Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4036: Your grandfather

The current cold is not only changing, but also has a tail behind the butt.

This is naturally the learning of the tiger king, but also is to declare that the brother is a demon.

The demon family here was killed by Fu Huoyang. It was already overwhelming. It was already unable to support it. Seeing Ling Han came forward, and suddenly seemed to have met the savior, and they all shouted and cheered Ling Han.

Fu Huoyang is a bit surprised. This demon is not an indigenous person here. Why should you take the initiative to start with yourself?

They have already formed a tacit understanding, that is, each kills each other and does not interfere with each other.

Very normal, a lot of people are coming to the fore. Do you want to fight for the sake of the indigenous people in this little secret?

If they don't get the axe as soon as possible, they don't need to shoot at all. Just wait until the real person and even the real spirit enters here, and what is the indigenous voice here?

But this demon can dare to get yourself!

You are blind, don't you know that I am a tyrant Fuyang?

"Looking for death!" Fu Huoyang is a tribe, that is how arrogant and arrogant, always only he provokes others, how can he tolerate others to bully him?

Whether you are stupid or fake, go to hell!

Hum, he hits the palm of his hand.

Ling Han smiled a little, free to unfold a sage-level treasure, and fight with Fu Huoyang.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The two men are facing each other, but the gap between the forces is too great. Naturally, Ling Han has been slammed back and forth, but the chaos of the elixir will be easy to resolve, and naturally he will not be able to hurt him.

"Hey!" Fu Huoyang was not stupid, and immediately gave birth to a shock.

The other party clearly has a strength that is far worse than itself. The power that can be used to fight the past is completely harmless. What does this mean?

This guy can absorb the power to fight!

Such a supernatural power, he only saw it in one person, and such a supernatural power is so special, he does not believe that he can have it if he meets one.

Therefore, there is only one truth.

This demon is the one who made him suffer a shameful humiliation.

"Ding Yi!" Fu Huoyang gnawed his teeth, "It turned out to be you!"

"Haha, it is your grandfather Ding!" Ling Han laughed, since he was recognized, he did not have any good concealment, brushing, and hitting a sigh of relief, Fu Huoyang suddenly screamed.

Now this suffocating shock is terrible, it can be said that it is the strongest killing trick of Ling Han.

He took the opportunity to kill the past and punched.

However, Fu Huoyang is a genius of the Emperor, and he has also entered the underworld. He has gained a lot of benefits. The strength of the soul has entered the real world. Moreover, his willpower is very tenacious, and he has finally eased his strength.

"Damn!" He banged out and greeted Ling Han.


However, the result of this punch is that he was shocked and flew out, not at all.

Under the impact of the suffocation, he is able to fight back is already good, and how much strength do you want to retain?




When the Yao Yaozu saw it, they immediately cheered for Ling Han.

Fu Huoyang’s anger is unstoppable, and he can’t wait to break the chills, but when he’s “discussing” the Donglin Emperor, he’s not as good as Ling Han’s, it’s the burning of the Emperor’s blood, which has increased the strength of the Ten Heavens. Abuse.

How can he be an opponent of Ling Han now?


He took the initiative and immediately turned and ran. He didn't need to fight hard with Ling Han now, waiting for him to enter the real world, and then take advantage of the big realm to get rid of Ling Han.

Ling cold smile, since he shot, can you let it run?

Chaos God Ray!

Zi, a thunder hit, not yet with the body, I saw Fu Huoyang suddenly stagnation, it seems silly.

He got stuck in the illusion.

Although the illusion of black awning is intertwined with the chaotic god, but it is acting on the gods, it is only as far as possible within the distance.

Therefore, the chaotic **** Thunder has not yet reached, the fantasy black man has already affected the spirit of Fu Huoyang.

However, the speed of chaos and thunder is also very fast, just as Fu Huoyang has a glimpse, Shen Lei has already arrived.

Here, I saw the thunder flashing, and Fu Huoyang’s chest is already a focal hole.

However, after such a heavy blow, Fu Huoyang finally woke up from the illusion, and at this time, Ling Han also swooped over and killed.

Fu Huoyang is a big man, and he has never seen Ling Han show this trick.

This is the new skill of this person, or is this person hidden, has not been used before?

But at this moment, where is his time of delusion, he quickly slammed a blow and greeted the past with Ling Han. Otherwise, he only had one dead end.


A blow to the bang, Fu Huoyang was once again beaten out, completely lost to Ling Han.

This is of course, he was suppressed by the Chaos Xiandan the power of the triple heaven, and the chest was again hit hard, at most to play the power of the eleventh heaven, and Ling cold? The original power is as high as ten heavens, and if you use a holy sac, you can crush it on the battle.

Ling Han catches up, attacking again and again, recruiting deadly.

Fu Huoyang was angry and shocked, but he was only passively beaten.

Before that time, he did not burn out the blood of the emperor, but there was not much left, which was far from enough to support him to re-ignite. Therefore, he is really nothing, and there is no card to break out.

He can only swear, under a series of attacks, he screams again and again.

What makes him depressed is that although each stroke of Ling Han is heavy, it is not fatal.

If he is heavier and threatens his life, then the treasures on his body will be violent, and he will teleport away with him.

This guy must be deliberate.

Fu Huoyang is screaming, and the Tang Dynasty is actually being played like this. Is there any reason?


Finally, Ling Han punched down, this power is a bit heavy, directly threatening the life of Fu Huoyang, suddenly, a light wrapped him, hehe, then he disappeared.

The treasures are prosperous, so that he is free from death and he is still hundreds of millions of miles to ensure that he is safe enough.

However, can you really succeed?

Ling Han is now a master of the road, and he is keenly aware that in fact, the light is surging, and the gas of the ground is also extracted, and Fu Huoyang is sent away.

Oh, the original Miles is the principle.

Ling Han Jing Li, the gods open, and entered the veins.

There are only a few pennies in this mysterious environment, so it is only a matter of a dozen. Therefore, it is very simple to investigate.

found it.

Ling Han showed a smile, hehe, he disappeared instantly.

I don't know if it is his luck or Fu Huoyang's misfortune. There is just a place where he can go to other places.

the other side.

Fu Huoyang slammed the ground and transmitted it through the veins. At this time, he was at least tens of thousands of miles away from the battlefield. Naturally, he could not be found by Ling Han.

He touched the necklace on the neck, it was this thing saved his life, and a total of seven more can be launched.

The heritage of the Tetris is really amazing, and the life-saving cards can be used so many times.

First heal the wound and plan again.

But he hasn't taken out the wound medicine yet, and he sees a flash of light in front of him.

First set yourself a small goal: such as collection: mobile version of the website.

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