Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 4059: True God of War 3

Great pressure, but also fierce competition.

One person becomes a sacred, while others are all killed.

The woman spoke and asked: "Predecessors, do not know the fastest progress, have reached the first few floors?"

This is very important.

Everyone, including Ling Han, looks at Wanhe.

Wanhe paused and said: "The fastest person has reached thirty floors."


The four people in Ling Han are frowning, and they are losing money. The gap is too big.

"Predecessors, this is too unfair." said the man who casts the trip.

Wanhe is a sneer: "This world is inherently unfair, only by its own efforts to change."

"Predecessors, can you now enter the tower?" The real woman asked.

Wan He Zhan Yan smiled: "This is the right attitude! Of course, you can come to the blood tower at any time to understand."

"Here, you are strictly forbidden to kill each other, otherwise, kill together!"

"Well, you should introduce yourself first. In the long run, you are not only a competitor, but also a like-minded partner. You have to work together."

All four people reported their names. The man who built the foundation was called Chen Bing. The man who cast the earth was called Zhao Biao, and the woman in the real world was called Zhu Xi.

Wanhe quickly left, let the four people do what they are doing.

It seems that there is nothing to be trapped here, only cruel competition.

However, if this is the case, can people make a dead end to the war **** palace?

Ling Han looks at the blood tower in front, isn't it true that Xuanmiao is here?

Zhu Xi’s first action was already in the blood tower.

After Chen Bing and Zhao Biao hesitated, they quickly followed up.

Ling Han was not in a hurry. He turned around the tower. He found that the tower was not simple, not only a powerful implement, but also the core of a large array.

He was quiet and walked toward the gate at the bottom of the tower.

This is still to be faced.

After entering the gate, Ling Han seems to have stepped into another world, and there are Jin Ge iron horses, killing endless.

Hey, countless blood blooms in front of him. A personal head falls, not only adults, but also children, even babies, who are smashed and smashed. The scene is bloody.

Such a massacre will make normal people go crazy.

Ling Han’s nerves are extremely determined. He walked all the way from the Yuan world. Even the collapse of a world has been witnessed, and will it be distracted by such a picture?

He looked calmly and captured every detail.

Soon, he found that among the blood splashing, there were hidden symbols.

These symbols are all dark red, similar to blood, so it is impossible to find them without careful observation.

Ling Han captures these symbols and inevitably absorbs the pictures of those slaughter.

He was amazed that the original God of War was so brainwashed.

If you want to capture these symbols, you must carefully look at these slaughter pictures. The longer you spend, the more likely you will affect your mind and even your left and right personality.

Of course, it will take a long time, but this blood tower has thirty-three layers.

What else?

These seeds are all competitors, so everyone must be under great pressure, because once someone climbs to the top, everyone else will die.

This means that everyone will put a lot of time here, so it is not surprising that the heart is slowly affected and the character is gradually distorted.

Moreover, the picture in the first layer may be just a small meaning, and then the layers will be overweight. In short, the normal person must be turned into a killer.

Ling Han took a deep breath, and if that was the case, he believed that his control would be able to keep his heart unchanged.

"Okay, let's fight the law!"

Ling Han extracted all the symbols and then analyzed them in the sea.

After a while, he was amazed.

This is the first of the three forms of God of War, but it is much more complicated than the first one he learned.

The real God of War three.

Yes, yes, the God of War Palace is really generous.

Ling Han soon smiled. Anyway, they could not do without the Temple of War, and in the end, only one person could become the king of the killer. Everyone else would die. What happened to them?

He began to drill, over and over again, and when he completely mastered this style, he saw a door open silently, showing a row of stairs leading to the second floor.

This first layer, even if passed.

Ling Han smiled, he did not see Zhu Xi three people advanced from him, so they must have entered an independent space.

- He discovered before, this blood tower itself is a treasure.

Ling Han followed the steps and soon came to the second floor.

Brush, a fierce sword smashed over, terrible.

Ling Han could not help but be surprised. He quickly let the past pass, and then he found out that the person who shot this was actually a child. It looked innocent. After a blow, he immediately attacked and attacked.

It’s really hard to imagine that a child actually has such a high level of cultivation, which can make Ling Han feel some pressure. How can this be a battle of more than 20 days?

But can a child of five or six years old be so strong?

He immediately realized that this should not be a real person, but a derivative of the law.

Ling Han launched the sputum, and at first glance, he did not find the vitality of the majestic, only a cloud of turbidity.

Since it is not a real person, Ling Han naturally does not need to be scrupulous. He shot a strong shot and killed the child.

Surprisingly, although the child died, it did not dissipate, but lay like a real person, bloody, and even smell a strong **** smell.

This blood is true!

The God of War Palace is really abnormal, in order to distort the human mind, it is all the best.

Ling Han turned around in a circle, but did not find the door to the third floor to open.

What happened, didn't you pass?

Yes, he learned the first form of God of War from the first level, so he should learn the true second form of God of War here.

He looked closely, but there was no clue.

Is it?

Ling Han's gaze looked at the corpse on the ground. This is obviously illusory. It can still be dissipated after being defeated. It should be deliberately designed.

Rely, will not be so perverted?

Ling Han stunned, this turned the child's appearance to attack him, let him kill a "child", this is cruel enough, but now, the key to the second type of God of War may be on this corpse .

Also to dismember the human body?

Although this is a fake, Ling Han still raised a strong nausea, too uncomfortable.

However, Ling Han still kept his heart, he began to dissect the body.

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