Ling Han felt a little regret, he wanted to work with Fu Huoyang, but unfortunately, it was stopped.

He is very low-key. After all, this is a tribe. The foundation is too deep. In addition, he is also a disguised body. He is noticed. If you look closely, it is not easy to recognize the true identity.

Everyone was sent over at the same time. Looking at it, many people are glowing and sacred.

Genius is really much.

Ling Han just glanced at it and found many powerful existences, all of which were above fifteen days.

Moreover, he also saw a few familiar faces, such as Lu Yongchang, such as Ni Wenbai, such as Wang Huazang.

Everyone is saying hello, and a few people are too extraordinary to form a small circle centered on them.

Whether it is Lu Yongchang, Ni Wenbai, Wang Huazang, or Fu Huoyang, there are some people around, and there is only one **** cow around.

"Boy, are you too bad in this relationship?" The **** dog was ridiculous.

Ling Hanhe smiled: "Because you come, my popularity should be good."

Look at these people and take the biggest circle of several people.

Ling Han does not need to go in the past, just listen to their conversations to know the identity of these people.

Zhu Chengyun, the former Tianding of Nantianyu, has now entered the birth of Dan. It is said that there is a four-day power when it comes to Shengdan, which is incredibly powerful.

Changyi Xiu, the star network Dan Dan ranked fourth, it is said that the combat power can reach twenty-four days, the first person to live in East Tianyu.

Yi Yuanrong, Xingwangsheng Danjing ranked third, the first person in the West Tianyusheng Dan.

Shayang, the second place in the star network, is the second person in the South Tianyu.

However, the first person who was born in the star network was also the genius of Nantianyu. He was named Jingjing. He didn’t know what was going on. The Donglin Emperor clearly gave him an invitation, but he did not find anyone.

It is very likely that this well is exploring the monuments, isolating the satellite network signal, and may be at a deep level of retreat.

These geniuses are basically accompanied by the guardians, and at least they are also the spirits of the true king. Now they are all retired outside the square, and they have not participated in it, giving young people a chance to enjoy.

Why is the Donglin Emperor holding such a Tianjiao so attractive?

The secret law can be obtained on the one hand, but this is also a good opportunity for Tianjiao to expand the circle of communication. Which one is not the top Tianjiao, and even the Teijin descendants, but some people are too low-key, no one knows the identity.

If you want to sit on the position of the teaching of the great religion, it is not only strong enough, but also a large enough circle.

Therefore, the genius of the sky will be rushing. Otherwise, there will be only one person who can work with the late dreams, and the people with obviously insufficient strength will do it.

Now is a good opportunity to make friendships. Of course, everyone must hurry up.

However, after such a circle is formed, some people seem to be alone. For example, Ling Han, there is only one **** cow around him, and not far away, there is also a young man standing alone, a lazy appearance.

Ling Han took a look, the first feeling is that this person is too ordinary, let him sweep over and ignore the past.

However, if it is ordinary, how could it be invited by the Tetri?

Then, obviously, but even Ling Han can not see, this is amazing.

Ling Han started to look at the past, and immediately revealed that it was amazement. This young man seems to be a sacred furnace. The horrible fairy flame in the body is boiling. Once it breaks out, it will destroy the power of the earth.

"Ding brother, it's not good to have such a voyeuristic." The young man's **** was very keen, and he looked at Ling Han, and his mouth showed a lazy smile.

A handsome guy, a face that is as gentle as jade, and with that lazy, it is estimated that you can kill many girls.

Ling Han smiled and said: "You know my name, but I don't know about you. It's a bit unfair."

"Haha!" The young man smiled and said, "Below Shen Yutang."

Ling Han thought about it, but there was no way to match the name of "Shen" with which big force, but it doesn't matter. He made friends and didn't care about the other's background.

"Shen brother." He hugged his fist.

The **** dog came together and said: "Have you seen a late dream?"

Shen Yutang shook his head: "No."

"All said that she is the third beauty of Xingyu, I really want to see you, how is it beautiful?" The **** dog is somewhat imaginary.

Shen Yutang couldn't help but laugh: "Ding brother, you are really interesting about this beast."

"Yes is not a beast, this kid is a lover of the Lord!" The **** dog suddenly became mad.

At this time, the Donglin Emperor also had a strong person to come forward, let everyone prepare, will be grouped, the first screening.

It’s too fast.

There is no way, the Tetris have already made a decision, who can defend?

Grouping soon, every ten people.

"The first round of testing is to look at the luck of your friends." Donglin Teijin sent a veteran of the master class, which is enough to keep the scene, even those who are respectful.


"Luck is also a part of strength, even the most important," said the old teacher.

This naturally makes the geniuses shake their heads. How is it possible?

Comprehension, hard work, and opportunity are the most important things. What can you do with luck?

The old teacher is a faint smile: "The most important thing the old man said is of course the genius for you. When you have the opportunity to move into the quadrant, you will find that if you want to be sanctified, what you need most is not hard work. Or talent, but luck."

"When you want to become an emperor, it is more to collect the luck of the world."

Hey, listen to this old teacher, and everyone can't argue.

Indeed, under the premise of talent and hard work, luck is really important.

"So, the first pass will test luck." The old teacher said, "You take a group of ten people and take turns to draw lots. Whoever draws the sign with the words "passing the pass" will be able to enter the next round."

Rely, can you still play like this?

Everyone instinctively wants to oppose, which is completely irrelevant to strength, and what is the most important thing for the military?


Whoever is strong, who can be called the king.

But now, there are Zhuji, Zhuding and Shengdan mixed in a group, which is very likely to make the strong people of Sheng Danjing be eliminated by the district, it is too peaceful.

"The old man has already said that your talents and efforts are the best choices. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive invitations. So, what you are comparing now is your luck." The old teacher said.

No matter what everyone thinks, he waved his hand and let the assessment begin.

Everyone was helpless and had to draw lots.

Can this go with a tribe?

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