Alien God System

Chapter 1989: Win one more


Di Ablo was stunned, looked at Yang Feng puzzledly, and then at the fire of **** in his hand, saying: "Am I the demon **** of this plane, don't you know?

Only the Demon God can match the fire of hell, is this unclear?

You hillbilly! "

"Of course I know that the fire of **** is exclusive to the demon god, but what I want to make sure now is whether you are the Diablo I know!"

Yang Feng emphasized it again, his expression very serious.

When Di Abro saw this, it was even stranger.

Generally these gods and ghosts who are making trouble in the mortal world are afraid of their own **** fire, but why is this kid's focus different from other ghosts and gods?

He doesn't care about the power of my hellfire, but cares about my identity?

Looking at Yang Feng deeply, Di Abro thought about it for a long time. If he didn't understand, he stopped thinking about it, and shouted: "If you want to be acquainted, surrender immediately, or you can stop blaming the old man for being rude."

"If you are aware of the current affairs, show your face to Lao Tzu, don't hide in that dark atmosphere, look shameless, or you will be at your own risk."

Yang Feng was not afraid, and said **** for tat.

However, this is also normal. Before Yang Feng was in the mortal world and his strength was not as good as Di Abro, he dared to challenge this demon.

Now that the strength is soaring, after the realm is improved, all the demon gods in the **** road have long been surpassed, will they still be softened to the bottom demon **** of Di Abro?

Isn't this the more you live, the more you go back! But Di Abro still doesn't know the grievance between the two people. When he saw Yang Feng so arrogant, Dang Even sneered: "Okay, very good, it seems that you want to disperse in this flame."

call! The terrifying **** fire burst immediately, burning the entire sky almost melted, Di Ablo is high-spirited, but he still needs to take action, Wen Liang can't help but yell: "Teacher, he also refines The fire of hell, this fire of **** is useless to him, I just tried it.

If it works, how could I end up like this? "


My heart was stagnant, and the flames of **** in the sky were suddenly closed, and Di Abro was silent.

But after a while, Di Abro was full of jealousy: "Don't worry about being gentle, even if you don't need the fire of hell, the old man is a great demon.

He still cleaned up with **** magic. "

"Teacher, he is a forbidden technique for cultivating the Heavenly Dao. I just can't deal with him with the Heavenly Dao Divine Art. Your Hell Dao... Do you know how to ban it?"


Suddenly, Di Abro in the sky was silent again, and this time he was silent for a longer period of time and remained silent.

Yang Feng raised his head and kept watching. After waiting for a long time, he reluctantly shook his head and turned to the gentleman who was lying on the ground: "I said that you, a student, don't always attack your tutor's fighting enthusiasm. If you do this again Going on, I'm afraid he will run away with his tail caught in a while.

I understand him, and I am very persuaded.

I won't care about you when I start running. "

Yes, the teacher ran away, who will save me?

If this kid wants to kill me, wouldn't I die badly?

Hearing Yang Feng's words, Wen Liang nodded his head appreciatively, and then snarled up to the sky: "Don't be discouraged, his soul is now severely injured and his soul power is very weak, you can rely on this..." "Aha, it turns out that his soul is injured Now, it’s easy to handle, the soul shock!"

However, the gentle words were not finished yet, Di Abro had already laughed, like a cannonball, swooping down towards Yang Feng on the ground, and roared: "Smelly boy, do you think the wounded soul Is it safe to hide in this human body?

This human body can't stop the shock of Lao Tzu's soul, watch Lao Tzu rush you to death, hahaha! "

Di Ablo smiled happily, Yang Feng looked up at the deja vu scene, also smiled, smiled heartily, and he was eager to beat the whip in his hand.

The gentle gentleman who was limp on the ground was dumbfounded. He kept shaking his head, crying without tears: "No, mentor, he has a whip in his hand. You will be beaten to death by him if you rush over. That's how he was yawned."


Who is he?

Why not only have the exclusive weapon of our demon god, the fire of hell, but also the exclusive artifact of the hungry ghost, the **** of death, and the whip? "

"I don't know, anyway, this kid is very evil!"

"You didn't say it earlier?"

Di Abro was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped his impulsive body.

Wen Liang was also very aggrieved: "Before I finished speaking, you rushed down. Are you anxious?

I want you to focus on his weakness and think of other ways to control him, without letting you just rush down so bachelor! "

"Lao Tzu, who is a mentor, was killed by your little **** today!"

Di Ablo was so angry that he cursed, and at the same time tried to stop the momentum.

Finally, under the strength of his breastfeeding effort, he finally stopped at a distance of 500 meters from Yang Feng.

Looking at Yang Feng's evil smile in the distance, and the murderous stick in his hand, Di Ablo couldn't help sighing.

Fortunately, I stopped. I didn't stupidly rush to the opponent's butcher knife, but... A flicker, somehow, Di Ablo's spirit came to Yang Feng in an instant, and then...touch! With a loud noise, Di Abro's eyes went dark and he passed out completely.

After not knowing how long he waited, when he opened his eyes again, he felt pain in his whole body, and weakly didn't even have the strength to lift a finger, and he lay on the ground softly and convulsively.

Next to him, the intern he took was gentle, lying side by side with him.

"This... what happened?"

"Tutor, I still haven't told you any information. His Heavenly Dao Forbidden Technique is about the law of time and space.

He just moved you to him in an instant, your **** law level is too low to resist his heavenly forbidden technique. "

"Mom sells batches, why are you talking now!"

"I didn't expect that he has so many assassins on him. I didn't have time to tell you all. You were already caught by him, alas."

Wen Liang shook his head and sighed, but at this moment, when the gate of the ancestral hall opened, Yang Feng walked in while coughing: "Di Abro, are you awake?

Cough cough cough..." After Yang Feng beat the two people's spirits to weak and disabled, he threw them into the ancestral hall to imprison them, and now he heard their conversation and walked in immediately.

Just looking at Di Abro's familiar face, Yang Feng was still a little dazed: "Di Abro, it's really you, you're not dead?"

"Uh... who are you?

do you know me? "

Di Abro was also very dumbfounded. Who is this man, not only is his strength terribly strong, but he also seems to be familiar with him, but he doesn't know him at all.

Yang Feng didn't speak, but he muttered for a while and said, "Are you still partnering with Two Faces God?"

"Yeah, we have been together for a long time."

"Then this is... the spirit world?"

"This is what a human is called."

Di Ablo blinked his big innocent eyes, and Yang Feng clenched his fists, as if he understood something...

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