"Ha ha!" Shi Deze immediately sneered, and more than 100,000 people in the district also challenged him?

Such an opponent, if he wins, will lose his identity.

"You are not qualified enough!" He shook his head.

Ling Han sighed: "Why do people always feel so good about themselves, always in the eyes?"

By relying on, your star network ranks more than ten thousand, how can people see you?

Everyone said in their hearts, like Zhao Xing, they are okay, but Yu Feiming's people are ridiculed, one by one is not merciless.

For such "low hands", do they need to take into account the feelings of Ling Han?

Ling Han is not angry, faintly said: "If you dare not fight with me, then go back."

Hey, are you still inflated?

"Go and go, you are qualified to fight with your brother!" A man rushed out and explored his hand to Ling Han.

Shi Deze disdain to Ling Han, then he will do it for him.

Ling Han took the lead and only made it unknown.

If this is seen by the **** dog, it will definitely pout, saying that Ling Han has to start to force it, but in the eyes of others, it is clear that Ling Han has no time to react, the other party is too strong, and he is too Weak.

The man was already killed, and he buckled to the chest of Ling Han, throwing him out.

Just when the other party is about to meet him, Ling Han shot, as fast as the light stone fire, one will buckle the other's chest, and then a sigh, hey, the man will be thrown on the mountain wall, then slipped When I got down, I got to the ground and couldn’t move any more.

Suddenly, it was quiet all around.

Hey, is this star network more than 100,000 guys so powerful?

"It turned out to be a pig and a tiger." Shi Deze finally took a bit of attention. He looked at Ling Han and nodded slowly. "I will come to teach."

He strode forward and walked toward Ling Han.

Ling Han still hands behind him.

This time, everyone knows that Ling Han is not responding, but is deliberately pretending.

However, your current opponent is Shi Deze, the existence of more than 700 stars in the star network, can you force it?

Shi Deze was approaching and reached out to catch the cold.

After all, it is a master of more than 700 stars in the Star Network. His strength can be said to be so powerful. With one palm down, there is a ray of light.

Ling Han also shot, and went to the other side.

Hey, the two men's hands are buckled together.

This is the fight between the hard powers of both sides. Whoever has stronger strength and stronger physique will win.

Shi Deze sneered, and his practice of dragons is like a power and a physique. It is so hard and hard for him that he is worthy of a person who ranks fifty points higher than him.

You are really looking for death.

He made five fingers and tried to make Ling Han screaming. Then, he only felt that Ling Han’s hand bones were hard and hard.

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