The winner can become a formal disciple of the Ares Palace, then the loser?

Wanhe did not answer immediately, but swept a circle on everyone's face. This said: "The God of War does not need the weak, the loser, of course, is disposed of."

Dispose of it?

Everyone is a tight heart, how to deal with it?

Needless to say, they all understand in their hearts, because the God of War Palace will never allow outsiders to leave alive and tell the secrets of the God of War.

There is no star network signal here, everyone will react slowly, and will immediately connect to the star network after calming down.

For a time, everyone raised a strong sense of war, only everyone around them was full of malice.

These are all competitors!

"You are now a total of ... 739 people." Wanhe looks cold and has no trace of emotion. "Give you three days, no matter what method you use, there are only four hundred people who live. If it is more than This number, I will shoot, just pick some people to kill, until reduced to four hundred."

When you heard this, everyone was violently shrinking their heart.

Such a knockout war is too cruel, but it is necessary to divide it by life and death.

"Now, you can leave here." Wan He Road, "In these three days, you can hide, you can also join hands with people, what means can be. However, I will explain first, if there are more than four hundred people living in three days, I started killing people who didn't kill."

He turned and went, and in front of him, a stone door opened silently, and suddenly there was light coming in, a big bright.

Everyone is busy out of the stone room, I saw here is a mountain forest, green cypress pine, like a paradise.

Unfortunately, the beauty can not change the fact that this is the God of War, this is a killer organization.

"Now... start timing!" Wanhe said faintly, his figure floated into the air, emitting a faint radiance and a god.

Suddenly, the crowd was divided into two parts, one was Sima Dong and the other was Han Yue. Of course, there were lonely soldiers like Ling Han, but only three people.

At this time, it is obviously more powerful.

"First withdraw!" Han Yue said, this time with the Sima Dong camp a fierce battle, then I do not know how much damage will be caused, even he may have to fold here.

Since it is only necessary to remove more than 300 people, it seems that it is not necessary to fight so fiercely?

Sima Dong looked at Han Yue deeply, and his mouth showed a smile. He said: "We also withdraw."

"Slow!" suddenly said one of the three lonely warriors, but not Ling Han.

Ling Han was amazed and looked at the man. I saw that this is a young man who looks vicissitudes and is cold. Although he just stands very casually, he exudes a feeling of fierceness, like a sheath. The sword.

"Which green onion are you, are you slow to say slow?" Someone jumped out and pointed to the young man.

The young man grinned and smiled, but it was a chill from the bottom of his heart.

Brush, everyone just feels a flower in front of them, and then they see that the person who jumped out and accused has split into two from the middle.

The cold young man raised his hand and blew it, and a drop of blood fell.

He showed a god-like smile and put the sword on his shoulder. He said: "Without such trouble, I will start killing now and kill enough. This boring game will naturally end."

Hey, he said this sentence, I saw that the man who was killed by him fell to the ground, left and right, blood flowed to the ground.

"Ha ha ha, it’s funny!" Someone jumped out. "You are just a person, do you still want a hundred people?"

Sima Dong looked at Han Yue, and Han Yuezhen just watched it. Both of them nodded in a slightly unrecognizable action.

"Get together, kill this person!"

"This person is too vicious, killing people and killing him together!"

The two said at the same time, an alliance was formed in an instant.

This young man is obviously a thorn, not easy to control, and the strength is extremely powerful, so, do not move with his intentions, and honestly kill him first.

Suddenly, hundreds of people rushed out at the same time and killed the cold young man.

Hundreds of people are right, and everyone's realm is similar. What fear?

The cold young man not only did not have fear, but instead showed a smile, as if he was expecting a blood feast.


He was swaying and voluntarily greeted the crowd.

Brushing, Jianguang flashing, I saw an individual being split into two, and all from top to bottom, not cut off from it.

However, during a few breathing hours, 13 people were killed by this cold young man, but he was unharmed.

This is not like a battle in the same realm, but a one-sided slaughter of the tiger into the flock.

In the sky, Wanhe really just looked on the sidelines, completely did not intervene, and he also showed a cruel smile, as if enjoying such a killing picture.

Everyone was originally a rabble, and the team that was temporarily assembled was so killed, and the morale of the team was greatly reduced. Most of the people were unwilling to fight again. In the face of such a sharp sword, they did not want to be the soul of the sword.

Sima Dong and Han Yue took a look at each other, and the two nodded again. At this time, if the two of them did not go forward to stabilize the military, the team would bring it.

Therefore, in the next moment, the two men rushed up at the same time to fight the cold young man.

Hey, this time, the sword of the cold young man is finally blocked.

"Long live!"

"Boss is mighty!"

When everyone saw it, the confidence suddenly skyrocketed. As long as someone could block the cold young man from the front, the advantage of many people could be exerted. How can one kill a cold young man?

"Haha, I want to fight so many people with one's own strength, you are really naive!" Han Yue sneered.

"I really don't know what it is!" Sima Dong also said.

The cold young man showed a sneer: "Several jump clowns, dare to speak up!"

He slightly deflected the sword and then swayed again, suddenly, Jianguang.

Unbelievable, his combat power has actually increased a lot.

Han Yue and Sima Dong are not afraid to slap their edge and quickly retreat. Otherwise, they may be hit hard.

Both of them are retiring, how can other people marry?

The cold young man took the opportunity to kill, blood splattered, an individual was smashed into two pieces, and his face was also stained with some blood, making him more horrible.

However, he did not reach out to erase the blood, but licked his tongue, and even revealed the expression of enjoyment.

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