Alien God System

Chapter 1474: Rolling

"Tu Ganglie, why is he still alive?"

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking together, and Yueqing and the others were immediately shocked.

"Could it be...Mist Owl's protection law missed?"

At this time, someone called again after thinking about it.

The eyes of Yueqing and others must have suddenly sank their hearts.

With Wu Xiao's strength, he can miss, isn't this Tu Ganglie even more difficult to deal with?

bump! But they didn't have time to think about what to do next. With a loud noise, Yang Feng had already kicked Yueqing's big face plate with a kick, and kicked him out instantly.

"This foot is for my brother!"

puff! Yueqing spewed out a deep red mouth, still flying upside down in the air, and then there was a loud bang, and his whole body seemed to be crushed by a high mountain, and the whole body suddenly fell into the ground.

The strong shock wave shook the entire yard ups and downs continuously.

Yueqing, a powerful man of the second-order peak martial king, had no resistance to Yang Feng's monster-like strength.

Although there is a big gap between the second-order and the third-order, is it really that big?

Everything came too abruptly, and it ended between the electric light and flint. The gang of little brothers in Yueqing were dumbfounded throughout the whole process, not seeing what Yang Feng did.

When they came back to their senses and looked around, they saw that at this moment, Yueqing, the strongest boss among them, was already dying by Yang Feng's foot.

Suddenly, everyone's hearts were shocked, and they were too scared to move.

Yang Feng's eyes were indifferent. He stared at Yueqing, whose face was covered in blood stained below. From time to time, he glanced at the Cthulhu statue beside him that they hadn't had time to put away, and muttered: "You are from the Juetian God Cult?

Is this the evil **** you worship? "

"How do you know..." A suspicion flashed in Yueqing's eyes, but he quickly understood something, and was shocked: "Mist Owl Protector was caught by you?

What did he say? "

Without answering him, Yang Feng just turned his head and fixed his eyes on the idol and said: "Go, call me the boss behind you, I have something to talk to him."

"Bold, what are you? Our Lord God is what you want to see..." Touch! As soon as Yueqing heard this, his face was full of sarcasm, but he hadn't finished speaking. Yang Feng had already raised his foot directly and kicked his face fiercely. He immediately kicked his mouth and teeth in half. child.

"I want to see your boss, what kind of dog are you, are you qualified to reject me on behalf of your boss?"

Never before, the young master Yue from Yueqing, was so bullied.

But now Yang Feng just stepped on his head with one foot and kicked his face with the other foot, but he had no choice but to stare at Yang Feng fiercely with bitter eyes.

Yang Feng ignored it, but coldly gave an ultimatum: "If you don't cooperate, there will be no value in living."

As he said, the foot on which Yang Feng stepped on him was already lifted, but it suddenly exuded a very heavy force, and then stepped on it slowly.

Yueqing's pupils suddenly slammed, already fully aware of the weight of this foot, which is probably the weight of the tens of thousands of mountains.

If this is really suppressed, his head will definitely be trampled on.

Suddenly, Yueqing became frightened and screamed: "Yang Feng, do you dare?

You will not end well if you kill our Judean God! "

Ignoring it, Yang Feng's foot didn't mean to stop.

"Okay, I surrender, I am afraid of you, I will invite you to teach me the King of Heaven, as long as you don't regret it then!"

squeak! The sole of his foot stopped in the air, and then slowly moved aside. Yang Feng gave a look at Yueqing, who had fallen to the ground and was repaired in a miserable manner, and ordered: "What are you doing so stupidly? Why don't you hurry up? "

Well! The heart was stagnant, and Yueqing dared to be angry and didn't dare to speak. He could only drag a wound, and crawled away from the demon Yang Feng, and ran to his friends.

When everyone saw that Young Master Yueqing was not dead, they immediately greeted them with a caring expression, and asked: "Young Master Yue, are you okay?"

Poppa...a series of slapped slaps, one after another.

Yueqing glared at them fiercely, and roared, "Is this young man like this now?

Also, you bastards, where were you when my son was just beaten?

Don't know to help? "

"Lesson, you forgive me.

You know the situation just now, even if a few of us got on, we couldn't beat him.

It is better to keep a useful body, in order to avenge you in the future, even if you collect a corpse, lest you become a lonely ghost. "

"what did you say?"

The younger brothers all held their flushed cheeks, very aggrieved.

When Yueqing heard it, his lungs were almost exploded with anger.

These sons of a **** usually scream so much that they are so diligent, but when the critical moment comes, they will only protect themselves one by one, and they are all unreliable. I'm really going... "There is no end, hurry up Call me your boss!"

Yue Qing really wanted to greet the eighteenth generation of these people's ancestors, but before he had time to speak, Yang Feng, who was not far away, was already impatiently urging.

There was no way, Yueqing had to suppress his anger, glared at the crowd fiercely, and shouted: "My son will ask you to settle accounts later. Let's open the altar and invite God first."

"Lesson, you really want to invite Lord Juetian God King out for him?"

Hearing what he said, someone couldn't help but feel anxious, as if hesitating.

Yueqing gave him a fierce look and cursed: "Otherwise, what should I do?

Looking at him like this, it seems that if you don't invite Lord Juetian God King out today, we don't even want to leave alive.

Damn, the public order of this super-class family is also problematic. This kid just made such a big disturbance here, why no one came out to take care of it? "


After taking a deep breath, the man thought for a while, and then said: "But a month ago, Lord Juetian God King once ordered us to ask him to show miracles as little as possible when it is not a last resort.

If we rush out, Lord God King blames us, but what should we do? "

"Is there any way to do this? It's a last resort now!"

Rolling his eyes, Yueqing took another careful look at Yang Feng, his eyes flashed with cold light, and gritted his teeth: "This stinky boy wants to see our lord god, we will invite his old man out.

By then, no matter how strong this kid is, there will be no place to bury him, hum. "

With that said, Yueqing is already preparing for the god-inviting ceremony.

After his little friends pondered a little, they also got busy with him.

When everything was ready, Yueqing and others began to worship three times and nine knocks, and they were still chanting some weird spells in their mouths. It was probably a signal made with that evil god.

Yang Feng just stared coldly, waiting for the evil **** to come.

A quarter of an hour later, the wind was surging, and the temperature in this small courtyard began to drop extremely quickly, and a gloomy cold air pierced people's hearts.

Nangong Yueyi shuddered and felt a deep fear for no reason...

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