Alien God System

Chapter 1473: Hit the door

Uhhhhhh... Yang Feng's sudden anger made Nangong even more silly looking at him.

Feng Yu was also stunned. He looked at Yang Feng's cold face, and then at Ximenzun, who was already unconscious on the ground, before silently stepping forward and saying, "Yang Feng, would you really admit your mistake?"

"Simon makes the steel thorns, and he also makes the steel thorns, plus a long one. There won't be such a coincidence in the world, right?"

After taking a deep breath, Yang Feng felt helpless on his face, muttering: "Brother Nangong, your hexagram is really amazing.

I was really injured in this assassination. It hurts! "


Are you really hurt?

Where is it hurt? "

Hearing his words, Nangong Yueyi and Feng Yu couldn't help but hurriedly stepped forward to check, "Is it on the back or on the belly?"


Shaking his head, Yang Feng raised his finger and pointed at his heart: "It's my heart!"


The heart injury is very serious. Could it be that this kid just attacked behind his back. Although he didn't pierce you, his strength hurt your heart? "

"Oh no!"

Nangong Yueyi and Feng Yu became even more nervous when they heard that he had a heart injury, but Yang Feng hurriedly waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "You are a little romantic, OK?

When I said my heart was hurt, it wasn't that my heart was really hurt by external force, but it was very sad.

The good brother once not only doesn't recognize me, but also comes to assassinate me, can I not sad me? "

Hi! Nangong Yueyi and Feng Yu rolled their eyes and ignored him.

"That's it, we thought you were really hurt, but it was just a sad hurt?"

"Sad heart is also heavy, okay?

Sometimes mental trauma is more dangerous than physical trauma. Do you have any sympathy? I'm all hurt. "

The corners of his mouth slumped, Yang Feng sighed bitterly, then glanced at Nangong more intently, and said indifferently: "Brother Nangong, do the math, is this person who calls himself Wu Xiao Ximen?"


After pondering a little, Nangong nodded intently, and then began a series of divination.

And this time, Nangong Yue thinks it takes a long time, and uses many different methods of divination to determine the same thing, which shows the degree of importance.

In the end, Nangong looked at Yang Feng and nodded very solemnly: "I just used eighteen algorithms to verify this matter, and the final results are consistent.

This assassin is indeed the Ximen Zun you mentioned in [Bokuge]. "

"Sure enough, he is Simon!"

His eyes sighed, Yang Feng determined to look at the unconscious figure at his feet, and then said: "Then do you know why he became like this, even I don't even know him?"

"According to the hexagram, he should be confused and incomplete."


Insufficient? "


Nodding his head, Nangong took two steps more and more intentionally: "Confusion represents many things, such as being in illusion, taking some hallucinogenic drugs, or listening to slander.

But none of these things can make a person forget the past.

But the astral is not necessarily true, because many of our memories are in the astral.

If part of the soul is extracted, part of the memory will be lost. "

"The soul is drawn?

You mean someone extracted his soul? "

Yang Feng rolled his eyes and asked again.

Nangong Yueyi nodded slightly, and continued: "There are many ways of insufficiency. For some people with weak mental power, after being frightened, part of the astral phenomenon will occur. Therefore, there is a folk healing custom called soul.

However, for a powerful cultivator like Simon, it is obvious that it is impossible to get his soul out of the body because of fright.

Moreover, this person's strength is definitely higher than that of Ximen, even much stronger.

Even more, I suspect that it is not humans who pumped his soul. "

not human?

Yang Feng thought for a while, knowing it well: "How can you see it?"

"The three souls and seven souls of human beings are not only as simple as memory storage, any one soul and one soul is out of the body, this person is definitely abnormal.

Either silly or crazy.

But now this Ximen Zun is only a memory loss, and everything else is no different from ordinary people, especially the sky-level fog attribute is originally confusing. To manipulate such a powerful energy requires a strong primordial power, which is impossible for soul insufficiency. .

It can only be said that the technique of pumping his soul is very subtle, and ordinary human experts can't reach such a level of subtlety, only..." "Okay, I know! "

Before he could say anything, Yang Feng interrupted him, his fists gradually tightened, and he murmured: "The Absolute God Sect, it's an evil god."

He knew in his heart that now the spirit world is about to be destroyed, time and space are in chaos, and the Lord God and Demon God are reluctant to manage it seriously. It is a good time for the Cthulhu Lower Realm to confuse people.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Ximenzun was taken advantage of by the evil **** to extract his soul, just like Qiu Xiaotian and Long Xiaotian.

It's just... dare to draw my brother's soul?

This Cthulhu is so courageous, he doesn't want to live anymore, right?

An icy killing intent flashed across his eyes, and Yang Feng walked out in a hurry.

When Nangong Yueyi saw them, they hurriedly followed: "Brother Yang, where are you going?"

"Go to the evil **** and get back my brother's soul."

"That... I have also heard the legend of the evil god, especially in the last years, evil is rampant. Brother Simon is indeed likely to do this evil god, but what if it is not?

Or is his memory sealed? "

"Seal a fart, what you just measured is obviously a soul insufficiency, don't you even believe in your own Gua?"

Yang Feng's urn sounded and said, Nangong smiled brightly: "Of course my hexagram is correct, but the key is, as human beings, what about finding the evil god?

No matter how evil people are, they are gods, we can't fight them.

Besides, where shall we find the evil **** who took the soul of Simon?

As for the whereabouts of the gods, my hexagrams can't be detected. Their level is too high. "

"You don't need to test, I know!"

With small angry flames in his eyes, Yang Feng grunted and said, "Isn't that the only ones who want to deal with me at this time?

Absolute God Sect

Humph, I made him completely extinct! "

On the other hand, Yueqing and the others were enclosing the hall, kneeling and worshiping a statue with nine ferocious heads. After the ceremony, Yueqing looked up at the sky outside the house and muttered, “It’s been so long, then Why hasn't the Fog Owl Protection Law returned yet?

Will something happen? "

"how is this possible?

Wu Xiao’s protection law came and went without a trace, and even the super-class family of the holy mountain did not notice him getting in, so relying on that stinky boy, how could it be possible to keep him?

Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "

Hahaha! As soon as these words came out, everyone present laughed together, as if they had already eliminated the two powerful enemies, Yang Feng and Feng Yu, but... There was a loud noise and the door shattered. Yang Feng stepped in and roared: "Yueqing, you guys from the Heavenly God Sect, are you bullying Lao Tzu brothers?

Get out of here, call out the evil **** behind you, I will settle accounts with him! "

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