Alien God System

Chapter 1949: Humiliation

In the beginning, this bright and beautiful Alice is just a little death **** of hungry ghosts.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't have a background, she wants to be promoted and raise her salary and reach the pinnacle of her life.

There are so many outstanding civil servants in Liudao who want to climb up and cross the single-plank bridge. You don't have any outstanding points. Why do you want to climb up?

However, Alice was still unwilling. She was proud and arrogant. She had already had enough of the days of being a prison guard in Hungry Ghost Road.

She wanted to ascend to the upper three realms, facing the real sunshine, not the lower three realms, which was the haze of lonely ghosts all day long, and the sun could not be seen above her head.

At this time, the desire in her heart was seen through by the Demon, and the Demon seduced her. As long as she was willing to commit herself to herself, she promised to pass on her lifelong knowledge and help her dream come true.

At first, Alice still hesitated. She was a prison guard who was hungry, how could she be the black boss' plaything?

It's a pity, seeing those same class students who graduated from Sanctuary College flew up and down, unattainable, Alice jealous, and finally gritted her teeth and agreed.

At this point, Alice, the official **** of death in the six realms, has become an indescribable object of venting in the hands of Demon.

The **** demon carried out cruel and inhumane torture, and Alice endured them one by one in order to become a master and stay away from the lower three realms.

In the end, Demon also fulfilled his promise, and passed his imperfect, half-bottled **** tactic to Alice, but only part of it.

He made Alice into a beloved stunner, with absolute attraction to the opposite sex, unless the other party's realm is extremely high, or the soul power is extremely strong, can withstand her temptation.

Otherwise, she will be obsessed with Alice and become a minister under the skirt.

However, this kind of super attractiveness is a passive skill, completely unsolvable.

Because of this strange attraction, Alice has attracted the favor of many gods, and her career has also been steady, and her promotion and salary increase are like a rocket.

Even sometimes, she only needs one look, and many male gods will rush to do her best.

Alice was quite satisfied with the life of the stars holding the moon, but soon, bad luck came.

Because she was so attractive, that the male gods who pursued her began to fight, especially the second generation of officials, who were able to fight to death.

This moment, aroused the anger of all the wealthy members of the God Realm, all complaining that it was a rosy face and harmed their children and grandchildren, so she was sent to purgatory and suffered inhuman torture.

Even in the purgatory prison, she was harassed and abused by the evil spirits because of her extreme attraction of the opposite sex.

That period can be said to be the most unbearable past for Alice.

The princess, who was competing to flatter her from the wealthy, instantly became a rag that everyone spurned, and all her future was ruined.

At this time, she felt regret, and she couldn't bear the power of Demon.

Once upon a time, she entrusted her former colleague in Hungry Ghost Dao to send a message to Demon, hoping that he could help her unlock this weird power. She never wanted to chase the fame and fortune that did not belong to her anymore, but Demon’s reply was only a line Sneered.

"You asked me before, but now you want to return it, I won't accept it, idiot, Jie Jie Jie."

At this time, Alice realized that she had been tricked by the seduce.

Demon had long anticipated her situation today, and the more rewards beyond her ability demanded, the deeper the final backlash hurt.

In the end, she is just a plaything for **** for pleasure.

By controlling her, Demon caused a small riot in the six realms of the gods. Although it was harmless, it was also an old pervert like Demon who was happy to see it.

He ruined the future of a **** of death, indirectly played a trick on the powerful families of Liu Dao, killed their offspring, and also raised his reputation as a lust.

However, there is no way to the world, and soon Alice’s nobleman appeared, the ancient protoss, the president of the hometown association, Vincent.

Vincent admired the attraction of the opposite **** like Alice. He was able to get her out through special powers, changed her face, and rearranged her to be the main **** of the human world.

The purpose is to let her do things for her fellow villagers with her charm of the opposite sex.

And Alice did not disappoint. With the attractiveness that made many men crazy, she quickly penetrated into the True God Society and became a spy of the True God Society.

At this point, the double agent Alice wandered between the two organizations, apparently knowing how to do things for the true god, and repeatedly making great achievements, but in the dark is Vincent's ambush pawn.

Of course, her strong attraction of the opposite **** is a double-edged sword and can do things, but it is also a trouble.

Vincent gave her an artifact that can shield her attraction, but obviously it was not completely shielded.

Otherwise, when she went to the Shura God Customs, Alice should have completely retracted her attraction so that there would be no riots.

But in fact, where Alice is now, although there are very few scenes where male gods fight for him, it still causes some fluctuations.

Those gods with low spirit power and insufficient realm will still be affected by her passive passion... Taking a deep breath and spitting it out again, Alice remained silent for a long time, thinking about the past one by one in her mind, but she couldn't bear to look back.

Yang Feng stared at her tightly, his ears moved lightly, and patted her hands back and said: "Forget it, I don't want to say it, let me just ask, don't take it too seriously."

"Thank you, you are so understanding."

With a slight smile, Alice cast a grateful look at him.

In fact, she really doesn't want to mention these old things anymore, they are all sad things.

But Yang Feng has to ask again and again, if he wants to win the trust of him, he has to say that this is the biggest knot in Alice's heart.

Fortunately, Yang Feng was quite reasonable and didn't ask, which made Alice feel good about him.

But how did she know that although she didn't say anything, she had already thought about everything in her heart. Yang Feng has the supernatural power of the Voice of Everything. As long as she was thinking back, Yang Feng could hear it, and she didn't need to repeat it. Again.

In this way, Yang Feng not only understood the ins and outs, but also gained the reputation of being a good gentleman. Why not?


Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng heard that Alice had a good impression of herself, and immediately added another effort to win over the hearts of the people: "You are not proficient with your **** tactics, otherwise it will not cause riots at the gates of the world. , That shouldn't be your intentional, extra-junction."

Well! Frowning her brows and lowering her head, Alice didn't know how to explain, because once she explained it, she had to go back to the past. This was the trauma she didn't want to face anymore.

But after hearing Yang Feng didn't ask anything at all, he just said indifferently: "I will teach you a tactic, so that you can take this **** tactic freely."


The eyes lit up, and Alice was overjoyed immediately, her eyes looking at Yang Feng were shining with strange brilliance...

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