Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4055: Second round of screening

The cold young people are killing, and his fighting power is extremely tyrannical. Even Sima Dong and Han Yue, who are ranked more than 2,000 in the Star Network, can't resist each other.

Brushing, blood and rain, I saw a body in two, the scene can be said to be extremely shocking and cruel.

In the sky, Wanhe showed a smile, and the eyes of the cold young man were full of appreciation.

Such a luxury, it seems to be born for the God of War.

Everyone couldn’t help but smash.

It’s completely beaten, it’s killing.

The cold young man is ruthlessly chasing and killing, killing blood, and corpses across the field.

Finally, he was stopped by Wanhe and prevented him from continuing to kill.

There are only four hundred people left now, and the goal has been achieved.

Wanhe looked at the cold young man and said, "What is your name?"

"Mo Yun." The cold young man said faintly, even the spirit of the real king did not look in the eyes.

Wanhe did not think that he was embarrassed. He looked at the people and said: "Besides Mo Yun, the performance of all of you has disappointed me. The core disciples of the God of War Palace need to be strong and brave, depending on life and death as a game. ”

Everyone is silent, relying on, this Mo Yun is strong and perverted, who is going to die, or else, do you try to reduce the cultivation to the living environment?

Wanhe waved his hand: "Give you a rest for a night, and start the second round of screening tomorrow morning."

When he finished, he went away.

A lot of people are moving around and want to see if they can find an exit and leave this ghost place.

But after a while, everyone came back, shaking their heads and sighing.

How can the God of War Palace leave such obvious flaws?

Mo Yun became famous in the war, and the limelight completely overpowered Han Yue and Sima Dong. Therefore, some people have joined together and want to set up a relationship with him. In the screening of tomorrow, he can be with him. It is.

However, when the four people who had gone first were directly killed by the sword, they did not give people the opportunity to speak, so that the people behind were scared to face green, and quickly retreated.

Fortunately, Mo Yun did not open the killing ring again, so that everyone was relieved.

After a night, Wanhe came again.

Everyone is very afraid of seeing this person, because when he comes, it means that some of them are dying, and not many.

"Hey, four more dead?" Wanhe glanced at him and found the body that had been broken into eight and a half. His eyes immediately fell on Mo Yun, but he did not blame it, and many people were disappointed. .

How much they hope Wanhe can shoot and kill Mo Yun, the existence of this guy is simply breaking the balance, so that no one else has a way to live.

"Next, start the second round of screening." Wan He said, "In this wilderness, there are a total of 100 targets that can be assassinated. Some targets are simple and weak, but some targets are weak. , but there is strong protection."

"You only need to kill a target, you are even passing. And after three days, there is no one who has completed a killing... all executed!"

When the voice fell, everyone was in the cold.

There are only one hundred goals, but they have four hundred people. That is to say, even if they can successfully assassinate these targets, at least 300 people will die.

This is too cruel.

"Time starts, hurry to hunt!" Wanhe waved his hand and his face was hung with a cruel smile.

Everyone quickly turned around and entered the forest in front.

It is necessary to hurry, because there are only one hundred targets, all of which have been assassinated, and the rest of them have only one dead end. Moreover, the mission goal is also difficult. If the simple goal is killed, it will naturally increase the difficulty for itself.

So, have to hurry.

Ling Han also walked, and his heart was of course 10,000 unhappy, but now people are under the roof and have to bow.

This night, he has studied the geology here, but this star has obviously been laid a strong array of methods, he can sense the veins, but can not mobilize the atmosphere.

No way, his mind is not strong enough to grab the law, all the atmosphere is drawn by the array, running according to a certain trajectory.

This made him lose an ace.

"Now, you must hide your identity. Otherwise, let the God of War Palace find that I am a cold man. It is really dead to die."

"However, as long as I am alive, I will know where the God of War Palace is, and then spread it on the star network. I believe that there will be countless forces that have been assassinated by the Temple of War."

"So, now, live!"

Ling Han firmly believes that his figure is immediately accelerating, flying up in the mountains and looking for a target that can be assassinated.

After a while, he stopped.

I saw a wooden man standing there, but on the side of the wood man, there were two beasts with chains on their necks, which gave off a strong breath.

This wood man has the word "target" written on his body, which is very eye-catching.

Hey, this God of War Palace did not make it too bloody, using wood people to assassinate the target.

Ling Han swept it with scorpion surgery. Both of these fierce beasts were full of Sheng Dan, and from the fluctuation of the breath that came out, it was estimated that there would be fifteen days or so of combat power.

In the general genius, the fifteen-day battle is already scary enough.

Of course, Ling Han will not be in the heart, and walked away.

The two beasts immediately roared, and they were trapped here, naturally becoming more violent.

Ling Han snorted, and the suffocating impact started. Hey, the two beasts knew the sea and burst directly. They immediately mourned and fell to the ground and died.

He walked to the front of the wood man, and was about to shoot it, but he saw that the wood man actually moved, hey, got up, and the speed was fast.


Ling Han stunned, but how quickly his reaction, immediately shot the past.


The wood was suddenly smashed and turned into pieces of the sky.

"Through the pass." A voice rang in the cold sea of ​​knowledge. "You will rest here."

This is Wanhe.

Ling Han looked up at the sky, but did not see the traces of the Wanhe.

The spirit of the world, beyond him too much.

Ling Han said that he had sat down, and now he has to keep enough low-key.

"Hey, it’s a step late!" A voice rang out behind Ling Han, and Han Yue walked out, his eyes swept over, revealing a touch of color. "Dare to grab my prey!"

Ling Han laughed: "Is this yours?"

"I remember you." Han Yue said, "You are the very arrogant newcomer!"

Ling Han sighed: "You have so much time, why not go to find the next goal, what do you pull with me?"

“No problem!” Han Yue said faintly. “It’s not a waste of time to kill you but raise your hand.”

Nima, can you bully me? Nt

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