Alien God System

Chapter 1948: Double agent

Well! Her heart stagnated, Alice's face instantly sank, and her eyes turned around: "What do you mean, I don't understand."

"Come on, since you first appeared, I have discovered that your whole body is performing the techniques of lust!"


You... how do you know this practice? "

Alice was startled and unbelievable: "This ancient technique has long been lost, and now the only one who knows this magical power is..." Yang Feng squinted his eyes and stared at her, his ears moved, and he immediately understood: "Did you learn it from Demon?"

"Sure enough, you too..." "I am not."

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng couldn't help but sneered: "Is the kung fu of the three-legged cat of Yu Demon worthy of teaching me?

Moreover, his so-called **** tactics are at best **** tactics, which are not in the elegant hall.

The reason why I know so much about the **** tactics is because I have cultivated a full set of exercises, which are not comparable to the fragmented pieces of the demon. "

"That's it, it's no wonder you don't get a set."

Nodded clearly, and Alice smiled bitterly: "So in the world, your attitude towards me is completely pretended?"

"Yes, I just want to see what your spy wants to do when he comes to me."

With a cold smile, Yang Feng said with a clear understanding of his chest: "Now I know, it is to take me to the lower realm, and separate from the interns, so as to cooperate with the killers and kill me.

Even you will sacrifice hue and attack me sneakily when I put down all my defenses. "

Without speaking, Alice frowned, seeming to have acquiesced.

Yang Feng looked at her intently, and then asked, "Whose one are you?"

"True God!"

Alice's eyes condensed and she said: "I am a spy of the true **** who will walk in the world. This time the true **** will give me the order to let me seduce you, because they heard that you are a tramp, so let me find a way. Leading you into the true **** will have been in the ambush ring arranged in the mortal world, making you hard to escape."

"So that's the case, then the plane just now was your ambush ring, and the seven fugitives who escaped from the path of hungry ghosts are the killers that the true **** will buy.

If these desperadoes kill me, the true **** will be able to choose from this matter, right? "

"No, that's not the ambush of the true gods."

"What, isn't the ambush of the true gods?"

Unable to help, Yang Feng was also stunned: "Then why did those killers come?

Was it really bad luck, did you run into these fugitives? "

With a wry smile, Alice shook her head: "I don't know that, anyway, there is not a place where the true **** will let me take you.

However, at that critical juncture, the Heavenly Gate that returned to the God Realm was actually closed, thinking about it and knowing who was behind it. "

After taking a deep breath, Yang Feng looked at the boundless sky and understood: "This time even the Asura Dao has been shot, but it is not convenient for them to do so, so they bought these wanted criminals, but the Asura God is not the one Are you responsible for catching these wanted criminals?"

"That's why it is easier for them to control these wanted criminals and use them for them."

She raised her brows, and Alice sneered.

Yang Feng nodded appreciatively, and then asked: "It's just that I still don't understand. Why did you save me just now?

That was not the ambush place of the True God Society just now. You left me there and killed me with the hands of those fugitives from the Hungry Ghost Road. Wouldn't it be great?

It saves you trouble.

Why did you hurt yourself to save me? "

"Because..." After thinking about it a little, Alice suddenly smiled evilly: "My task is to make sure that your internship on the human world is safe and sound!"


His body shook, and Yang Feng couldn't help but stunned again: "Aren't you someone who really knows you? This time you are going to cooperate with them to kill me, why...Whose one are you?"

"I'm a true master, but..." A witty smile crossed the corner of her mouth, and Alice said lightly, "I also have a part-time job in the fellowship!"

"How come... you are a double agent?"

"Yes, I am not only a spy for the True God Society, but also a spy for the Fellowship Association.

For so many years, I have been serving the True God Society and have caused a lot of harm to my fellow villagers, but this was done with the acquiescence of President Vincent.

But this time, President Vincent asked me to ensure your safety, even if you reveal your identity, you will not hesitate.

It can be seen that your status in the hometown association is really high.

A spy like me under the direct leadership of President Vincent will sacrifice for you at any time.

Are you... such a baby? "

Alice laughed, her smile full of teasing, she seemed to think that Yang Feng was no big deal, how could the security level be so high?

Yang Feng was stunned to hear it. He never expected that this femme fatale would be her bodyguard in the human world, and she was also an undercover who hid her opponent's camp.

It seems that in the entire God Realm, the two camps have already laid out an overall situation, and the outsider who has just entered the realm of the God Realm has a very shallow foundation.

Call! With a long breath, Yang Feng silently stepped forward and used the law of time and space to recover the injury on her arm.

Alice stared at him tightly, knowing that he had completely trusted herself, and immediately smiled: "You trusted me so soon?

How do you know what I just said is true?

What if I just want to use a beautiful trick to harm you? "

"I am a simple man, and I believe what beautiful women say."

Yang Feng grinned, innocent, but in fact he used his own voice, which he had already tested.

In this entire God Realm, except for those peerless masters with great strength, it is impossible for ordinary people to lie in front of Yang Feng, and even less for the little master **** of the human world.

It's just this, Alice didn't know, seeing that Yang Feng could trust her unconditionally without being affected by her lust, her heart immediately warmed.

"Fool, this is the first time I have seen a man as innocent as you.

Do you know that you will suffer a lot in the God Realm like this. "

Are you a fool?

How can a man like Lao Tzu be innocent but not dead yet?

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng secretly smiled.

Alice sighed long, and said leisurely: "Doing our business, I have paid too much, and I rarely trust others.

I am still a little relieved that what I said today was accepted by others. "

"Then how did you get into this business?

How can **** teach you lust?

Are you his apprentice? "

Yang Feng shrugged noncommittal and asked again, but it was... Click! With a clenched fist, Alice's eyes suddenly became savage, as if she wanted to eat people, and at the same time, there was a deep grief that persisted...

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