Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3867: Team expansion

Shi Deze looked at Ling Han with shock. Are you really a star network ranking of ten thousand?

you sure?

Ling Han Zhan Yan smiled: "Why, I feel a hard bone?"

It really is.

In Shi Deze's heart, there are more than 10,000 grass mud horses running. You guys are too pretentious to force it, and the strength is to compete with him. However, the star network ranking is only a hundred thousand, so they are not afraid of overcrowding. Boom?

"You are yelling at me." Ling Han shook his head. "I hate people like you. You know, it is very immoral to say bad things in the dark."

So where are you so forced and where are you going?

Although Shi Deze was full of jealousy about Ling Han, he was not afraid of him. He said coldly: "How about that?"

"Nature is awkward." Ling Han smiled and violently exploded.

How strong is his strength, and such an outbreak is that Shi Deze can compete, suddenly fell to the ground and was chased by chaos.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked to speechless.

Shi Deze is a fierce person who ranks more than 700 in the Star Network. No matter which star field he puts in, he can be called one of the best super geniuses. But in the face of Ling Han, he has no power to fight back. When the sand is wrapped up.

Then they looked at Li himself.

Listening to Ling Han’s tone, Li Zi is more powerful than him. How strong will it be?

Li Zi is also very embarrassed.

He knows that Ling Han is very strong, but he never expected to be strong enough.

Can be stared at by so many people, he can not reveal the flaws.

Therefore, he has a cloud-like appearance, which makes people feel that he is stronger than Ling Han, so he did not pay attention to it.

As a result, everyone looked even more awe at his gaze.

It is worthy of being a fierce man who can fight with Lu Qi for 500 rounds. You see the scar and how strong the heroic atmosphere is.

Ling Han took a hand and he took it. He and Shi Deze had no complaints and no enmity. They just got angry that the other party had to drive themselves out.

"Well, it’s all about this adventure. Now the blessings are unknown, or unite and cope with the danger of the unknown." Li Zi calculated to play the round.

Now his identity is completely different. Of course, the words that are said are full of weight, so that the people on both sides are nodding. I feel that this is not only the strength of the inscrutable, but also the heart of the house, which is rare.

The martial arts learned, the skill is not as normal as normal, and Shi Deze quickly returned to normal. He has already believed in Li’s “identity”. This is a person who can challenge Lu Qi, and he is much stronger than him. Once it is strong enough that people can only look up, even if it is defeated by the other party, it can be regarded as glory.

Although he actually lost to Ling Han.

Therefore, the two sides quickly eliminated the mustard, waited for the end of the super storm, and then set off together to move on.

The environment here was really bad. In the evening, they had another big storm and had to go to a valley to escape. It is too late, they just have a rest here.

It didn't take long for them to enter the valley, and soon a team entered the valley to escape.

Li Ziji immediately stood up and called on everyone to unite.

At the beginning, the other team did not catch a cold, but with Shi Deze and Yu Xing respectively, they came out and said, "Take the people with morality" and let the team serve.

Coincidentally, several people entered the valley at night, all came alone, and were absorbed into the team.

There are always people who are ambitious and unwilling to be a younger brother. They have to challenge Li himself. As a result, Shi Deze and Yan Xing have shot and relaxed people, and Li’s prestige is getting higher and higher.

You see, even Shi Deze, the master of more than 700 stars in the Star Network, is a happy one. What are they dissatisfied with?

The next day, they continued to move forward.

This time, they were lucky and did not encounter a big storm all day.

However, they did not encounter a valley along the way. At night, they gave birth to a large fire and prepared dinner.

Because the number of people is very large, the atmosphere is naturally lively, especially after drinking some wine, everyone is arrogant about Li Zi, and Li Ziji has been loading, used to become natural, boasting his own battle with Lu Qi, then Five hundred strokes were painted by him, intense and wonderful, and everyone was constantly exclaimed.

Ling Han listened at the side, and smiled in his heart. According to the trend of Li Zizhu, this guy’s reputation will definitely grow bigger and bigger. After Lu Qi heard it, he didn’t know what the guy would look like.

He will lie about Li, but it is because of this simple evil taste.

Everyone shouted and pushed the cup for a good time.

In the middle of the night, they were finished drinking wine and fell asleep.

The next morning, the sun rose, the temperature soared, and everyone was awakened one by one.

They are all practicing on the knees, but some people are also fighting. This is also a method of cultivation. After half an hour, everyone will be ready to go on the road.

"Hey, how come one person is missing?" Li self-seeking and looking at it, could not help but exclaim.

Everyone counted the head, but there was really no individual, called Huang Liang. He didn't pull the gang, but he was alone and integrated into the team.

"Weird, Huang Liang was still drinking with us yesterday, it is impossible to leave alone." Someone said.

Some people flew, and when they came to the heights, they looked around, but nothing was found.

"Forget it, maybe people don't want to be with us."


Everyone is on the road, Ling Han is a little surprised, Li Zi is quite a sense of responsibility for doing the head, this pile is unfamiliar people, he actually saw a few individuals at a glance.

Ling cold meditation, although he also fell asleep, but the spirit is keen, if there is any wind and grass will immediately wake him up, but he did not find anything.

Is Huang Liang slipping away?

The desert seems to be narrowing. They met another team in the afternoon. Fourteen people, who came out from Shi Deze, successfully conquered this pedestrian and united under the leadership of Li Zizhu.

Inadvertently, they also said that they originally had fifteen people, but they left one this morning.

Everyone quickly asked, and the situation on both sides was the same. It was found in the morning that people disappeared quietly.

Hey, so smart?

This evening, everyone did not dare to drink any more, but arranged an whistle guard and took turns to watch the night.

However, the next morning, something went wrong, not only few people, but also three.

This problem is big.

Is this haunted, and there are three fewer people out of thin air?

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