Ling Han went back and told the **** dog the news he had discovered.

"What do we do?" asked the **** dog. "Is it mixed in the army of the expedition?"

Ling Han shook his head: "I always feel that Tian Yu Supreme should not do this boringly."

"Yeah, I like the girl who grabs it." The **** dog agreed with him. "Even if you can't get it, steal some underwear!"

Ling Han is a kick out: "Only this dog will do this!"

He took back his foot and said: "First of all, to reject the strong man like Tian Yu Zun, the courage needed is not that big, even if the white girl is very loyal to love, then her lover can do this? She The family will be so embarrassed?"

"Right!" The **** dog patted his paw. "That is a saint, and even the secret of the emperor's inheritance!"

Such a temptation is that a holy place can not resist, will willingly send a saint?

"So, Bai’s categorical refusal is very problematic." Ling Han said, "Don't forget, all this is from the record of the White House. And if you let your own biography, will you beautify yourself?" ”

"Sure, who doesn't want to stay in the eternal fragrance, but is it stinking for a long time?" The **** dog nodded.

"Oh, you, beauty is not a landscaping, it is destined to be stinking for a long time." Ling Han hit the **** dog, and then said again, "So, what we are seeing now is only the words of the white family, how is the truth, maybe it's not true."

"What do you mean?" asked the **** dog.

Ling Han smiled: "We go to the Yaozu."

"Well, this dog will not have to hide from Tibet, but your little boy will be a pet dog!" The **** dog immediately became happy. "Come, let the main dog listen."


Ling Han and the **** dog set off, the **** dog is naturally the original shape, Ling Han is also the original shape, he only needs to say that he is a shape.

The Emperor has a "mirror mirror", and the Yaozu also has a "photo mirror"?

They did not go out for a long time and saw a mighty team, all of them.

"Hey, the action is fast, has it been dispatched?" Ling Han launched the scorpion technique, and swept over it, and found a lot of strong people, mainly based on Sheng Dan and Zhu Ding, and the foundation was not infrequent, but the real world was less. There are only two.

He suddenly showed a murder.

Fu Huoyang.

He actually saw the descendant of the emperor in the ranks. Even if there were real and strong people sitting here, Fu Huoyang was still proud and arrogant.

Oh, it’s just a side of the emperor. What's so great?

Not only Fu Huoyang, but also Lu Qi, the wind continues, and so on, the top genius is really a lot.

Ling Han has a rush to go out and Fu Huoyang to kill them, but think about there are two true and strong people here, want to kill people under their eyes, this is too difficult.

Therefore, Ling Han forced to press such an impulse.

"Little Hanzi, what are you going to do?" The **** dog came over and asked.

Ling Han smiled: "Let's follow, they are not going to fight with the Yaozu. When we happen to kill those guys, it is a gift to the Yaozu."

"Okay." The **** dog is full of enthusiasm, and it likes this kind of thing.

One person and one dog followed the team, and the march was very fast, so it was only a small half-day, and they came to a mountain.

"Here is the site of the Qing dynasty tiger king." Someone is doing an introduction. "The Qing dynasty tiger king is the demon king of the real world. Although there is only one strong person in the real world, the strength of the Qing dynasty tiger king. Very terrifying, with the strength of one enemy two or even three."

"Of course, this time the coach's Haicheng Wang and Su Tianwang are also the best in the real world. The two adults join forces to match the young tiger king!"

"Our purpose here is to eliminate all the demon people under the real world. If it is a green tiger king, it can not make much damage, and there will be a day of old death."

This strategy is very good, and the population base is large, in order to ensure the longevity of a ethnic group, otherwise it is as strong as the descendants of the great emperor, the monkey brother has been suppressed by a sectarian force!

"Well, we start to attack, encounter enemies, no need to show mercy, one does not stay!"

After some mobilization before the war, this expenditure levy army began to launch the charge.

On the other hand, the Qing dynasty tiger king is also ready. When the expedition army rushes out of the dozens of miles, I see a monster that suddenly pops up on the mountain and greets the army below, and there are more birds in the sky. A surprise attack was launched.

"Airborne team, dispatch!" Qian Lang is one of the coaches. His expression is calm, and he waved his hand. He immediately flew a famous warrior and attacked the birds in the sky.

"Small Han, are we going to take it?" The **** dog licked his paw and was eager to try.

It has just succeeded in its success, and its strength has broken into the realm of life, and it is eager to try its own strength.

"Wait." Ling Han shook his head. "When the coaches are there, they move, and we act again."

Ling Han didn't want to be stared at by the two realities.

"Okay." The **** dog nodded, and of course this situation cannot be borne by its temper.

"Bold people, dare to commit the king's prestige!" In a big bang, I saw a burly big man jumped into the air, but although he was a human body, he kept a thick and long tail. In that one by one.

Green Tiger King!

"Kill!" Haicheng Wang and Su Tianwang jumped into the air at the same time, killing the past with the tiger king.

boom! boom! boom!

The three strongest men handed in their hands and fought in the sky, and the roads were rippling, and the roads were raging.

This is too horrible. No one dares to approach, that is, the living environment must be avoided.

Naturally, there are also the demon people of the outsiders. They deliberately avoided the people who entered here, but they started to attack the people of the gale country. On the other hand, the humans of the outsiders did the same, just to the local demon. The beast shot, killing each.

"The opportunity is coming!" Ling Han said.

The **** dog is also excited, and finally can show his talents.


One person and one dog also killed, quickly separated, each looking for each opponent.

Ling Han changed the shape and soul fluctuations. This kills the emperor and kills the same disciple in public. The influence is too great and too bad. Therefore, this pot still lets someone who does not exist carry it away.

He quickly cut in, it is very close to Fu Huoyang.

At this time, Fu Huoyang is killing the monsters. Although he can no longer burn the blood of the emperor, but the fierce battle of fifteen days, is not the top genius how to match?

Therefore, he kills the beast like a grass mustard, and has no opponent at all.

"Bold people, dare to kill my demon children, I am going to destroy you!" Ling Han screamed and killed.

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