Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4058: Blood tower

"How do you kill Mo Yun?" Wan He asked, full of curiosity.

Ling Han swept his body and covered his body. His heart was a glimpse, but his expression was indifferent. He said: "My strength is stronger than him, and I can kill him naturally."

Wan He was naturally dissatisfied with this answer. He shook his head: "Mo Yun finally used the strong bones of the strong, and his combat power is at least two days higher than you. How could it be killed by you?"

Ling Han smiled slightly: "Because I am Ding Yi."

Ding Yi?

Wanhe was a glimpse, and after searching for a name, he immediately showed a shock.

It turned out that this kid is Ding Yi.

Who is Ding Yi?

In the Tianjiao of the Donglin Emperor, the Ming Dynasty became famous, and even the Fuyang, the emperor, was defeated and became one of the most dazzling stars in the Western Tianyu.

I really didn't expect that the God of War Palace would spread the net and gather talents, so I could catch such a big fish.

This is really a profit, there is such a good foundation, and if you train well, you may become the king of the killer in the future.

Ming Ming Ling still did not answer, but Wan He did not ask Mo Yun's death.

Ding Yi, this name is enough.

"Very good, you have defeated everyone and become the seed of the king of the killer." Wan He said, "I hope that you can continue to be the next king of the killer."

Ling cold heart spit, if you know that I am Ling Han, then it is not to train me to become the king of the killer, but to let the killer come to kill me.

"What is the king of the killer?" he took the opportunity to ask, want to know more about the God of War.

"The king of the killer is the equivalent of my war palace." Wan He said, "And the king of the killer is the master of my war palace!"

As a result, Ling Han understands. It is no wonder that the competition is so cruel. There are nearly 800 people coming in. It can be said that they are all geniuses, but in the end, only he survived alone.

Because the God of War Palace does not want to recruit ordinary disciples, but the Tao!

Why not use the knockouts as ordinary disciples to cultivate them? Isn’t it too wasteful to kill them directly?

It is also simple to think about it, because most of these people have their own teachers, it is inevitable that there will be two hearts, it is not as good as raising from the baby, and brainwashing from an early age.

But why do you want to choose such a way?

Because the Tao must be good enough, it is natural to choose in the big universe, but only one person, it will be relatively easy to brainwash. In addition, this is a way to become a holy place, enough to make many top geniuses tempted.

Therefore, the Ares Palace is still full of confidence, and even if this method is adopted, it will enable people to finally pledge to the door of the Ares Palace.

"Follow me." Wan He said, while holding his hand in front.

Ling Han followed, did not want to walk side by side with the other side.

After they walked for a while, there was an air wall in front of them, and there was clearly a road, but they could not go.

Wanhe reached out and pressed, and the palm of his hand suddenly had a symbol to light, and then he went forward.

The air wall has disappeared.

Ling Han quickly kept up, but he had already recorded the symbol of Wanhe's palm in his mind.

The other party will never think of him, but he is the master of the road.

After walking for a while, there was a building in front of it, which was very common, and there were ordinary people’s homes.

However, this is the site of the God of War, a killer organization.

"How, can't you think of it?" Wanhe smiled.

Ling Han nodded: "I really don't want to see it. At first glance, it is like an ordinary village."

Wanhe showed a smug color: "A good killer, before he can be shot, he should be like an ordinary person, and will not attract anyone's attention."

Ling Han’s heart completely disagreed. He hated the act of assassination in his heart. This dry frame should start from the front and fight hard.

Of course, if the strength is not as good as that, it will definitely not be possible. Sending death and courage are two different things.

"Old Wan, this is the seed of the living environment?" One person walked out of the village, his eyes swept away Ling Han, and then asked Wanhe.

Wanhe nodded and then mysteriously said: "Who do you guess who he is?"

"Crap, how can I guess it!" The man immediately shook his head, to the size of Xingyu, how could he know a junior who was born in Dan.

Wanhe laughed: "His name must have been heard!"

The man looked at it and saw that the appearance of Wanhe seemed to be very confident. He thought about it and said, "Is it not cold?"

Oh, it’s really accurate.

"How is it possible!" Wanhe shook his head. "Where is such a clever thing!"

It’s really so smart.

"Who is that?" The man did not want to guess.

"Ding Yi." Wan He said the answer.

Suddenly, the man was shocked and looked back at Ling Han and asked, "Are you Ding Yi?"

He also wants to confirm.

Ling Han nodded: "I am Ding Yi."

"Haha, this is really a treasure!" The man laughed. "Maybe, this will be the strongest seed, the king of the future killer."

"Yeah." Wanhe nodded.

Ling Han finally understands why the God of War Palace always has a sacred sacred town, because they have been plundering geniuses from Xingyu for generations, and the Sangyuan, a sage who has been a million years old, can always develop a successor within his life. .

"Do other groups also pick out the seeds?" Wan He asked.

"Not yet, your group is the fastest." The man shook his head.

"That's good, I will arrange this kid to live first." Wanhe Road.

He led Ling Han into the village and assigned a very ordinary house, but with a small garden, let Ling Han stay here for a few days, he flew away.

Not afraid of the cold to escape?

Really not afraid.

Sheng Danjing can not shuttle Xingyu in the flesh, it is difficult for you to reach the nearest star in a thousand years, and if you transfer the array... With the strict guard of the God of War, entering the transmission array is bound to be extremely strict.

The key is that Ling Han still does not want to go.

Since he accidentally scored inside the Ares Palace, he wanted to know more.

- You are not trying to kill me, then I will make all your information available to the public, and the power of the whole star to destroy you.

These days, Ling Han has been practicing, and there is no meaning to escape.

After seven days, Wanhe finally came again.

"Follow me." He has no nonsense.

Ling Han followed him, this time they came under a tower.

The tower is full of blood, with thirty-three layers.

Not only is Ling Han, there are three young people here, two men and one woman, two men are Zhuji and Zhuding, while the women are real, the appearance is very beautiful, the posture is even more graceful, bump amazing.

"Congratulations to you, become the seed of this time." Wan He said, "Next, you have to compete for the title of the king of the killer. This is the only one, each generation can only have one king of killers."

"Before you, there are twenty-seven seeds... Oh, it should be twenty-six now, just one."

Wanhe paused and pointed to the blood tower behind him: "This is the tower of our God of War. You can reach the thirty-three floors of these seeds, which is the next king of killers, and others... ...all executed!"

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