Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3939: Dong Jiazhi

Ling Han did not have any mercy.

Just look at the hatred of the Dong people in the city. I know how much Dong’s family is arrogant, so he doesn’t need to be merciful.

"Stop! Stop!" Dong Xiao roared, while chasing.

"Evil thief!" Dong Shuhua also joined the battle group, and only the strength of the two of them can compete with Ling Han.

Ling Han is completely different from these two people. His fighting power is indeed above Dong Shuhua. However, after all, people are born in a real environment, and there are still some strengths. He does not want to waste time on Dong Shuhua for the time being.

He kept shooting, but in fact, he did not need to directly hit the air. The Dong family was falling down.

"it is good!"

Outside, everyone is enjoyable and can't wait to clap their hands.

Can look at the appearance of Ling Han, apparently lost to Dong Xiao, so in order to avoid accounting after the fall, they are all suppressing excitement, just in the heart.

There are many people in Dong’s family, but they can’t survive the cold, and because Dong’s family was ruined by Feng Lingcheng before, there is no place to hide, so they stand so conspicuously that they are living targets.

However, only a few minutes, Dong’s only two people are still alive.

Dong Xiao, Dong Shuhua.

"Ah!" Dong Xiao is both angry with the sky, this is simply a genocide.

They don't need to worry about Feng's family anymore. Because the Dong family is finished, you still need to care about Feng's anger?

Ling cold looked coldly to Dong Shuhua, and there is another one, which is his ability to kill.

In Dong Xiao’s eyes, blood and tears have already flown. Before that, he was ambitious, but now there are only two people left in Dong’s house.

He hates that he is angry and he will kill Ling Han 10,000 times.

"Give me a certainty!" He spared the secret, released from the body, and the surrounding air was solidified.

As a result, the space seems to be muddy, full of resistance, and the speed is naturally reduced.

This is too much for the consumption of secret power, but Dong Xiao now has only one thought, that is to kill the cold, which still cares for the other?

Miraculous black mans!

Ling Han Yang raised his hand.

When Dong Xiao suddenly fell into a illusion, his expression would be angry and he would not know what he was experiencing.

He had such a meal, the secret force in the air lost his control, and naturally began to overflow.

Ling Han looked at Dong Shuhua, his eyes were sharp and seemed to penetrate the hearts of the people.

Dong Shuhua could not help but be shocked. How did the big brother suddenly fail to respond?

He was only the beginning of Sheng Dan, and his combat power was awesome. He was not as good as Feng Waterfall. But Feng Waterfall has been blown up by Ling Han. What is he?

"I said, I will collect this account." Ling Han walked toward Dong Shuhua, the speed is not fast.

"Big Brother! Big Brother!" Dong Shuhua cried, the voice was full of fear, but Dong Xiao seemed to be an idiot, completely ignoring his meaning.

He is terrified, what can I do?

"Oh, if you break your throat, no one will come to save you." Ling Han smiled.

How do you listen to this awkwardness?

Dong Shuhua stepped back and forth again, and he did not dare to smash the edge of Ling Han.

Starting from the end of the world, Ling Han stepped out, the speed is amazing, and immediately deceived Dong Shuhua.

Dong Shuhua lost his color and quickly punched his fist toward Ling Han.

Eighteen Arhats!

Ling Han smiled, the demon monkey punched out.


Just a punch, Dong Shuhua was shot and his arm bones were all broken.

"Ah!" Dong Shuhua screamed, burning the elixir and forcing himself to continue his life. He now has only one thought, that is, insisting that the big brother wake up.

Burning the elixir, his injury immediately recovered and reached a state of full prosperity.

At this moment, only listening to Dong Xiao, he broke free from the illusion.

"Damn the wicked!" He compressed the air again, limiting the speed of the cold.

Ling Han faint smile, or a illusion of black mans hit the past, after a while, the illusion of black mang, of course, can be used.

Dong Xiao once again made a move and entered the illusion.

Your sister!

Dong Shuhua was speechless, and finally insisted that the older brother wake up, but in a sigh, the older brother became a wood man, which made him want to vomit blood.

Can he burn an elixir again?


"I told you all, even if you broke your throat, you will not come to save you." Ling Han faint.

Dong Shuhua gritted his teeth and said: "If you are proud now, but you killed the Feng family, Feng family will certainly not spare you! You must know that Feng Jiake has a successful existence of life, you are not an enemy! ”

Ling Han did not care at all, shrugged his shoulders: "Sheng Dan is perfect? ​​When I step into the living Dan, one hand can be suppressed."

If a person is changed, Dong Shuhua must be dismissed as an idiot to say a dream, because the beginning of Sheng Dan and Sheng Dan are more perfect, the difference in combat power is not a star and a half, but completely crushed.

But Ling Han is too enchanting, but now it is just casting, but it has the strength of Sheng Dan’s triple or even four heavens. Then, after he entered Sheng Dan?

How much combat power can the crossover of the big realm increase?

Therefore, it is not impossible for Ling Han to be able to match Sheng Dan.

"Is desperate enough?" Ling Han asked. "I don't even have the hope of revenge. Do you want to ruin the land? But you can ask those around you, which one doesn't want to eat." The flesh and blood of your Dong family?"

"You used to be crushed by a big ship just for fun. Oh, as long as there is a slight convergence, there will be no disaster today!" Ling Han said faintly, "The evil cause of this kind of self must be self-sufficient." !"

Dong Shuhua looked around and saw that although no one spoke, everyone’s eyes were beating hope and anger.

I hope that he will die and that he will burn his anger.

He has nothing to say, as Ling Han said, as long as the Dong family's behavior has a little bit of convergence, did not go to provoke the cold, there will be no disaster today.

"Send you on the road!" Ling Han killed, and took a shot at Dong Shuhua.

"I want to pull you to bury!" Dong Shuhua said loudly, he broke out, completely ignoring the attack of Ling Han, to fight with Ling Han.

I want to be beautiful.

Ling Han Yang’s hand hit a thunder, hehe, Dong Shuhua suddenly took a stroke, and there was a smoke in his chest, and he was almost stunned.

However, although he did not die, he was already hit hard and vomited blood constantly in his mouth.

Ling Han took another shot, but Dong Shuhua tried to resist, but it was the arm.

Hey, one palm down, Dong Shuhua is already dead.

"it is good!"

"Kill it well!"

"It's gonna die!"

Seeing the life of Dong Shuhua, the people around him couldn’t help but scream. For a long time, Dong’s family was a mountain that was pressed against their heads, and they dominated their lives and deaths. They could only let them bully.

Now, the Dong family, who could not be alive, has only one person left by Dong Xiao. How can it not be rejoicing?

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